Chapter 14: Black and White are out
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When Ciel awoke, he sat on the bed, feeling a little out of sorts. He knew he dreamt of something, but he couldn’t remember what it was. All he knew was that he felt safe and warm but at the same time there was a sort of sadness that he couldn’t understand. The sunlight streaming in from the window told him it was at least eight and a quick check on the clock at his bedside confirmed that he was only fifteen minutes off. Another wash and change and he went down to the dining room.

He found his mother sipping a cup of coffee, the cup clutched in both hands. She looked pale and preoccupied and there were visible bags under her eyes. Kou, who was with her, was looking at his mother with concern, his food untouched.

“Good morning mother, Kou. I take it you couldn’t sleep?” he asked, going forward to stroke her hair. Scarlet blinked and looked up at her son, her hand clutching his, like how his father did the night before.

“I’m so used to having your father beside me that it’s difficult to sleep alone… your father has really spoiled me.” She gave a self-deprecating laugh.

“Father spoils all of us.” He answered lightly. Seeing that she was still tired, Ciel took away her coffee cup and made her a cup of herbal tea instead. “Take this and try to nap a little more after this. The twins and I have errands in the village anyway so we won’t leave immediately. When we’re about to go to the club I’ll come and get you.” He coaxed softly.

“Mmmm.” She murmured in assent then looked up. “Speaking about the twins, where are they? They went home to rest earlier yesterday so they should be up by now.”

Kou got up. “I’ll go see what they’re up to. You have something to eat first.”

“Thanks. Blanc’s room is the second room to the right of the stairs. Noire’s is the one after that, beside the guest room.”

They watched him go. Ciel had just sat down with his long awaited dim sum and steamed buns when he heard Kou shout “Ciel! Scarlet! Come here quickly!”

They stared at each other in shock and quickly ran upstairs. Kou was in Blanc’s room but the door to Noire’s room was also ajar. They rushed in and saw Blanc lying motionless on the bed.

“He won’t wake up. Neither will Noire.” Kou looked up at the two of them, his eyes bleak.

Scarlet rushed forward to check on her youngest child while Ciel went to his younger sister’s room. Like her twin, Noire was unconscious on the bed and nothing Ciel did could rouse her. Making a decision, he gently carried her into Blanc’s room.

“Put her beside Blanc.” Hearing his footsteps, Scarlet seemed to know what Ciel was thinking and she tended to Blanc without even looking up. She felt their pulse, muttering nonstop all the while. Finally she stood up and looked at her other two children.

“They seem to be enchanted. I’m not sure if I can break it.”

“Any idea who placed the enchantment on them?”

“With all that’s been going on, is there any other suspect?”

“But how? The two of them left much earlier than the commotion and I believe he was still under watch at that time.”

“At the moment, he’s the most likely suspect. We’ll figure out the how later. Right now we should do a security sweep and while I try to remove the enchantment, you and Kou should get on with the tasks your father entrusted to you.” Scarlet sighed. It was one thing on top of the other. While Gin was at Sanctuary, it would be her duty to ensure the safety of the home and their children.

“Understood.” Ciel left the room and went to a crystal that was sitting in the middle of a small table in the upstairs hall. It looked like a beautiful, expensive decoration, if one did not realize that it was located at the direct centre of the house. It was translucent with beautiful orange and red patterns in the middle; like flames sealed in ice. Ciel touched the crystal and started a chant under his breath. Kou watched as the patterns in the centre of the crystal start to flicker, like real flames, before the whole crystal sent out pulses of red light. The rings of light gradually got larger and larger before it spread out through the whole house and the surrounding garden. When the light died down, Ciel opened his eyes and frowned.

“There was some discordant magic but the array took care of it. I’ll activate the barrier and then we’ll go see Master Seki.” He started to mutter again. This time, the light changed to an amber gold but again it pulsed and spread through the whole area.

“Are you sure I should be seeing all this?” Kou asked; his voice quiet, a strange look in his eyes.

Ciel looked at him. “Like it or not, everyone here thinks of you as family and because of that, we trust you. If you don’t trust your family that loves you, who are you going to trust?” here Ciel gave a mischievous smile. “Besides, do you even know the spells to activate anything?”

Kou looked a little dumbfounded but he smiled in response. “You’re right. I’m just overthinking things. Please ignore the dumb question then. What next?”

“We’re going to see someone in the village. Then we’ll head over to Sanctuary. But if mother can’t break the enchantment, I’d like you to stay here with her. I don’t feel good leaving her alone.”

“Got it.”

They left after Ciel went to check on his mother and siblings; they were both still unconscious and Scarlet only nodded an acknowledgement without looking at them. Ciel led Kou through the outskirts of the village. Kou noticed that while the villagers politely greeted Ciel and Kou, the reception was less than friendly.

“Is there a problem with you and the villagers?” he couldn’t help but ask.

Ciel paused before he continued walking. “You’re new here so you wouldn’t know. Father is an outsider and most of the villagers don’t take kindly to outsiders. I’ve lived here all my life but because it’s obvious that I’m my father’s son that they still treat me a little coldly. The twins resemble mother so they have an easier time.”

He didn’t mention Dawn; she hated Time Valley actually.

“I see… so why don’t you move?”

“When my father wanted to marry mother, the condition was that she can’t leave the valley. So father compromised by building our home on the outskirts and being mostly at the club.”

“I hate this.” Kou’s dark, angry look shocked Ciel; the soul knows what the mind can’t remember after all. He smiled but his eyes looked sad.

“It’s difficult but when it comes to love, there’s sacrifices that need to be made. My parents did what they thought was right for the sake of each other and us. The people here mostly leave us alone so we don’t really care.”

They reached an imposing manor near the centre of the village. The sprawling gardens and opulent mansion were designed to impress visitors who stepped foot over the threshold. Ciel seemed to be steeling himself as he walked in.

“I’m here to see Master Seki.” He told a servant who came forward to greet them.

“Of course. This way please, Master Ciel, young master.” The servant bowed and cast a curious glance at Kou. Seeing that both were ignoring him, he could only lead them to the guest hall. Seating himself in one of the hardwood chairs, Ciel watched Kou’s look of awe as he gazed around the room. It was an impressive room after all. Lacquered furniture inlaid with mother of pearl dotted the room and there was an impressive bonsai against a wall, with a framed calligraphy above it. A beautifully carved folding screen was displayed against another wall, concealing the entrance to the family chambers. An expensive jade-like carving was in another corner of the room; Ciel could tell that the stone was most likely a rare piece of energy stone from the valley mines. A servant served tea to the two of them and left. Not long after, an imposing middle-aged man with fiery red hair walked in.

“Good morning, Master Seki.” Ciel got up to bow when he greeted and Kou hurriedly followed suit.

The man looked coldly at Ciel before turning to look at Kou.

“This is my relative from my father’s side, Kou. Kou, this is the master of Time Valley, Master Seki.” Ciel leisurely made the introductions.

“Greetings, Master.” Kou gave another bow.

Master Seki gave wave before he sat down. “I take it you’re here for the stones?”

“Yes. All energy stones mined here must have your permission to be moved after all, Master Seki.”

Master Seki frowned a little at Ciel’s overly polite tone but said nothing. “The stones will be delivered to your residence by this afternoon.”

“Thank you very much, Master. We will most likely be requesting for more stones as there appears to be a problem with the array.”

“What?!” Master Seki looked livid. “Your father promised that if we handed that area to him he would keep it safe!”

“And he has. There has not been any breach since he took over. The array is still holding but we would rather not take any chances. If there is nothing we will take our leave, Master Seki.” He stood up and Kou followed suit.

“Sit. I have not seen you in decades. Or your siblings for that matter.” Master Seki gruffly commanded.

“We are not really welcomed so why should we come?” the polite words had a sting in them.

“Who would dare do such a thing in my valley?”

“Do the people not follow the example of the leader? You do not welcome us so it is natural that they follow your lead. Good day, Master Seki” Ciel’s tone had a note of finality to it.

The old master sighed. “I never said that I didn’t welcome you. All of you are precious to me as well.”

“It doesn’t seem that way to my parents. What it looks like is that after a millennium, you still haven’t forgiven your daughter for marrying an outsider, no matter how qualified he is. We will be cordial, but I don’t think we can be close. Goodbye, Master Seki.” Ciel walked out without looking back.

As Kou was half a beat too slow, he happened to hear the valley master mutter “would it kill any of you to call me grandfather?” so he turned back to look. He was shocked to see such a desolate look filled with regret on that stern face. He hurriedly turned around and sped up after Ciel.

“You know, I think he does want to mend relations with your family…” Kou trailed off.

Ciel looked at him as he continued walking. “But he’s too prideful. He’s never once set foot on our family home. It’s always been father or mother lowering their head to visit. Even then, he won’t see them personally. He’ll come out if it’s me or the twins, however.”


“Who knows?” Ciel shrugged. “Did you know? The guest courtyard and the guest room you’re sleeping in right now was originally meant for him? Father named my sister Dawn to symbolize hope. That the dark is over and a new light is coming, that he would come and see his first grandchild. But he never did. So even though my parents say don’t hate him and to forgive him, I and my siblings can’t. Maybe we’re too young, but when we see how our parents are treated, we just…” he let out all his frustrations. He knew of course, that this was why Dawn left as soon as she could, without even bothering to learn about her siblings. But there were times when Ciel hated her for not being there and so he let it out on Kou.

Kou just silently followed, letting Ciel’s anger and frustration wash over him without any response. Ciel’s nature was never the type to hold a grudge. True, he might remember the bad things but he would rather just let things be if possible. like the wide open skies, he could take everything but at the same time he would let everything go. It was likely because Kou, his beloved older sister that hated the valley more than him had decided to defend grandfather that his temper had blown.

They walked back in an awkward, sullen silence, each with their own thoughts. When they reached the house however, they stared in horrified silence as they saw thousands of spiders crawling all over the building.