Chapter 25 – The Demon King
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“I’m sorry, what?”

“I said, can you go subjugate the Demon King?”

“...What is such a being?”

“Do you really need to take so much precaution? It isn’t very sentient you know? As all monsters are... It’s a wild cat, one of the strongest monsters out there.”


“Yeah, only dragons are stronger, you know?”


“... Is it too strong?”

“Wait... Don’t tell me you have a cutest being problem??” (Daler)

“Uhhh... What?”

“Cats! It’s cats you know‽” Daler had heart-shaped eyes, looking at Juna like an odiot shaking her.


“Oh, sorry, I got a bit wilder than usual. But still! Cats!”1So yeah, the Enemy is... a cat. Don’t know why I wanted that. x)

“You know, you can stop being so excited at some point...” (Finn)

“Never when it comes to cats!”

“And you don’t even speak proper English...”

“I don’t care! It’s cats!”

“... Sigh... Anyway, as you can probably guess, we’ll take care of your problem...”

“... I see... Many thanks.”

“So, where is it? Where is it? Hey, hey, where is it?” Daler appeared right in front of Juna, being so excited.

“Too close! And it is in the forest you just come from. You just go north and... Aaand you’re all gone... Fine. Now you. Get ‘ver here.”

A bit later
“You know Daler, you could’ve at least thanked him a bit.” (Finn)

“Yeah, yeah, sorry... But still, where is it?... I can’t find it...” said Daler looking depressed from Finn’s scolding and not finding the cat (mostly for not finding it).

“I think we’re nearing him. The wild animals are getting stronger.” (Jiro)

“Yeah... Hey, isn’t that goblins? Why does such creatures exist here? They should be quite a bit stronger than what we’ve seen up until now, right?” (Tris)

“My guess is that they’re the last line of defense.” (Laura)

“That’d be logical.” (Finn)

While they were holding such discussions, they were ‘battling’ against wild animals like dogs, wolves (their wilder counterparts), snakes, lizards (those didn’t bother the five much)...

And true enough, after going through the line of goblins, they saw a cat hissing at them.
Daler couldn’t resist anymore and ran toward it to cuddle it. It tried to avoid her, but she was simply too experienced in dealing with escaping cats and managed to corner it.

It said, “I wont go down without a – huh‽” before Daler took it in her arms, nearly breaking its ribs as she pressed too hard (she wasn’t used to the fragility of the beings in here).

“Wait, you can talk? THAT’S SO CUTE!!” Daler realized a bit later, giggling even harder while petting it.

“Obviously I can talk! Who do you take me for! I am the Demon King I’ll have you know! ...A bit lower please... *Rrrrrr*2Is that the onomatopoeia for purring in English?” The cat tried to act mighty, but quickly collapsed into pure bliss as it received the care of Daler, even starting to purr.

“Who’s a good cat? Huh? Who’s a good cat? It’s you! Mmmhm!” Daler started petting the cat even harder.

It started to close its eyes, as if it was sleepy. But then suddenly, Juna appeared and stole it from Daler’s arms.
“Hey! Give it back to me! Fluffy! Come back!”


“Yeah, that fits him don’t you think? Fluffy! No!” Daler started tearing up as Juna took ‘Fluffy’ away.

“My name is not Fluffy... Huh? Who are you‽” The cat slowy opened its eyes, then realized it had changed owner.
It started to struggle and managed to escape Juna’s grip, then subconsciously moved toward Daler and arrived before it realized it went right into the Devil’s arms once again.

“Meanie! Don’t steal Fluffy again!” Daler pouted at Juna.

“Youuu... Fine. But deal with the war yourself then.” Juna glared at the group of five, but turned around and disappeared into the wilderness looking fed up.

“Muuu... Say, are you okay Fluffy? He didn’t hurt you right?” Daler turned back to the Demon King, who tried to escape this new grip, but this time didn’t manage to.

“I said I’m not called Fluffy! And you’re the one who hurt me the most! You’re too strong! ......A bit higher please... Ahh, perfect...” the cat quickly stopped moving after being pet again by Daler’s expert hand.

And as it closed its eyes, this time, no one took it away from Daler, and its magic could bond him to the group of five.
The group was not surprised by the appearance of the magic circle, since all cats obviously need to be bound magically to their owners. They’d try to flee otherwise. And so, every time a cat chooses an owner, a magic circle appears.
What surprised them, though, is that the circle could reach them. Usually, a cat chooses an owner quicky, and since the size of the magic circle expands logarithmically-ish to how long it was ownerless, it meant that this cat was probably ownerless for a very, very long time. They estimated this cat was ownerless for approximately one century.
Which is above the average life expectancy of a cat.

After a lot of time, the cat woke up again, and then they had a talk.

“So, why are you the Demon King? ...Wait, before that where are those ‘demons’?”

“You’ve beaten most of them coming over here... And I’m the demon king bcause I could speak. Really, that’s it, everything just followed from there. My speech ability made me rally the goblins, who helped me control everyone else... They are quite stupid, sorry, not very intelligent, all you have to do is order them not faltering when they come at you and then they obey you.”

“Huh. So, what’s about that war Juna just spoke about?”

“Well, humans were hunting us, but then we started organized retaliations, and they got angry and said ‘We can’t tolerate such acts! To arms everyone!’... I didn’t really understand. To be honest I still don’t really.”

“Well, you did kill some humans right? They got the same feeling you did.”


“So, did you try to stop it?”

“...No...” the cat said, its ears drooping.

“...Bad kitty! You’ll do it, right?”

“...Yes... I’m sorry...”

“No cuddling until you made peace then!”

“Nooo!” the cat made an earth-shattering sound of despair.

After leaving the cat temporarily, to get back to human civilization, they went into a forest. And suddenly, a God appeared right beside them.

1084 words and a cliffhanger!

Sooo... yeah, that’s how you end a war, apparently. (Seriously, I don’t know why I thought up of that x) )
By the way, for the poll of last chapter, this part was mostly planned. It concerned mostly the first and second arc. (And soon this arc too, but not yet :p)