Chapter 2
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The Bayani - Isaiah


Chapter 2


An extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections. A phobia of injections for short.

Although this phobia mostly affects children and could be overcome at the adult stage, Isaiah, who never became sick (and thus rarely visited the hospital) hadn't really gotten used to being pricked.

But who can blame him? I mean, being injected is like asking someone to stab you. If you're gonna be stabbed it should be without you noticing, you know, like literal stabbing.

To Isaiah however, it isn't just his fear of needles that made him tremble, but rather the fact that he is defenseless and that there are two unknown women, though beautiful, about to do something to him.

'Is this a prank? Did I stumble into a masochist's home?' Such thoughts and countless others entered his mind as his eyes darted from the needles and to Senki.


"Ne, Senki-nee, he is awake." Yumi pointed out the obvious.

"I can see that. Well, this is good or maybe bad." Senki replied as she slowly entered the room, a warm smile still etched on her lips.

Gently, she placed the tray of needles down and started heating the cups she brought earlier.

"Come here Yumi-chan, someday, you would have to do this too."


'Calm down man, Calm down... This is easy, its just acupuncture... Yes, just that...' Isaiah thought to himself, relieved by the fact that they aren't going to voodoo him or do something else. 'Yes, It's just the acupuncture... For now'

Isaiah calmed his breathing as he tried to distract himself from the needles. 

Fluff fluff.

Suddenly, Isaiah saw Yumi's bushy tail which wagged excitedly, beating the floor softly.

'If I'm going to die, at least let me touch that!'

With the eyes of a predator eyeing its prey, Isaiah used all of his willpower to move his hand towards the tail which was close enough.

'Let me...'

Inch by inch, slowly Isaiah's fingers reached for her tail.

Although it was painful, although it was hard, Isaiah struggled and struggled. His attention wholly focused on his effort to touch the tail.


On the other side, Senki quietly and efficiently taught Yumi the procedures of preparing the acupuncture.

"Just the right temperature, and that's how it's done," Senki said as she lightly tapped the steaming cup.

This was an opportunity for her to teach her younger sister how to deal with this difficult practice. Very rarely was she able to do this as her mother was proficient and well, not many needed acupuncturing.

But since its usually the village chief's wife who has to deal with all the medical needs of the village, so it would one day become her duty, as the eldest children and daughter to prepare herself and Yumi for the task which they would someday inherit.

Yumi tilted her head. "Is that so... By the way, why is that weird?" She pointed to a needle with a diamond-shaped tip.

"This." Senki explained. "Is a special one, it is used for the humans, do you know why?"

"Yes... It's about magic right?"

"Excellent. That is correct." Senki nodded happily as she patted her sister's head.

"Hehehehehe. But, does he have magic though?"

"We will soon learn," Senki replied as she turned around, not noticing Isaiah's tail-touching advance. "Hold his arms for me please."

With a nod, Yumi quickly turned around, surprising Isaiah.

'Was I caught?'

But before he could mull over, Yumi quickly grabbed his left wrist before crossing over to grab his right.


Left Right.

'What is going on? Was I caught?'

Isaiah tried to struggle, having been able to move his arm it felt like he was free as if he could breathe properly again, only to be held back again, Isaiah sought for more freedom!

'Ehmm.' Isaiah moved his hand, trying to force it out of Yumi's grasp but it seems that the small fox-girl had more strength than Isaiah.

'Ano ba... Lakas mo inday!' (What the? Girl you are strong!)

Isaiah fought back as much as he could, but Yumi didn't even budge, despite being half Isaiah's size. 

While struggling, suddenly, a hand was on his forehead.

His eyes quickly snapped towards Senki, and towards the thing in her hand. It was a needle, whose destination is his skin.

Shake shake.

Senki saw the frightened figure of Isaiah and she calmly carried his forehead.

"There, there, it's okay." She said reassuringly.

But it wasn't enough for Isaiah, who couldn't even understand what she said.


"It's okay, it's okay... It won't hurt."

"It won't hurt." Yumi translated for Isaiah.

With a deep breath, Isaiah calmed himself.

'You're a man, you can do this... Just relax.'

Senki, knowing how people usually behave quickly seized the opportunity and placed some weight into her hand causing Isaiah's head to be inclined down and his neck wide open.

Isaiah shook uncontrollably at the sudden move and before he knew it.


Isaiah's body stretched, before going limp as Senki pricked his neck with her diamond-shaped tip needle

A feeling of warmness suddenly started spreading from his neck and towards his body.




For how long has it been?

The next thing Isaiah knew, it was cold, it was warm, it was... Comfortable?

For some reason, the heat was gone, the heaviness was gone. He was alright. as if those feelings he had were all a lie.

Isaiah hesitantly opened his eyes fearing that someone may be waiting, but no one did, so instead he scanned the empty room.

'Both of them are gone...'

Indeed, all signs of Senki and Yumi are now gone.

His eyes darted to the window 'above' him.

'Its already night... I can't really see the moon but, its probably 7 based on the temperature... Not that I could say.'

Suddenly, Isaiah's stomach went itchy and his hand naturally went to deal with the problem that's when Isaiah noticed it.

Scratch scratch

The last time, his hand could only move slightly with great difficulty but now, his hand can move like normal, no, not just his hand, much of his body can, he could even speak.

"Uhhh, ehhh, hmmm hmmm"(random noises to test the throat)


Only when Isaiah gulped did he realize that the sore in his throat was gone but was replaced with thirstiness, Isaiah was very thirsty and there was no water in sight.

For how long has he been asleep? For how long has he had a cup of water? No one knows...

Trying to find a cup or waiting for the sisters to come back might take a while so it might be best for Isaiah to just search for them.

'For now, I must search the house.'

Search the house for any inhabitants and ask for water, and maybe some food as well.

'But to think they have ears and tails, are they furries or some kind of cosplayers?'

Isaiah quickly raised his body but for some reason, his legs didn't respond to the mental command.


Confused, Isaiah tried again this time he punched his leg just in case but then he didn't even feel the pain, in fact, it was as if he had no leg!


Isaiah tried everything, punching, touching, massaging, groping... But none of them worked.

'Looks like Its crawling time.' Isaiah sighed as he exercised his arms when suddenly he heard footsteps.

'Seems that they are coming.' Isaiah sighed in relief and was about to lie down when he saw something at the corner of his eyes.

A small, orange tabloid-like thing.


But before he could mull about it, Senki arrived, this time a new lady was behind her.

Seeing Isaiah awake, Senki curtly bowed before she entered the room, a tray in her hand with various bowls of food.

'Good timing, I am hungry.' Isaiah thought, for now, eat, later this orange thing.

"How are you?" Senki asked as she placed the bowl down, thinking that Isaiah could now understand at least, but Isaiah understood not one word from her.

"How are you?" Senki tried again but the same result.

"I don't understand," Isaiah replied, and well Senki didn't understand.

A brief moment of awkwardness ensued as Isaiah tried tp figure out how to deal with this dilemma.

A tiny frown crept to her face before she smiled again.

"You," She said pointing to Isaiah. "Eat?" She said while pretending to scoop something up and 'eating' it.

This, at least Isaiah could understand.

"Yes please," Isaiah replied with a nod.

"Good." She said as she clasped her hand "Now then..." She then began preparing the food.

The other fox-eared girl looked like an aunt, she had black hair and black fur but there was a distinct difference in her and Senki, and in that one of her fox-ears had its tipped cut.

'A slave?'

But the maid-lady remained silent and didn't even bother to acknowledge Isaiah, as soon as she was finished with her task she bowed curtly before leaving quickly and quietly, leaving both Senki and Isaiah.

'To think they have a sla-.'


Suddenly, a wave of realization hit Isaiah.

"A... another world?" An explosion of thoughts entered his mind. Suddenly millions of bits of information came to Isaiah's mind as if he just had a revelation.

"Hmmm?" Senki asked.

"Nei nei." Shaking his head, Isaiah replied what would be the international word for no. He could mull about those later, for now, its time to eat.

Nod nod. Isaiah slapped his cheeks 

With this, Senki placed the tray in front of Isaiah. A breakfast in bed, or this time, dinner. Isaiah sat up and quickly checked what he would eat today.

Broiled fish, some pickled vegetables, a bowl of rice and the obligatory soy sauce and... Tea.' finally, something to drink.' Isaiah thought as he quickly lifted the cup and his parched lips finally touched water.

Oh, the refreshing taste of...



Isaiah suddenly gagged, but quickly regained composure and drank the whole thing in one go. 

'To think it's ginger of all things. Yuck'

It's not that Isaiah hates the taste, it's just the texture of ginger water. After placing the cup down, Senki quickly refilled it with a nearby pitcher while Isaiah prayed quickly.

'Now then.' He said as he took the chopsticks, but Senki was quicker.

"No!" She said as she parted the two chopsticks and pointed to herself. "I feed you." She gestured.

Isaiah got confused for a while, wondering what the gesture meant, but he quickly got it and embarrassingly shook his head.

"No problemu. No problemu." Isaiah replied, trying to sound as Japanese as possible.

But Senki didn't reply, she just deftly picked a piece of fish, dipped it in soy, and then presented it to Isaiah.

Grinning, Isaiah didn't know what to do, on one hand, it was embarrassing to be hand-fed but the other party seemed determined to do so.


"Ahhh," Senki said.

'Should I just?... You know what damn it.'

With a sigh, Isaiah closed his eyes and opened his mouth and Senki slowly placed the fish inside.

Chomp chomp

It was, well, fish... It wasn't too good but it wasn't bad as well, just the perfect flavor for the hungry man.

"Good?" She asked.

While chewing, Isaiah nodded. "Very good." He said and raised a 'thumbs up' gesture for emphasis.

"Good." She said in relief as she deftly picked rice. Now wouldn't be the best time of his life? Living under a neat and quiet house, being hand-fed by a beautiful and cute girl.

'If only I could live a life like this forever...' Isaiah thought once dinner was over and Senki was preparing to leave.

Once everything was ready, Senki blew at the lamp dimming the room, before she closed the door she curtly bowed then left.

Krrrrrp (door sliding noises)

Tap tap tap tap (soft walking noises)

Once the coast was clear, Isaiah stretched his arms.' Now then...'

This 'other world' thing and the small orange tab... Just what are they?

Chapter 2 Fin...
