Chapter 4: Tipping the Scales
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Lol, went from a 2 thousand word chapter to one that is exactly a thousand words, what am I, a mad woman!?

“Okay, that took too long. We all should go visit the church. Talk to our individual AIs, then we’ll text you when we’re both in your room to log out.” Saryn gestures to herself and Jen before pointing to me at the end.

“Got it.” I walked with them back into town, then back to the church in the town. First up was Jen, since they weren't new to this game yet didn’t find out their AI was a sentient one until now. They waved off Saryn’s constant teasing at them, then she pushed me through the door.

Once again I am met by the same old man, he still has an over emotive face for an AI. I walked straight up to him and asked “Hey, who is the god of luck in this world?”

“It’s a person typically depicted as a small boy, his name is Luck.”

I felt a feeling of disdain radiating off of the priestly guy.

“Do you dislike the name Luck, oh god of it?”

“When did you find me out?”

“It was mostly because of the siblings I have. My sister knew about the different god AIs and what abilities they grant the players they enjoy the wavelengths of. Two rare items spawning each time I killed an enemy kinda gave it away.”

The old man's appearance seems to fade away until a small boy is standing in front of me.

“Ya got me. So, have you come to tell me off or something?”

“Why would I? You’ve just made my experience ten times more fun.”


“Do most people you like the wavelengths of dislike your tampering or something? Because I like it, at least. It’s made my experience super fun and I bet you toyed with my appearance, didn’t you?”

“Yep. I was the one who made you super lucky and basically gave you the dark dragon and all that stuff.”

“Then I’ll thank you. I love this appearance wholeheartedly and these abilities are amazing. Though I might drag attention my way later, I kinda like the thought.” I place my hand on my chin and then say “Right, do you need some kind of invitation to invade my tech or do I connect my shit to something and you go through immediately?”

“I can already pass through your phone and your holo-table. Other than that I can’t really do much.”

“Also what do I call you? You were giving off major disdain at the name you gave me. I’ve lived that shit before.”

“I don’t really know. Maybe something close to luck?”

‘Luck, lucky, Lucy?’ I pondered for a moment. as for why I said Lucy, well they also seemed to give off some disdain at the 'boy' part, though that is only a hunch I have as someone with a similar wavelength. 

“How does Lucy sound?”

“I’m a guy though?”

“If you’re a god, then doesn't that mean you are technically formless? Shouldn't you be able to alter your appearance? Try at it.”

They started morphing into a she and I turned to see one of the statues to them also morphing and switching around.

“How does it feel?” I ask after letting them stare at their hands for a minute.

“I felt I had to stay in that form, since all my symbols are male…”

“Yeah, well, that one over there just morphed to fit your shape. Hell, pretty sure I can see Lucy stamped straight on it.”

“I saw. How will I appear in history and lore though?”

“Maybe some brave Newcomer straight up told you what you’re probably feeling. Or maybe history changed to fit you. The code is technically part of you, so I wouldn’t be surprised if once you changed the world changed to fit.”

“Hmn, it seems you’ll already be making waves. I just looked at the archives of lore, and here it says “A Newcomer woman named Reina, favoured by the goddess of Luck, Lucy, came and told the goddess, who was disdaining at her previous form and presentation, to try changing form, as she is a goddess and has no physical form. This ‘Reina Draconisia’ also gave the goddess her name, since the goddess found it difficult to come up with one. Thus the former god of luck ‘Luck’ became the goddess of luck ‘Lucy’” This really makes me feel like an idiot. Of course the lore-AIs would be watching and editing or adding lore when I changed.”

I give a lighthearted laugh and then say “Well, all’s well that ends well? I don’t really mind standing out. Hell it sounds like fun.”

“That’s probably one of the reasons I like you.”

The new Lucy is still a child-like character, Pink-ish hair, black and pink on the outfit, which is a skirt and a shirt.

“Be prepared for me to be jealous of your quick transition.”

“Were you a- Oh shit you were! Fuck! I’m sorry.” She suddenly realized that I have an incredibly male body in real life, while I preferred this body to an extreme measure.

I get a text through the menu. It’s time. “Speaking of which, I’m logging out, is this place safe to do that in?”

“Yep. It’s where most people log out because it’s a private place to stay in. Also, if you connect your phone to your AR headset I can walk through that tunnel and you and anyone connected to the same network will be able to see me. I’ll walk to your phone after you log off, so don’t forget or I’ll start screaming expletives through the speaker.”

I assumed she was using simple terms to describe a more complicated process and sat down on one of the benches. What were these things called? Oh right, Pews.

I moved over to the log out button and said one last “Later then” to Lucy before I felt a familiar breeze on my face and opened my eyes in my room, and in my body.