Chapter 2: A Memorable Gift
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"Elios," Ces called as she prepared for her outwear, "Can you give me a brief run through on tonight's agenda?" An orange-tinted rectangular sunglasses decorated her heart-shaped face. She pulled out an over-sized faux fur coat, patterned in an obnoxious leopard print, that was idly hanging on her wardrobe rack. Elios was kneeling in front of her, assisting her elf-like feet into her heeled leather boots.

He stood and smoothed his pants. "You have drinks with Ms. Amber Hellfire at The Playground and an appointment with Mr. Lucas Buandiller at the main house," answered Elios attentively.

"Cancel the latter. Didn't I just have dinner with him earlier this week?" It was unusual for Lucas to require another meeting. She thought it had already been settled, the divorce papers was pushed back, just far enough for the sake of civility in her upcoming birthday party. If news broke out, there would be conflict between the two powerful families. That gives Lucas five days to change the mind of his sweet Melinda, if he could convince her otherwise. Everyone thought Melinda was the one for him, a beautiful royal with polished business etiquette. To be honest, Ces never understood why women would settle down with him after finding out his long list of affairs (everyone knew this for a fact).

"I'm afraid you have maxed out your cancellation passes to your brother's invitation."

Ces glared at him, a shudder went up his spine. "Oh, I didn't know you worked for him."

"Will cancel right away." Elios said quickly and punched buttons at his screen. He was given two devices, one to manage his master's tiring schedule and the other for his private use.

As if she was forgetting something, Ces ransacked through her drawers and dug out a pair of sunglasses. "Before you get the car, wear this if you value your privacy. That will do for now. I'll get you a bigger frame next time."

He wore it and it looked ridiculously small on his face. "What exactly for? The moon is high."

"Are you a fan of camera flashes?" Ces asked the obvious.

"I despise it." Believe it or not, the eyes of vampires are quite sensitive to bright lights, just like how they scorch themselves by staring at the sun. When their irises are overwhelmed, it is natural for them to get their senses dulled and distorted for a few seconds.

"Annoying paparazzi are going to be everywhere since my birthday party is coming near. It'll be the talk of town soon enough. This is why I told my family not to publicize my birthday." She sighed heavily. "And I believe it will be your first time going out of the mansion. I trust you to be in your best behavior and not be overwhelmed by such photo-crazed lunatics."

"Understood. I'll get the car now and pick you up at the front door." He dismissed himself.

The majestic Buandiller mansion that was especially handed out to her was contained in an isolated compound, surrounded by a thick forest that was gobbled by a misty layer at night. Its distance was a thirty-minute drive away from the city, but the compound was like a mini city itself, small private structures, an enormous lap pool, and a freshwater lake could be found within the premises — all under Ces' righteous name.

A black Maserati came to approach her at the doorsteps, its silky lacquer glistening under the pale moonlight. Elios kindly opened the car door for her before resuming his position as a personal chauffeur. Until they reached their destination, they rode in silence accompanied by electro pop music.

Behind the drinking establishment, a parking slot was reserved for them under Amber's name. Amber Hellfire, an old friend of hers, might as well have closed the whole place for their privacy, leaving a few attendants to serve them.

There were paparazzi anticipating their arrival. Ces was right, whenever they had the chance, the busy flock took snippets of them the instance they set foot on the ground, but their behavior was odd. They were on their guard, standing meters away from them. It was an unreasonable distance to the extent they had attached a pair of extra lenses to their gears like they've gone bird-watching. And yes, Ces and Elios were those two birds.

"I wasn't expecting this. The crowd must adore you." Elios beamed with sarcasm. "There must be a reason why I haven't seen your face in the Vampire Monthly's friendly faces."

"Ugh. You read that?" Ces grimaced. It was a stupid magazine made up by humans that categorizes vampires based on their empathy and just like what Elios said — friendliness. "Taking pictures of me is the only way they can keep their jobs and their distance is the only thing that's keeping me from ripping their fingers off."

Elios chuckled. "That's harsh, Master."

"You know I could top those charts if I put an effort to it." Ces crossed her arms. "Don't you agree?"

"If you say so." He shrugged.

While they were making their way towards The Playground, they came across another vampire hand in hand with a small feeble child, her cheeks were hollow just like her depressed eyes.

"Poor girl." Ces whispered. Her purebred instincts made it easier to distinguish purebred vampires and half-bloods apart. Humans were easiest to detect, their distinct sweat immediately gave them away. Majority of the vampires smelled bland, similar to of a cement in a mixer, and depending on their radiance, that's when their scent is intensified. Contrarily, humans and half-bloods excreted a sweet but different . Humans have the lingering scent of life and robust in them, sweet and savory unlike half-bloods, who are obviously half-humans and half-vampires, the best of both worlds, earthy and sweet.

There were other exceptions of course when vampires are thirsty, they become enslaved to their own appetite. Their thought process would be: food, food, food. Everyone just starts to appear as a delightful meal before their eyes.

And Elios here smelled insanely good like vanilla regardless of her hunger. This young man would be attracting eyes in no time. Ces thought it would be best to teach him how to conceal his radiance but she can save that for another time.

Elios was staring at them for quite some time now. "What's wrong?" Ces swore half-bloods could never tell the difference with their imitative noses, just making poor speculations based on the individual's eye color.

"That little girl's a collateral. Type B. Her parents are a coward who couldn't fulfill their parts of the contract, giving the burden all to their daughter." She said when they were out of earshot.

"Is that even legal?" Elios gasped,"How is that possible?"

"I suppose, as long as the contract has been made with the child unborn. They don't get to enjoy their childhood like you. When they are born, they are immediately shipped to the Foundation for early grooming. There are two types of contracts, you see, and the other isn't that well known since it upholds moral issues," Ces explained thoroughly, "Type As are the ones who brought it upon themselves and Type Bs are children whose negligent parents sold them off in exchange for freedom." It was actually a bother to think that there were half-bloods roaming the earth freely, unchained to masters. Those are the ones beyond their control.

"That makes me a Type A. Aren't you curious on what my contract was all about? Why I had myself turned?" Elios tried to pique her interest.

"No. The life you lived before doesn't concern me the slightest." A truth she spoke.

Elios smiled sheepishly, "But you did ask if I had slept with a number of women before."

"Did I?"

"Cecilia!" That was Amber's voice. A short plump woman with an electrified cherry bob darted towards her direction. She was clothed in a black glittery jumpsuit that matched her stilettos and a pair of earrings, attached to it are rock-sized diamonds, dangled from her droopy ears. "Who is this handsome gentleman? Your new lover? A half-blood, finally a change of taste!" exclaimed Amber, who was staring immensely at the lovely-looking pair.

Ces uncomfortably received her friend's light embrace. "Ah no, sorry I forgot to mention I was bringing my butler along."

A bar servant offered to take the newcomers' coats.

"No worries, I brought France with me too. They can keep each other company while we're at it." Amber grinned and indecently eyed Elios from head to toe. Her blazing red eyes lingered longer at the base of the butler's neck. Ces knew what that meant, either her friend was checking for scars or she wanted a taste of that treat. She could not have been more obvious.

"This is my butler Elios." Embarrassed, Ces cleared her throat to break off her friend's inappropriate ogling. "Elios, meet Amber Hellfire, owner of The Playground."

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Amber, the Succubus was it?" He bowed his head but then Amber lifted her hand, insisting that it may be kissed upon. Elios gladly accepted, like an excited little boy, and pressed his lips against the back of her hand.

"Likewise." Amber could hardly contain her smile. "By the way, I go by the Temptress now. The Succubus was a bit too much."

Ces was astonished that he knew Amber's alias, however she did not show this abrupt change on her face. She did not remember ever mentioning it. Elios did say he read the Vampire Monthly, perhaps he must have picked it up from the old editions. She was not aware that her butler was such a fan of morbid things.

"You can stay with France in the table over there. He's the blond gent in a white dress shirt." Amber motioned, "Hope you two get along well."

"Don't drink too much," warned Ces.

In the far corner of the room, Elios joined his newfound butler friend, France, who was sitting idly with a glass of whiskey by his hand. They were presented with the surreal view of The Playground's exclusive and professional dancers.

Amber sighed sweetly, "Look at our boys enjoying themselves."

"You're letting them stay here?" Ces said in a disapproving tone.

"I see no harm in that, besides it would be fun." She held Ces' hands and led her to the bar front. "You know, my butler getting to know your Elios. that's a whole new different level if they become best friends too, don't you think?"

"If they get too close, you never know what they could be plotting against us."

"Well, France would never betray me like that. I don't know about yours." Amber bantered. When she saw paranoia overlooking Ces' eyes, she instantly took it back. "Oh please, we're in a whole new era. It rarely happens these days. Besides, the seal works like magic."

"I thought so too. Didn't Joaquin tell you? Elios tried to escape when he was in the Foundation." Ces' imagination was running wild. It was not a problem if she had Elios under her supervision. Stating the obvious, a mere fledgling does not stand a chance against her, a purebred vampire with exceptional fighting talent, although she may be a bit rusty now due to negligent in training.

"Oh, that. He must have his reasons and that was before the sealing of the contract so it doesn't count." She paused, "Don't tell me you don't know how the seal works?"

"I kind of didn't pay attention when they explained it to me in detail."

"I can't believe this!" Amber squealed, "It's what makes them loyal to you. Why do you think they make a better replacement for gargoyles?"

"Talk about free will. Are you saying they just do what they're told? Like spineless creatures."

"Not exactly. It's more complicated than that. France could still say no to me. I don't completely understand it either."

Come to think of it, that was the case for Elios as well, just what were the limits of this loyalty she spoke of?

Trying to elevate the depressing atmosphere, Amber called the bartender and told him to make the usual: bloodshot unicorn cocktails. "Drinks on me," she winked at Ces.

The two ladies watched in odd fascination as the mixologist prepared their drinks and garnished it lastly with lime and ice. Human blood alone was already intoxicating. With the right amount of unicorn wine added, their heads could be sent spinning in no time. It was a drug loved by all vampires since normal alcohol would be only devoured by their abnormal immune systems, rendering the consumable poison less effective.

Funny story actually, unicorn wine was not derived from unicorns. Those winged specimens had been extinct, even long before the gargoyles instigated a rebellion. How it was named had something to do with the way it has been synthesized. And that was all scientist Ces took no part in, but she did wish it was one of her brothers who had discovered the innovative concept. The mastermind behind unicorn wine was filthy rich up to this day.

Drinks were served before them, looking palatable as always. Amber ordered the bartender to keep an on their level of consumption and soon enough their table was flooded with one drink after another.

"Tell me, Cecilia, what does he taste like?" She looked very excited. Amber behaved as her usual inquisitive self.

"Sweet nonetheless, better than the blood packs. I can't believe I've been feeding off the wrong thing for the last fifty years. It makes you never want to go back."

"No, I don't mean that." She rolled her eyes, "I meant sex. I do it with my butler all the time."

Ces' jaw dropped. "Are you insane? We don't have that kind of arrangement."

"It is consensual. I don't have that kind of wicked fantasy."

"Getting entangled with a half-blood is messier than you think. To get involved deeply with them never crossed my mind."

Amber sneered, "Still a prude, I see. You're so old-fashioned. I bet even Lucas is doing it."

"Disgusting, don't bring my brother's sex life into this conversation. Can we talk about something else please?" Ces took a few sips from her third glass while Amber was already finished with hers, ready for the next round.

"Unless you want to talk about your other brother?" She said wryly.

Ces shook her head, "Not a chance."

"Before I forget, Joaquin told me to deliver you these." Amber recklessly pulled out a sealed envelope and brought out the pictures inside. She slid them across the table. "The hunters who hurt your boy. Cain Whalelord and Synthia McClair. Dead, just as you wanted." The portraits contained graphic photos and information regarding their 'accidental' deaths.

"I almost forgot about that." She took a closer look at it. It was a slaughter, the work of a competent mad man."I assumed he took care of their families as well?"

"Yes, they were compensated and they did not suspect a single thing." Amber stored the documents back in place, which then she would later burn to eliminate evidence. "It's funny how you act all innocent when it comes to fucking half-bloods yet you murder them heartlessly."

"Technically, it was Joaquin who did the killing." Ces smiled.

"Cheers to that." The two clinked their glasses.

Soon enough, after being engaged in a mindless chatter, they lost count of how many glasses they drank.

"We've been drinking all night." Ces stuttered, her cheeks flushed a bright rosy color as the alcohol was becoming infused with her blood. "A few more drinks and I won't be able to stand on my feet." She might as well let Elios carry her. That seemed convenient.

"What do you mean? We're just getting started." Amber was grinning and that was a hell of a suspicious grin. You could expect nothing less from Ms. Hellfire. "We still haven't gotten to the fun part, unwrapping my gift, that is. Come, Cecilia, I have a surprise for you that you'd like very much."