Chapter 25: Japan?
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Emperor Len felt the light dim and slowly opened his eyes to look at the center of the pentagram.


“What the fuck is this!?” He blurted out as he took a couple of steps back.


In the center of the pentagram stood a large 2 meter shining demon, or at least, that’s what it looked like to him.


The demon's head swiveled around as a blue light scanned the whole arena. Finally, the head stopped and stared at him.


It raised its arm near instantly as energy began gathering at the front.


“Identify or be executed based on Military Law 3 of the Imperium by Major Han!” A young, yet robotic voice spoke loudly from the demon.


“I am Emperor Len of Xerpor, are you a human from Earth or a demon from another dimension?” Emperor Len felt his body shiver. The last time the foreigners were summoned was a couple of thousand years ago. Did they maybe evolve, or was it that he had accidentally summoned some otherworldly demon?


The demon seemed to think for a minute before the energy was dispersed and it lowered its arm.


Then, it’s torso opened as it revealed a young man in a red uniform.


Emperor Len let out a sigh of relief, it was indeed a human. He looked curiously as the young man carefully exited the demon and the torso closed.


He stared as the young man came over and put his open hand to his forehead, he guessed that it was some sort of salute as he did his own salute by placing his fist near his heart.


“You are Emperor Len of Xerpor, where is this?” The young man asked casually.


“This is my Xerpor Empire, I shall explain everything to you shortly, may I get your name?” The young man raised an eyebrow as curiosity flashed in his eyes.


“I am Han Su, Major of the Earth Interstellar Imperium Mech Elite.” Han Su looked at Emperor Len for the usual recognition and fear people had towards him.


But Emperor Len disappointed him, all Emperor Len revealed was slight shock and confusion. But this reaction let a bit of fear into Han Su which he quickly shook away.


“Is Hero Han not from the country known as Japan?” This time it was Han Su’s turn to become stunned.


“Japan? Japan was probably a country that was destroyed 1299 years ago during the Great Earth Unification.” Han Su stared at Emperor Len. Clearly it was not the first time that someone had been summoned from Earth.


Emperor Len nodded indifferently, it didn’t matter to him which country he was from, only that he worked for him.



“It has been done.” Azura sighed as she started in the direction of the capital. In fact, every Magus above the Acolyte rank stared in that direction. Those who were weaker only noticed that something happened, but didn’t know where. While those who were strong could clearly feel where it happened.


Suddenly, the door to Azura’s room was opened with force.


“What was that? Was that the summoning?” Amelia had come in with Wilhelm.


Wilhelm told her not to bother Azura, but she just didn’t listen to him.


Although Wilhelm knew that something had happened in the direction of the capital, he didn’t know what it was, so when Amelia mentioned a summoning, he was alarmed.


“Indeed, only a summoning could cause that amount of disturbance.” Azura stood up from her bed and began packing her things.


“W..What are you doing?” Amelia asked, somewhat frightened.


“I only came here to see how the magic worked, now that I know how it works, I’m going to try and head to the Northern continent and then towards Sibir.” Azura spoke as she tossed her things into a suitcase.


“Uh..Uhm.. uhhm.. A..Azura.. C..can we-” Amelia’s flustered stuttering was cut off by Azura. “Of course you're coming with me, even if you didn’t want to come, I’d force you. As for Wilhelm, you can also come if you want.”


Amelia immediately revealed a happy face. “I’m going to go pack too!” She ran out as quickly as she could, only leaving Azura and Wilhelm behind.


“Empress.. I.. I will also go pack!” Wilhelm’s face was completely flushed as he rushed out. A rare opportunity like following Azura was only something seen once every couple of millions of years, he would be a fool to reject it.


“Space” Azura nodded to herself as she waved her hand and a black rift appeared. She casually tossed the suitcase in.


After waiting for an hour, Wilhelm and Amelia both returned to Azura's room only to see a large black rift in the middle of the room.


Behind the rift, on the bed, Azura told them to put all their belongings into the rift and they gladly agreed. Who would want to carry luggage?


“Great, let’s go in the morning, I want to sleep.” She yawned and covered herself with a blanket as Wilhelm and Amelia walked back to their own rooms.