A Mixed-Up Wedding
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Since their return from the resort, Carl and Felicia's lives had been a flurry of wedding planning during the week, and quiet weekends in the apartment where Felicia got a chance to spend time with Carly. Nothing as drastic as the first two times, but some makeup and Felicia's magic touch to his hair, and Carly was never too far away. The end of these weekends were always disappointing to Felicia, but they were a necessary evil, Carl wanted Carly kept under wraps between them.

As the couple laid in bed on Sunday morning, Carl, dressed in a nightgown, looked over some paperwork from his job as a paralegal, poking through them with manicured fingers with nails painted a soft pink. Felicia reached over and grabbed one of the papers from Carl’s hands.

"I thought we agreed that you wouldn't do any Carl things while you're Carly." Felicia pouted.

"We've just got this big case and I need to check what I'll be researching this week." Carl said, before smiling, putting the papers down and turning his attention back to Felicia.

Carl and Felicia spent a few moments gazing into each other's eyes while Felicia put her hand onto Carl's face, before moving up to his ears.

"Maybe we can pierce your ears next week..." Felicia played with Carl's earlobe.

"Yeah, cause that'll be easy to explain at work..." Carl muttered.

"Lots of guys have pierced ears now. Some even do both ears." Felicia said.

"We're already tempting fate with me keeping my nails groomed, and don't even get me started on the hair." Carl said. "Besides, what would your parents say? What would my parents say?"

"I don't see why your ears should be a concern to them." Felicia said. "And someone who does as much handshaking as you do should have nice nails anyhow."

"Listen, I like the double life, it's sort of exciting, but I don't want those two lives colliding." Carl said. "This is already too far for me, what if we got an uninvited guest? One of your friends could show up unexpectedly while I'm like this! Or one of mine!"

"Relax, we made clear that weekends were for us to be alone." Felicia said. "And if anyone sees you I'll just say that I'm cheating on Carl with another woman."

"I guess..." Carl sighed as Felicia put her arms around him.

"So you're sure that you don't want to tag along for dress shopping?" Felicia asked.

"I'm sure, after all, isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her gown before the wedding day?" Carl replied.

"True... and I guess if my mom and best friends are there, I wouldn't be able to convince you to try one on for yourself." Felicia replied.

"Definitely not." Carl insisted. "Besides, when would I ever wear it? I'm wearing a tux on the big day."

"I know..." Felicia sighed. "It's just such a cute image."

A few days later, Felicia returned home from dress shopping and immediately collapsed on the couch. Carl, with his hair tied back in a low ponytail and wearing his t-shirt and pajama bottoms, walked in from the kitchen with two glasses of wine.

"Rough day?" Carl asked, handing Felicia the glass. "Find anything good?"

"A few potential choices." Felicia said, accepting it and taking a sip. "Of course everyone has their own opinions. Driving me nuts."

"Well, you've still got time to shop around." Carl said.

"Speaking of that, I got a bit of an idea... you know how we were talking the other day about Carly and dress shopping?"

"When we agreed that it was a pointless idea and I wasn't going to do it?"

"Exactly." Felicia sat up, excited. "I was thinking while shopping, that there are a few other shops across town that I haven't checked out yet. What if I brought Carly with me? As part of our weekend agreement?"

"I don't know... I was fine going out in public on Valentine's Day because I had no way to change back... and then at the resort because we were nowhere near anyone we knew... but here, and now?" Carl asked.

"Come on..." Felicia put her hand on Carl's leg. "Just this one weekend. I won't ask for you to go out in public ever again!"

Carl mused on the idea for a few moments, while Felicia batted her eyelashes, which Carl was as powerless against as he always was.

"Fine. But just one weekend, okay?" Carl said.

"That's all I'll need." Felicia giggled.

On Friday night, as they settled in to watch TV on the couch, Carl, wearing a pair of pink sleep shorts and a camisole, sat with his foot in Felicia's lap as she gave him a pedicure, what had become one of their usual traditions, while he blew on his fingernails to make them dry faster.

"I still don't know why you insisted on French tips this weekend... all the effort when I'll be removing it Sunday night..." Carl mused between exhales.

"I just felt like doing something a little different this weekend." Felicia said. "Now keep your toes still so I can do this..."

Bright and early on Saturday morning, Felicia put in a new pair of earrings as Carl emerged from the bathroom, fully in Carly mode. His hair was styled in a messy center-part style, makeup done in natural tones that were still unmistakably feminine, and he was wearing a white floral dobby blouse with a blue polka dot midi skirt. He sat on the bed gracefully and began to put on a pair of low heeled sandals.

"I love that skirt on you." Felicia said.

"Thanks." Carl stood up and played with the skirt a bit.

"Excited?" Felicia asked, handing a purse to Carl.

"A little." Carl smiled. "I hope you find the perfect dress."

"Don't worry, I know I will, with you by my side." Felicia leaned in and kissed Carl.

At the dress shop, Carl sat, with crossed legs, on a cushioned bench, while Felicia came in and out of the room wearing various types of dresses. Felicia insisted that Carl give his opinion, in her words, "as if he was going to be wearing the dress", and so he did. He ruled out a few because he felt the straps were too unwieldy, another few because he didn't like how the skirt flowed outwards, and one because it was far too revealing.

Eventually, Felicia came out wearing the perfect dress, an A-line dress made out of lace and chiffon, featuring a scalloped v-neckline, and a long, flowing skirt. The only problem for Carl came from the open-back, but Felicia explained that a veil would be covering it, so it wasn't an issue.

"It's perfect." Carl said. "Is it the one that you love?"

"I think it is." Felicia smiled. "Let me go change."

Carl smiled as he watched his future bride walk back to the changing room. It was as if everything had become real, seeing Felicia standing there in that dress. Carl's elation continued, even as his patience withered, as five minutes later, Felicia hadn't yet returned. After tapping his foot for another ten, Carl sought out one of the employees of the store who had been helping them pick out dresses, a rotund woman named Fran.

"Excuse me, do you know what happened to my fiancée?" Carl asked.

"Oh, come right with me, Carly." Fran replied. "Let's go find her."

The employee led Carl into a changing room, where the perfect dress was hanging on a rack, with Felicia nowhere to be found.

"Where's Felicia?" Carl asked.

"She told us she wanted this to be a surprise, if you'd like privacy, you can use the screen over there." Fran pointed.

"Of course, she wants me to try it on." Carl sighed. "Let's get it over with."

Carl disrobed into his bra and panties, both white, and both picked out by Felicia. Fran helped Carl get into the dress. Carl posed in the mirror as Fran made sure the dress settled right on Carl's body. Carl was slightly guarded, but knew Felicia's tuck-job wasn't going to reveal itself easily, so he had nothing to worry about.

"I bet you've dreamed of this moment since you were a little girl, right?" Fran asked.

"Not exactly, but this is kinda nice. I should have expected it, though." Carl replied.

"If you'll step into these." Fran placed down a pair of white, open-toed heels that nicely showed off Carl's pedicure.

"Why do I need shoes for a fitting? And how did you know my size?" Carl asked.

"One last thing, the veil." Fran ignored him, and took out a veil placing it into Carl's hair. "What do you think?"

Carl turned to the mirror and gasped. His manicured hands immediately went to cover his mouth as he took in the sight of himself as the blushing bride. The dress looked just as perfect on him as it did on Felicia. As much as he tried not to get too involved while picking the dresses, he took Felicia’s advice to heart and had imagined himself wearing it. But he never thought he’d look this good!

Between the way the dress flowed, the way the veil sat over his face… And he understood why Felicia insisted on french tips. They were really the tip of the iceberg in making the look truly work, accentuating the beauty of Carly’s engagement ring. His stomach was doing cartwheels as he went through every emotion at once. Shock, awe, surprise, elation, and partly sadness that this was just a try-on.

"I can't believe it..." Carl started to tear up.

"Ooh, don't cry, dear, you don't want to ruin your makeup." Fran said, dabbing Carl's eyes with a tissue.

"Where's Felicia?" Carl asked. "She has to see this before I take it off."

"Oh, you're not taking it off." Fran softly smiled.


"The dress is paid for. Felicia said she wanted you to wear it out of the store."

"What?!" Carl exclaimed, nearly falling over in the heels from the shock.

"It's okay, honey." Fran smiled and quickly helped Carl steady himself. "She left instructions that you're to go outside and get into the limo."


Fran helped Carl to the entrance to the store, where a black limo awaited outside. The driver quickly opened the door and helped Carl inside, where Carl found empty seats, before starting to drive.

"Uh, where exactly are we going?" Carl asked.

"Sorry, miss. Under orders not to tell." the driver replied. "We'll be there soon, though."

All Carl could do was look out the window and try to guess their destination.

The End?