Cruising and Crushing
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"Aaahhh... good morning to the world. The sun is shining brightly. The air is nice and crisp."

"Fresh, unpolluted air. Untouched by the poisons of industrialization.... What a nice day it is."

"Okay... let's get this day started! First, clean myself up. And then breakfast. The most important meal of the day."


"Thank you, whoever you are that healed my legs! Finally... I can finally take a shower on my own easily. No more ropes or any contraptions needed to take a bath. Nice."

"And with that's done, let's check what we have for breakfast."

"Okay. Let's check out the pantry, what's inside...."

"Well, that's a downer. I only have these ration bars on one of the cabinets. Not even a piece of moldy bread."

"Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Here we go!"


"Oh god! This thing is... is fucking terrible! What the hell is this thing, cardboard? It has no taste at all. None. Even distilled water has more flavor than this!"

"Urgh! It's so dry, too. Need water... fast."

'Glugh. Glugh. Glugh.'

"Aaaaahhh... pure, sweet water. And it REALLY has more flavor than the fucking ration bars."

"It's fucking water, for fuck's sake! How can something taste less than plain tap water?"

"Never mind. I'll just find something else to eat later. But for now... I'll to endure this shitty cardboard of a ration bar."

"Bleurgh! God fucking dammit!"


Okay... now that I'm watered and... fed... 'Shudder' I'll need to plan out what to do.

First off... I don't have any Power Points and Matter. Matter used in the fabricator to manufacture items. Power Points required for research and upgrade.

Second, the nearest settlement here is... oh lordy... 300 kilometers. If I travel at full speed with my Mobile Yard, that would take me 10 hours to reach. But I know I can't travel at that speed in a straight line uninterrupted. There are no roads from here to there, that reduces my travel speed. And I can't go there in a straight line, the ground is uneven and has obstructions. And I'm going to be attacked by Devourers and the local monsters. There's nothing I can do now but to plow through with it.

Well... I can get Power Points and Matter that way. Hmmm... I should take every chance to harvest more Power Points and Matter. And I need a lot of those.


That means my day-long drive has turned into a long slog.

And now I have guests in the form of a pack of Devourers. Mostly melee types, but there are some spike-shooters in the mix. And there's a hundred of them in that group.

<Deploy Mobile Yard.>

[Deploying. Setup in 1 minute.]

Right. Good thing those pests are still far out. The Mobile Yard can deal with those.

Come here, my sweeties. Come to Papa. I'll turn you into sweet, sweet resources.


Well... that was easy. I expected that, but still... it was so underwhelming.

Not even one Devourer got within 10 meters of the Mobile Yard. With the combined firepower of four turrets equipped with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, and the cannon loaded with fragmentary and incendiary rounds, they didn't stand a chance. Those Devourers just got shredded. There's not a Devourer out there that has survived. And many has been reduced to chunks no larger than my head.

Urgh! Now I had to go out and collect those Devourer chunks out there.


"Woohoo! 1537 Power Points! Nice!"

With 1000 Power Points I can equip the Mobile Yard with a Collector Drone Bay. With its two Collector Drones, I can clean up the battlefield without spending any one.

<Upgrade: Install Collector Drone Bay.>

[Installing: Collector Drone Bay. Deducted Power Points: 1000. Time to Completion: 5 minutes.]

Eh... forgot about that. I need to kill some time while that's happening. And also the cleanup, almost forgot about that too.

Oh good... my phone came with me. Bummer... no signal. Yeah... forgot that I'm not on Earth anymore. Good thing I stocked up this bad boy with lots of novels to read and offline games to play.


Three hours. It took 3 hours to collect all the Devourer chunks scattered around the battlefield. Three hours of repetitive back and forth collection by the drones. It's done. Only left on the area are the bullet holes and the craters from the grenades and cannon shells. The drones even collected the stray bullets and grenade and shell fragments scattered around.

With that gruesome harvest done, I was able to collect a total 19386 Matter. A very low conversion rate, since I can produce a Lee-Enfield with 50 Matter. And these monster are big. The smallest ones are the size of very large dogs, and the biggest one is the size of an elephant. Mind you, this was before these things were turned into meaty chunks.

The reason for this very low amount of Matter I got? Biomass. I got Biomass. A third new resource for me to manage. Only good about this is that I can produce organic item with Biomass and very little to no Matter needed. That means I can produce... ugh... ration bars with 5 Biomass instead of 5 Matter. A really big win for me, since I collected 10 times the amount of Matter in Biomass. And the conversion rate? 5 Biomass to 1 Matter. This is gonna be good.

I also preserve some of the Devourer meat for my own personal use. Yes... these things are really edible. And very good eating at that. The meat is tough, like beef taken from old cows. And very stringy too, lots of connective tissue. But boiling it for 2 hours really softens the meat. And oh boy.. the meat is so wonderful. Very tasty, like a cross between pork and veal. I only keep the meat from the Slicers, the Devourer species that has scythes for arms. Not the Gushers, the ones that spew acid. Not only the acid is very corrosive, it's also very poisonous.

I also can research these items for Power Points. Only thing I need is a Item Composition Analyzer, which costs....

Ten Thousand Power Points.

Fucking hells! That's a lot of Power Points. I need to fight at least 7 Devourer hordes of the same size as this one to pay for it.

It takes money to make more money. Or in this case, Power Points.

I also find some quite interesting things around here.

A few plants and cacti that has somehow survived the marauding hordes of Devourers. I took them, transplanted them onto metal containers filled with the dry desert soil. And then placed them in my small sleeping area in my Mobile Yard's vehicle form. That has lights that can simulate several kinds of lighting, which includes solar lamps.

A few crystal that was dug out from the Devourer corpses. 'Research Value: High', my power describes it to me. I took them from the Collector Drones and is now kept in the personal lockbox I have on the vehicle.

Some Devourer body parts like Slicer blade arms and Gusher acid sacks. My powers marked them as 'Crafting Materials'. Now, they are kept in a separate dimensional storage similar to my Biomass and Matter Storage.

And now I'm done here. Nothing else left for me to do or my drones to collect.

Let's go for a ride.


This is just fucking ridiculous!

In last 48 hours, I had to deal with four more Devourer hordes. Four hordes. I've wasted half the time to just deal with these monsters, preventing me from reaching the nearest settlement in the shortest time possible. What's worse is that the next horde is larger than the previous one. The last horde that I encountered even has almost 300 monsters in it.

Only by spending 5000 Power Points and buying the Turret Fabricator Module for the Mobile Yard was I able to deal with such a large horde. With that module, I was able to create and control 5 more turrets that surrounds the Mobile Yard. Only problem with this turrets is that when they are emplaced. They are not mobile. The only way to use the module on an another is to detonate the previous ones. And that's a waste of Matter. 500 Matter for each turret. That's a hefty price for a man who's just starting out.

Okay... I'm only exaggerating for the last part. I've got a plentiful bounty from those monster hordes that attacked me. I now sit on a small fortune of 5143 Power Points. Plus 88347 Matter and 1.1 million Biomass that I had my drones harvest from their carcasses. Thank Heavens for infinite resource storage. I don't have to worry about where I will squirrel away all my lovely resources that I have acquired.

I'm gonna save my Power Points and try to obtain the Analyzer. I have a feeling I need this to obtain more Power Points with this than just hunting monsters.

And there it is. The settlement. It took me two days to reach this place. If this was Earth, it won't even take me more than a few hours.

The place is really quite large and well fortified. Walls at least thirty meters high, and I suspect half as thick, bristling with all manner of ranged weaponry. Ballistas, catapult, groups or eagle-eyed archers... even some kind of primitive cannons. There are towers that stood in the wall, their topped with a very large crystal that ominously. Might be a ward stone or a magical foci of some sort.

And there's a lot of people outside the walls harvesting the Devourers. By the looks of it, fresh ones. They must been attacked just recently. Because of that, they will be very wary of anything, including me and my Mobile Yard.

But I have no choice. I need to make contact with people on this planet to complete the Being's request. I'll just play it by ear and wing it.

I'm not going to leave the Mobile Yard outside and go inside the settlement by myself. Nope. I'm gonna risk my life and my Mobile Yard to very unscrupulous people.

For now, I'll manufacture some suitable 'trade goods' for my first foray into this world's civilization. Hope nothing bad happens while I'm visiting.

I just fucking jinxed myself, didn't I? Shit. Things gonna be ugly if Murphy heard me.

I bet there's going to be a massive Devourer that will attack the settlement while I'm there. Or even when I'm just getting.

Goddammit brain! Stop giving Murphy ideas. You're just adding FOOF to the roaring forest fire.