Prologue : Sage
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Sage sighed as he smoked a cigarette while looking around the crowded room with a sharp gaze.

The noise and music blaring made it near impossible to actually see if anything untoward was happening.

"Hey Sage, boss wants you to meet him in the office. I'll take your spot in the mean time." Hearing George, Sage gave him a look before nodding.

'Although we don't get along, I doubt he'll joke when the boss and work is involved.' Sage headed to the office, on the outskirts of the crowd.

After he made it to the office, he pushed the door open and saw his boss, a middle aged man with a beer belly looking at him with squinted eyes.

"Sage right? George told me you left your post to entertain a guest, is that true?" Michael asked with a faint frown.

"Um, no? I was standing at my spot when George told me you wanted to see me." Sage replied, his voice calm.

"So George is lying then? If I didn't get the truth from the other guards on shift, I'd have truly believed you." Michael sneered as two men dressed the same as Sage walked into the room.

Hearing that two more security guards had also told the boss he was slacking, his rather calm heart sped up a bit.

"You know George doesn't like me, never has. Yet you believe his and his two friends when I'm telling the truth? Are you mentally inept?" Hearing Sage's mocking tone, Michael's face flushed red in anger.

"Y-you! Get out, if you come to my club again, I'll blacklist you!" Hearing Michael, Sage turned and slammed his fist into one of the security guard's chest.

The guard staggered back while groaning as th other reached for his baton, only for Sage to deliver a kick to his face.

The man spun around and slammed into the wall before collapsing in a heap. Michael then remembered what was listed when he read Sage's resume.

Sage was a former special operative and was known for his skills in combat, as well as in infiltration. However he left the army and decided to work in a club.

If anyone asked Sage why he quit the army, he'd look at them with pity apparent in his gaze.

"I dislike being yelled at, and I don't like to follow orders, so I left after I did my duty as a citizen." Anyone hearing his answer would sigh in regret because he was a fine soldier.

Sage looked at the security guard still standing upright, but before he could cross the two meter distance, the guard raised his hand in surrender.

"Get him you useless shit! If I knew you were such a coward, I'd have already fired you!" Michael yelled as Sage walked out the door, ignoring the shaking security guard.

'That man is a demon! He only hit me once, yet my entire arm feels as if my bones fractured!' The guard knelt after some time, his hand cradling his arm.


Sage took off his black shirt and threw it to the side as he left the club via the back entrance.

Outside, other than a few trailers and a forest beyond that, there wasn't anything much. Sage took out another cigarette and lit it.

'Should I go and knock a few teeth out of George as well? Nah, it's whatever, Michael was already a shitty boss to work for anyways.'

He decided to head to Valentine Orphanage, run by the same old lady who brought him up as well.

After a few minutes of jogging and running, Sage made it to the slightly rundown orphanage and pushed open it's squeaky rusty metal gate.

Before he made it to the entrance, the outside light turned on, illuminating Sage's figure.

Sage wasn't fat, but he wasn't slim either. Standing at six feet one, he was rather tall, however his face always looked blank as if he were lost in thought.

"Sage? Why are you here? Did you want to tuck the trio into bed?" Hearing Jasmine, Sage smiled and nodded.

"Even if I went away for four years, I still treat them as my family." Hearing Sage, Jasmine smiled in relief as she opened the door and allowed Sage to enter.

Inside wasn't that dilapidated, however it had definitely seen better days. Sage walked towards the corridor and opened the door softly.

In a room was three people playing a board game, each focused on the board in front of them, not realizing that Sage had stealthily entered the room.

"Rana, you owe me twelve dollars!" Tiana shouted in glee, while Rana handed over the twelve dollars unwillingly.

Tiana looked to be sixteen years old, and despite her youthful face, her figure was maturing rather nicely.

Rana was seventeen, and with her adorable face, she could definitely move the hearts of men should she dress up.

Lastly was Kim, who was eighteen, and with a slender body with curves in the right places. Sage recalled when they were younger, how he used to tease Kim for being as flat as a runway.

Now he could only raise his two thumbs and smile in amazement. He had went it the army and done four years and everyone had grown when he got back.

However, instead of the little obedient sister Kim once was, she was now cold and sarcastic about anything that had to do with Sage.

Tiana looked up and saw a familiar figure sitting on her bed with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Sage! Big brother!" Tiana leapt up and charged at Sage, knocking over the pieces on the board, much to Kim and Rana's ire.

Both however looked back and saw Sage with Tiana in his arms, while gently patting her back.

"What are you doing in here? Didn't I tell you to knock before you come in!?" Kim shouted, while Sage gave her a helpless smile.

"I didn't come to fight with you. I just came to say hello." Sage took out his wallet and handed a crumpled hundred to Kim who still glared at him defiantly.

"Trying to bribe me? If I call th cops, I wonder what they'll say if they saw a grown man barging into another girl's room." Hearing Kim, he fished out another hundred and sighed mentally.

'If this keeps on going, I'll go broke! I still have to pay for my apartment as well.' He patted Rana's head lightly, while she pouted adorably, and then ruffled Kim's hair, making her screech in anger.

Unable to land a hit on Sage as he fled the room, she gazed at the door he closed behind him for a while, ignoring Rana snickering in the corner.


Sage stretched as he sat opposite of Jasmine, who had made them tea.