Half Hiatus
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First of all, I would like to say that this novel will not be on full hiatus. I will still update it, but just very rarely. That is why I called it a half hiatus. Now the reasons I have put this novel on a hold.


1. School Sucks - I despise school like many people my age. Especially for distance learning. I am mostly a straight-A student. I get sometimes get less than an A on tests, but usually, people get a lot of Ds and Fs, so it gets weighted. But sadly, not in distance learning. Everybody except for me cheated on an exam. The teacher was like, "HmM A LoT Of KiDs ArE VeRy SmArT ThIs YeAr ArEn'T ThEy." Barely anybody got less than an A, and our teacher didn't even realize that anybody was cheating. This made it so that there was no weighting, so I got a B on the test. Now, I am grounded for the foreseeable future due to the B I got on the test. I really need to study, so I don't have much time to write. I also am taking a lot of AP classes, so that's something. Blame the American education system.

2. Motivation - I don't have much if any motivation to write this novel. This makes it hard for me to get new ideas. Sorry.


I hope you understand. Thank you all for supporting this novel, and I will see you later!