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 Me despertó un fuerte dolor de cabeza, aparentemente estaba tirado en el piso, me senté e hice el intento de revisar mi cuerpo y * arrggg * ese dolor nuevamente, tocando mi cabeza instintivamente, sentí cierta humedad, al revisar mis manos ¿Podías notar que era Blood? Si esto era sangre, mi sangre aparentemente, no quería entrar en pánico, pero maldita sea, ¿cómo lo hago cuando no tengo idea de dónde diablos estoy?

 Hice lo que cualquier persona lógica y racional haría y no, por mucho que quisiera gritar como un bebé y correr en círculos todavía no era el momento para eso, traté de recordar lo que había pasado y dónde estoy, Recuerdo que conocí a algunos amigos de la universidad después de que terminaron las clases, era un viernes por la tarde * arggg * mi cabeza hacia atrás, tomé el dolor lo mejor que pude y seguí tratando de recordar.

 '' ¡Eso es! '' Exclamé, cuando las escenas empezaron a venir a mí, recuerdo como siempre fuimos a un bar cercano a jugar una partida de billar y relajarnos un poco de esa semana agotadora que tuvimos y tomamos unas copas pero no fueron muchas. , ¿Yo creo que? Pensé mientras miraba a mi alrededor.

 Finalmente, sé que iba al baño de la barra, choqué con alguien que salía de él, discúlpame y entro, fui a la letrina trasera, hice lo que tenía que hacer y luego me fui al lavabo, girando en el agua, me lavé las manos y luego intenté refrescar mis ideas con un poco de agua en mi rostro, observando mi reflejo en el espejo. Tengo una estatura de 1,87 my algunos músculos no tan definidos, soy moreno gracias a la ascendencia afroamericana de mi padre y los ojos marrones por cortesía de mi madre.

 The thing is that while I was examining myself in the mirror I could notice how a certain blue and gold vortex began to appear on the left side of the mirror?  I tried to get away from him but noticed that he got closer "wtf!"  exclaimed.

  But then I understood No! It is not in the mirror, I proceeded to turn around and walk away again, back to where I was but an incredible suction power that came from the vortex dragged me inside it, I didn't even have time to scream for help and then  From that I felt as if a truck had hit me and then everything went dark.

    Looking around and straining my eyes a little, I noticed that I am in what seems to be an alley between two buildings, I can notice a green garbage container, the buildings are a bit gloomy and a bit abandoned, ah!  And to top it off it is night.

 Only out of instinct and fear I checked that I still had my clothes on "shirt (correct), tight pants (correct), no strange fluid in my body with the exception of my blood (very correct)” I breathed a sigh of relief, in these  times you no longer know what to expect from people.

  I tried to stand up trying to put my hands on the ground as support but I felt a difference with respect to one hand from the other, right to be exact putting my attention there I could notice what apparently was "a book?".

  Its very old and worn appearance, I picked it up and noticing how the blood that was previously in my hand that was later transferred to the cover of the book when I settled in it seemed to be being absorbed by said book, I panicked and wanted to throw it away but  out of nowhere this silly book began to glow and then like a beam of light it shot towards my head at breakneck speed.

 "!  Damn I'm sick of this fucking day, so much weird shit out of nowhere, "I yelled, venting a bit of the frustration I'd been accumulating." Now where the hell am I and what the hell happened to that silly book "I asked myself looking at what seems to be a  Vast very beautiful garden. I started walking and headed towards a hill with a leafy tree feeling that it was the place where I would receive answers and because it was what stood out the most of the site, but the closer I got I could notice there was a "statue?  "at the foot of that leafy tree.

 But as I got closer I discovered that it was not a statue but a person at the foot of the tree and I was with my eyes closed and sitting?  Thinking aloud I exclaimed "No! I have read about it. It is a meditation position called ... what the hell is it called"

 ???: "fufufu… Lotus position, is the answer you are looking for" he said as he opened his eyes

 !!!: "Right, if that was it, thanks for… .." But I kept quiet and did not finish that sentence as fear and tension took over me

 ???: "fufufu… fear not boy, I know you have questions and I'll be happy to answer them, as long as you can answer some for me as well, so take a breath and organize your mind"

 my heartbeat could be heard * I did what he told me * I took a long breath exhale I felt a little calmer, I fixed my sights on the 'statue' and I was able to further detail its shape I noticed that it seemed to be a young man with an air  aristocratic man with long platinum hair, his golden eyes with pupils like slits, his appearance was devilishly attractive and a little effeminate, hell even the girls would be envious of him, he had a smile on his face that made you understand that underneath that charm he  hiding a very dangerous person.  He made me keep my guard up against him which apparently amused him as his smile rose a bit higher, I stopped detailing and focused on what was important.

 ¡¡¡: "First, who are you? Second, what is this place? Third, what was that strange book? Fourth, where is the place where I was previously? Fifth, what was that vortex?"

 ???: "For so many fufufu questions… Let's see where to start… oh! Yes, first let me introduce myself I was known as zhi long the fourth prince of the mighty celestial dragon empire who ruled over one of the powerful higher planes in my universe"

 I could see how proud he felt when remembering his origins, which indicated to me that apart from confirming my suspicions that he was a dangerous being, I was able to affirm that he was also an arrogant and haughty being since he did not even ask about my identity, I felt as if not  had me in his eyes

 Zhi long: "fufufu regarding your questions 2 and 3, I think and I am not very sure, that both things are related to the silly book you are referring to, I only know that it was the treasure of my long clan that because of him  I ended up being slaughtered and it almost happened to me "said zhi long, as his expression turned cold with a slight hint of hatred in his last words.

 I could notice the slight and by slight I mean, enormous thirst for blood that numbed the pores of the body and made me feel a pressure in my chest that did not let me breathe when I finished saying those words.

 Zhi long, noticing my slightly numb expression, stopped releasing his killing pressure?  But you may notice that her smile did not return while her expression remained serious.

 Zhi long: "now regarding your last two questions '' he said as he stood up making me squeeze my sphincter as hard as I could due to the fear he made me feel recently while thanking any divine entity for having gone to the bathroom  before all this madness. Zhi Long approached until he was 4 meters away from me and then continued saying

 Zhi longo: '' I have the same doubts as you and I can intuit that it also has to do with my clan's treasure and this space where we find ourselves may be a tiny space within the book, which apparently has joined your soul  , now your turn who are you?  ’’.

 Until at last he says to ask the bastard, What?  I also have my pride.

 ¡¡¡: ‘’ My name is Jeron Orduz, until a few hours ago I was happy with life and then the vortex appeared and everything went to shit, ’’ I said, trying not to look intimidated and not wanting to share more of my personal information.  What can I tell you, if you didn't notice I am a man of few words but who thinks a lot.

 Zhi long: ’’ Just that? ’’ He said feeling disappointed by what I noticed.

 Jeron: '' Yes, now what I want to know was that it had joined my soul and what the hell is a tiny space, this seems very surreal '' I said while patting my chest in an absurd attempt to get the book out of  my soul, it didn't work obviously and before i kept trying zhi long interrupted me.

 Zhi long: '' in my world there are artifacts in which by applying a little of your blood can join your soul, it will grow and strengthen as you do, these artifacts are at the top of the cultivation realm are known as  Immortal level artifacts, now above those artifacts there are some very powerful so-called divine artifacts of which I understood that they were only legends, it was said that these artifacts brought their own kingdom or tiny space and the more powerful said artifact was, the greater would be the  tiny space ''

  He paused and looked around as if the place was being scanned, then he looked at myself and damn I can't get used to those eyes they make me very uncomfortable.  I keep saying

 Zhi long: '' I can't believe that you, a simple human were so lucky, that even without cultivating you seized one of the most powerful artifacts in my world of which I intuit my clan had no idea and those bastards who destroyed my kingdom and  clan, if they did.  I can't come to another conclusion. ''

 I have to admit that I was bothered by the fact that he referred to me as 'simple human' but that made me analyze more what he said first obviously he was not human, second cultivator?  That sounds like an oriental story to me, thirdly he comes from another world from which he escaped alive from those who were chasing him trying to save his treasure from the clan that is now attached to my soul, shit!  My heart skipped a beat and I feared for my life again, I hate this feeling, fourth from what it says, neither he nor his clan knew the true power of that silly book, which further increases my fear.  And then something * clicked * metaphorically in my head.  If what he says is true and that book is linked to my soul and this site belongs to the book then ...

 A stream of energy began to come from all corners of space towards me, surprised zhi long slyly kept his guard up while he watched what happened.

 After a few seconds a group of bright energy began to gather in front of me and a kind of encyclopedia of 1x1.5 (mts.) Was formed but the cover was very old leather apparently with slight blue flashes while the edges were gold  on the cover you could read 'liber sapientiae' written in a simple way but it was all but that, there was power in those words I could feel it.

 I wanted to get closer to him I could feel as if he was asking me to take it and when I raised my hands zhi longo got in the way I have no idea how he got in front of me so fast, it was as if he had teleported right in the middle and I tried to take it but  something incredible happened the second his hand touched the book

 Una fuerte descarga eléctrica golpeó a Zhi Long, gritó fuerte y pude ver como trató de resistirse a mí por otro lado, mientras miraba todo, di unos pasos atrás, esperé cualquier situación y agradecí al bastardo por ser tan amable * tos * tose * codicioso * y da el primer paso no esperes mucho antes de que el zhi long caiga inconsciente al suelo

 Ese sentimiento reapareció de nuevo pero ahora tenía cierto miedo de querer tomarlo. Pasé mi lengua por los labios secos y tragué saliva mientras me acercaba al libro de nuevo. Las gotas de sudor en mi frente comenzaron a aumentar a medida que me acercaba más y más, pasé por el cuerpo inconsciente de Zhi Long y lentamente levanté mis manos hacia el libro y cuando mis dedos temblorosos hicieron contacto con el paso algo increíble ......
