Chapter 22 – Stopping the King…?
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“Who‽” (Galer)

“Oh, we are only three Nobles that decided to ally to remove the King’s rank, as per the Law. Though, I am removing myself from the alliance and instead creating a new one to strip you down from your privileges.” (???)

“What‽” (Galer)

“...What is happening? Why is everyone making noise?... My head hurts...”

“So, you were about to bring him to his room alone, so you could finish brainwashing him, right?”

“What are you talking about‽”


“...Yes, my King?”

“...What is happening...?”

“Oh, nothing my King. Just some annoying pe–”
“Did you know he bought Breawis, King?”


“Wait what‽”

“Yeah, I watched him do it. Did you know no law was forbidding to record the entire city, excluding registered private zones?”

“Hah‽ Since when is this a thing‽”

“Actually, since pretty much ‘forever’.”

“Coming back to the questions, King, did you know he went to Yvon, where he kidnapped someone on your behalf? That would be treason, you know.”

My head... “What‽” Did I ever ordered him that? No... I... He asked me to do it... He...

“Do you know the effects of Breawis? When administered correctly, it lowers the target’s mental defenses, and after a certain amount of it being absorbed the target spends one entire night with all defenses removed. He tried to brainwash you even more, and more completely.”

Urgh... Wait, but...

“Also, when the target learns about the administration, he starts analyzing all his memories and grows irreversible distrust toward everyone that manipulated him. Given that the night did not pass, otherwise the brainwash is permanent.”

There is also then, and then too, and... K“ah, my head!”
I suddenly fell from the pain.

“Do not move.”

“Don't move yourself! Stop! Zvyobzyr!1Try shifting the letters on an AZERTY keyboard to the left by 1 letter...

“Oh, is that how you activate the parasite? Unfortunately we have already been administered the antidote.”

“What‽ Since when‽”

“You don’t have to know that. King, I will make the night go through for you.”
I suddenly saw Athena, Artemis and Jupter appear, then I lose consciousness due to the Breawis Galer administered me.

At the same time
POV: Galer
Nothing seemed to go right.
Now even the Gods were siding for them. When did it started?

“Actually, it started ever since you kidnapped Fali. One thing brought another, and here we are.” (Artemis)

“Huh, really? Anyway, Galer you are being stripped from your rights for attempting multiple open murders. This is effective starting from now.”

I suddenly felt my strength leaving me, making me a commoner. I almost succeeded...
“Oh, also, you are forbidden from going near a Noble ever again. To be exact, you are not allowed to go less that 1.5m away from a Noble.”

And... What‽

“Get away from me you filth!”
I suddenly felt someone pushing me from behind while saying such lines. Don’t tell me...

When I turned around, I saw the King’s feet, unable to look up to It. Wait... I... No, something’s wrong here... I...

“Hey, didn’t you hear? Get. Away!”

I need to.. get.. aw..ay? Y... Yes, I do... Right?
I am already obeying the King anyway... It’s fine, isn’t it...?

“Wow, that takes effect pretty fast, does it not?”

“Yes, it does.”

Wha..t are They... talking... about...?
Just need to... Wait for further order...


[Yes, I do.]

During Galer’s reconversion
POV: 3rd person
As Galer’s eyes were dulling as he lost control of himself, Aftri, Atsi, the third noble and the King all waited for the Gods to say something. But they simply left after seeing Galer return to being a diligent commoner.

After which, the King thanked the three of them (well, it was mostly Aftri and Atsi that did the job, but the third one did help them to come in time).
They promised to see each other again on a more jovial tone, before turning to Galer, who was still bowing respectfully to the four of them.

Aftri sighed and asked, “What are we going to do about him now?”

They threw some ideas in the air, before settling on thinking about it and deciding after he cleans up his own mess.

“First of all, where did you bring Fali?”

“Who is Fali?”

“The one you kidnapped.”

“There are 15.”

“Wow, that’s a lot. Are they all at different places?”

“No. One is in a brainwashing room. The others are working for me elsewhere.”

“Well then, lead us to your ‘brainwash facility’ first.”

Galer immediately turned around and left, bringing the four nobles to about a kilometer away from the city, in a house.
Then, he went to the back of the house, pressed two stones in quick succession, and went into an opening that formed as he released the stone.

“The door is only letting two people in.” Galer told them while inside. “Bombs will detonate if there are more that three people at once inside.”

“Who wants to go then?” Atsi asked.

“I certainly don’t want to be near that filth.” the King said filled with disgust.

“I didn’t do anything... I think I can manage this, if you don’t want to go.” the third noble said, looking uncomfortable.

“Alright, fine by me.”

The three then waited for a bit, before a women accompanied the two that went inside.

“Alright third noble, care to tell me why you said that to him? Galer, do not obey her.” Aftri asked, exaggerating his happiness.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh come on, you know what you said. Galer, do not obey her.” Atsi continued.

“What did she say?” the King asked, not following.

“Something in the line of ‘Be your past self, the one that brainwashed me.’ Right?” Aftri said, her tone turning serious lightning quick.


“You do not have to lie, you know. Galer, did you brainwash her?”


“What‽ How did you know?” the King exclaimed, shocked at Atsi’s and Aftri’s correct ‘guess’.

“We have good ears. Now, do you have anything to say before we three de-rank you?” Atsi said.

1017 words!

Well, we are really nearing the end of this arc. I promise. x) (I was already thinking of ending the arc chapter 15, if I recall correctly, but that felt too short so I added a LOT of things. x) )

Also, please tell me if you find something bad/good about the story or a chapter in particular in the comments! (Like the color scheme :p)