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“That wasn’t your decision to make. You were the one who owed me!” Sasha yelled angrily “It’s pretty difficult to buy stuff with a boon. I’m retired. I don’t want to go on another quest.”

“I’ve never heard of a boon before. It sounded pretty valuable.” Todd tried to justify his action

“How are we going to find some random wizard? For all we know he could have died a thousand years ago.” Sasha huffed

“We’ll figure it out,” Todd said who wasn’t sure if they’d figure it out.

Compared to Todd’s farming job, he had still made out like a bandit. While he didn’t gain much from the temple other than a couple books and a boon, the thugs that had previously stabbed him had a total of 27 silver on them. Todd took ten silver and Sasha agreed to let him keep the rusty short sword he had picked off the hooded man.

They silently made their way back to Khor. It was late, the yellow moon glowed and bright white stars dotted the violet sky. Earth was somewhere up there, who knows how far away. On that tiny blue speck was his former family, former job, all now very much foreign to him. Todd was tired after the temple trek, but he felt satisfied. He had opportunity here.

A modest house stood atop a hill surrounded by the vibrant green farmland. It’s windows were open letting the fresh air circulate through the cozy little cottage. Rena, Tannir’s wife, could be seen in the kitchen needing some dough, mostly likely transforming it into bread. The front door was ajar inviting any guest wanting to chat.

Todd pushed open the front door.

“Hello, anyone home,” Todd yelled more to let the farmers know he had returned.

“Oh, Todd your home. We were starting to get worried. You’ve been missing for two days,” Tannir said as he walked out of the living room to greet Todd.

“I’m fine. I won’t be staying much longer though. I’ve got some obligations I need to take care of.” Todd said

“That’s understandable. Just make sure you say by to the boys before you head off. They’ll miss having you around. Just remember feel free to visit us whenever you return.”

“Will do.” Todd said as he went to go sleep.

Waking up early the next morning, Todd said his final goodbyes. Even if Sasha and Todd didn’t leave today, he didn’t want to take up any extra space in their house. Todd had plenty of money to pay for a hotel room and didn’t want to be a burden to the family, especially since he wasn’t working for them anymore.

Todd headed to the market. Little shops lined the street, each one trying to entice buyers to come into their shop. It was a busy day and a small crowd of people slowly walked down the street occasionally stopping to look at something or buy whatever they needed.

He stood by the small wooden cafe, centered in the middle of the shopping district. This is where Sasha had told him to meet.

Golden blonde hair made it easy for Todd so spot Sasha as she slowly sauntered her way to the little nameless cafe. She looked stunning when she wasn’t covered in mud and dried up blood.

“Hmmm. You definitely look better when you’re not stabbed and dragged around an old temple for a couple of days” Sasha pointed out as she walked up to Todd

“You don’t look too bad yourself” Todd replied.

Sasha took a seat across from Todd on the small fragile wood table just outside the cafe entrance.

“I figure we should head north to my old home in Humbridge. I don’t have many contacts here, but I know some people up there who might be able to help us out,” said Sasha “I went ahead and bought most of the supplies already. You owe me five silver.”

Todd reluctantly handed Sasha five precious silver coins. He had no clue if she had scammed him or not. He hoped not. Todd really liked his silver.

“Before we leave I want to sell my rusty sword and buy a weapon.” Todd stated

“Okay, I need to end my housing lease anyway. We’ll meet by the town fire in an hour.”

“Sounds good.” Todd replied

He slowly scanned the numerous small wooden stalls lining the stone brick street. Since he had no clue who were reputable sellers, Todd walked up to a guard stationed in the market.

“Hey, do you know which shop sells the best weapons?” Todd asked

“All the guards get our weapons made by Garen. His shop is the one with the dark green banner,” he said as he pointed to it.

Todd made his way to the stand.

“I heard you have quality weapons.” said Todd

“I do if you have the coin to pay for them.” the old blacksmith grumbled

“What can I get for this rusty short sword and 4 silver.”

“Let me see what I have in the back. That’s not a whole lot of money for a good quality weapon, but I have some unpopular weapons that I’ve been having trouble selling. People nowadays only seem to care about longswords and axes. “

Todd waited awhile. He could hear the clanging of metal against metal as Garen searched through a pile of weapons.

He promptly returned with two weapons in tow.

“I have this iron khopesh. It’s in excellent quality and has a very sharp edge. I also have a iron headed tomahawk I’d be willing sell you.”

Todd eyed the iron khopesh, its curved blade was much longer than the tomahawk. It would allow him to have more reach against his enemies. He was also worried that he might lose the tomahawk since it was supposed to be a throwing weapon.

“I’ll take the khopesh.” Todd said

He handed over the rest of his silver, grabbed his new weapon, and headed towards the town fire.