008: Darkbark Alley
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Her eyes were busy wandering here and there, amazed by the little zoo hidden beneath Sleethallow Town when she almost bumped into the wall. Most of the inhabitants of Sleethallow Town would never guess what’s under their town, it was a well-kept secrets in the animals’ world.

“Was the wall more good looking than I am, kitty?” Salmon teased her. Luna couldn’t help but rolled her eyes, this cat is too delusional.

‘Even my neighbor’s blind cat is more handsome than you.’

To their left was a small alley not higher than four foot. The alley led to a stair and down heading to a chamber. The air was getting colder as they went further down. Lanterns were lighted and hanged abundantly on the wall.

One hundred steps later, as she counted – the cold alley came to an end. Stood before them was another door guarded by a pack of fierce-looking dogs. They barked at the sight of Salmon and Luna as if they were facing their mortal enemy.

Salmon, being an expert he is, threw few pieces of cookies onto the floor, away from the door. The pack of dogs ran towards the cookie and fight for the cookies. Salmon grinned in victory as he opened the unguarded door and led her inside.

“After you, my lady.” Salmon bowed his head to Luna.

Inside the chamber was more pack of dogs, gambling in a circle with what looked like rocks where they sat on the corner of the room. At the center of their circle were pieces of bones and cookies, which she guessed would be their bet.

In contrary to the noisy pack of dogs, a fierce-looking, burly dog was sitting alone far on one side, he and his luxurious purple pillow. As burly as he was, he still reminded Luna of her aunt’s Chihuahua – small, but fierce. Small like a Chihuahua, but as burly as a bulldog.

‘Maybe a crossed breed? A pug? But his tooth…. Chihuahua? ’ Luna kept on thinking about what breed the dog is.

His drool ran down his mouth as he snarled at Salmon furiously. Luna, being a cat she was at the moment, felt the furs on her tails stood up at the sight of the angry dog. Almost hissing, she tried very hard to control her cat’s instinct.

“Not today, Salmon.” Silvertooth snapped, he was still baring his sharp tooth.

“I’m not here for a duel, Silvertooth,” Salmon said, he strode towards him and sat down, his tongue licking his furs. “I have a guest with me. She wished to speak with you.”

“A guest?” Silvertooth turned to Luna and sniffed her. His face frowned with disgust. “You reeked, human. Speak, to what did I owe you a visit?”

He growled as he spoke, baring his sharp tooth at her, threatening to rip her if she dares to make any malicious move. His breath smelled like rotten cabbage. Luna was so tempted to suggest to him the Breathless Potion she saw at the market, one that hides your breath.

“I am on a quest to find Ginger. Her human sent me to look for her.” Remembering Salmon’s advice to her, she replied as friendly as she could, careful enough not to spill her thoughts.

“Ginger?” He slumped back on the pillow, his face was distressed. “Ginger.”

He muttered the name a few times, and Luna nodded again and again.

'Was this dog deaf?’

It was only when she explained about Ginger’s disappearance and the quest she received that Silvertooth finally sighed and stare at the floor for a long time, as if a heavy rock was placed on top of his head. Signaling the other dogs to leave the chamber, he lifted the pillow and pried inside, taking out a parchment of paper and passed it over to her.


[If you want to see her again, bring twenty Friskie fish to the abandoned cottage by the Ruin of Regrets four days from now.]

“Twenty Friskie fish??!” Salmon shrieked, his hand trembling with anger. “I have to risk one of my nine lives just to reach Hollowground Graveyard to fish for a night, and I would be lucky to reach there alive before I can even reel my fishing rod. He’s asking for twenty!! In four days!”

“Either way, I’m resolute to head to Hollowground this evening.” Silvertooth insisted, his eyes now staring at the door, as if he wanted to rush out at any second.

“But its too dangerous to travel after dark.” Said Salmon, he shook his head for few times, disagreeing with his decision.

“For the love of Ginger, I will be willing to sacrifice my life.” Silvertooth crumpled the letter and threw it to the ground.

“I don’t know how risky that is,” Luna looked at the depressed and lovesick dog sitting on the pillow and said, “but I’m coming with you.”

“No, don’t. This is none of your business. It's too risky for you.” Silvertooth murmured in a low, depressing voice, although his eyes were gleaming with hope.

“Silvertooth, she’s different. She’s stronger than any of us.” Salmon explained as he threw a glance at Luna, “and she owed me two Friskie fish. So either way, she’ll be going.”

Determined to complete her quest, Luna convinced Silvertooth again to let her join the rescue mission

“Fine, if you’re so keen on going, I might as well use you well. So, are you willing to assist me in saving Ginger?”



The Missing Pet II


  • You found out where Ginger had been to, and she had been kidnapped. Silvertooth had requested for your assistance to save Ginger.

Accept or reject?

Naturally, when my hands are back instead of paws. I’ll accept it.”

The three of them will head to Hollowground Graveyard this evening, meeting at the Sleethallow Bridge right after dusk when the first night guard makes their round.

Hollowground Graveyard, as the name said, is a graveyard. But what makes it more dreadful to Luna was that it wasn’t haunted by floating ghosts who sat down at their grave and wept, but rather vengeful ghouls and undead skeletons roaming in the graveyard. They came to life every night, and harmed anyone present in the graveyard. It was their never-ending cycle of death to either to be killed that night or dissolved into dust at dawn. When night comes, they will be revived again.

The Friskie fish live abundantly in the lake within the graveyard, though to catch one, one has to risk their lives of fighting with the skeletons and monsters all night. Even for Salmon, whom half of his life were dedicated to Friskie fish – found it to be a very dangerous, yet tempting task. For a fellow feline like him, fighting against skeletons and monsters is not easy. In fact, he had lost two of his nine lives before, all for the sake of eating Friskie fish.

That is until he met Luna, his knight in shining armor, his dream-come-true. The moment he spoke to Luna, Salmon was determined to befriend. It was rare to meet a human who can speak the language of the animals.

Silvertooth and Salmon, who were far more familiar with the graveyard, assigned Luna to the most important task. She will be fighting with the skeletons and monsters. Being a human she is, Luna possessed more strength than the two animals. With Luna fighting against the skeletons and monsters, they were convinced that they’ll at least came back alive.

Luna took a look at her companions, a mere canine and a feline, and felt helpless and pitiful for them. For her love of animals, she swore to protect them and rescue Ginger. With that thought in mind, Luna headed to the store to buy more items she thought she will need for the three nights’ trip. The day was almost coming to an end, she had to rush to buy her supplies.

A tent, a blanket, new clothes, food rations, weapons….’

Luna frowned when she counted the money she had. Is it enough?

“Salmon,” She asked him before they departed. “Do you know where to buy a weapon?”

“What? A weapon? Why are you spending so much gold on a murder weapon? Can’t you just wave your hand and cast a spell? Do you know you can pick up like, branches or stone off the road for free, right?”

“Salmon,” She spoke again, her round eyes bulging with disbelief. “Is that how you fight against skeletons and monsters? And for your information, I can’t cast a spell.”

‘No wonder you had to die twice, poor Salmon…’

Salmon turned white when he looked at her, his jaw dropped.

“You mean…You don’t know any spells or sorcery? But I thought you were….” He gasped, “I mean, you could talk with us. Ah, never mind. So much for shattering my sweet dream.”

Salmon waved her goodbye, his head low, occupied with heavy grief. Luna chuckled, she might have misled the two fellows.

“I mean, it's just talking with animals. I bet anyone can do that…”