Side chapter 3
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Andrew was a very happy man. His job was one he did not even know existed but paid better than he ever thought would be possible for such little effort. Him and his buddy Richard were getting rich suspiciously quickly and yet no one seemed suspicious. Not really caring about luxurious cars, houses, or anything of the sort, he was content with having a decent house to live in, a car and the future of his son now safe and sound.

He opened a notebook in the morning to see if he had any errands to run. Sure enough, there was a list there.

-lots of ice cream (variety is preferred)
-3 kg of cocoa powder
-3 kg of vanilla
-1 kg of Himalayan salt
-as many strawberries as you can reasonably buy at once
-2 liters of high end vodka

It was absurd as always. If he did not know better he’d have thought someone’s cooking up a cocktail to exorcise demons that are allergic to fun. He went to the nearby supermarket to buy everything at once. Just like before, no one gave him any strange looks, which was both comforting and unsettling. After paying for it using a credit card, he packed it all in an electric pickup. Still in the parking lot, he got a phone call from his wife.

“Honey, Sammy just coughed up blood, I called an ambulance already, they said they were on their way, please come home as soon as you can.”

“I'm on my way.”

After freezing up for no more than a moment, he quickly jumped in his car and began driving. It was a small town, there weren’t a lot of cars on the road, and as such, traffic laws suddenly became traffic suggestions. He got home and rushed into the house to find his son switching between coughing and drinking tea. He thought about simply taking him to hospital without waiting for the ambulance, but after hearing its siren he calmed down. His wife was throwing worried glances, but has already collected the documents that might be needed in the hospital.

In short order his son was placed in the emergency room while him and his wife had to wait outside. Impatient, he got an idea that might be either really good or horribly bad. He took out a pen and opened the notebook.

He has pneumonia, he will most likely get better soon.

He read it and the text disappeared. ‘What do you mean most likely?’ He wrote to answer the enigmatic entity that’s been using him as an errand boy for the past weeks.

I can see probabilities, but not the future. However slight, there is always a chance for a misdiagnosis, complications, etc. But he is in good hands, the doctors have a lot of experience. He is likely to develop a mild asthma however.

Andrew looked at his son through the window and at his wife who was currently eating her nails. ‘What do I need to give you to heal him?’

There was no answer for a while.

This isn’t just making some people look the other way or not really notice you. That’s a spell I can cast remotely and is remarkably simple. This notebook is connected with one I have where I live. The portals I exchange goods through cannot transport spells or souls. Your world’s rules are different to such a degree that if I wanted to do something as complicated as healing, I’d need to be there personally.

‘What do you want from me?’ He had a determined look on his face as he wrote something down in a notebook, a sight which would’ve weirded out anyone looking at him, but there was no one looking at him.

Nothing. Nothing other than what will be on the lists and secrecy. Once he is transferred to an empty room, I’ll make sure it happens, I will go and heal him. Alright?

‘Thank you.’ He put the pen and notebook away and relaxed his tensed muscles. After hugging his wife close as a form of reassurance, Andrew smiled at his son. Even if he had to sell his soul, he’d do it for his family. Well… he was hoping his mysterious patron was not that sort.

Sure enough, after a day in intensive care and a chest x-ray they had a diagnosis and Andrew’s son was transferred to a standard room for patients. Once the nurses left and doctors left, it was just the family in the room. Andrew pulled out the notebook to give a signal, but there was no need. A small metal orb with intricate glowing carvings on it appeared on the floor which was soon followed by a stranger. She was jaw-droppingly beautiful and was also glowing? And had nine tails. And fox ears.

“So, God’s a cosplayer.” He mumbled while his wife and son were frozen from shock.

“I’m not a cosplayer or a god. Yet. Right, work.” Her violet eyes brightened and so did the orb as the room suddenly felt a lot warmer. After a few seconds of that, it was over. “Done. I also strengthened his immune system so I don’t need to do this again.” She looked at Andrew who slowly nodded.

“Are you an angel?” The child asked innocently, undisturbed by what just happened.

“No. Yes? Sort of. Be good.” She disappeared without saying another word.

“What was that?” Andrew’s wife finally snapped out of it and looked around confused.

“You know how I said I got a new job? She’s my employer. I mainly just buy groceries.” He came clean as he sat down on the bed next to his son. “How are you feeling? Does breathing still hurt?”

He shook his head with a large smile.

“Oh, before I forget, don’t tell anyone about this. Or else she ” Andrew pointed at the now vacant spot in the room. “gets angry.”


I originally didn't think I'd really write about this person anymore, I was just going to leave it as was to explain where Yuuki was getting all the modern food, but I got some inspiration so I used it. Hope your weekend's going well and you're not wasting it!