Shipgirl dialogue lines: Iowa (BB-61), New Jersey (BB-62)
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Disclaimer: What is written here is a fanfic of what would my shipgirls' dialogue lines look like if they were in Azur Lane. The phrases were written in Azur Lane style and refer to some of Azur Lane characters. I don't own any rights to the game or its contents. Please, don't sue me.

New Jersey from here was designed way before her release in Azur Lane. It is my character and Yostar has no rights on this one.

USS Iowa

Ship Description: Iowa-class battleship - Iowa, Hull Number 61.

Self Introduction: I am the first of the last battleships to be built, Iowa. During my service I navigated all of the seas, and even had the honor of carrying the President to his important mission. If you feel like you need help, please, call for me!

Receive: Ah, are you Commander? Iowa-class battleship, Iowa, reporting in! Please, tell me how can I be of service. Ah... Sorry, I was a bit agitated about the new assignment...

Log in: Welcome back! Y-yes, the office is ready and all papers are sorted. The maids did it before me...

View details: Kyaaa?! Co-commander?! Please, knock before entering, I almost ashamed myself again...

Main screen 1: Ufu-fu~, you need my help? Please, leave this task to Big Sis~!

Main screen 2: My sisters? Ah, they are the cutest beings in the universe~! As long as they don't open their mouths...

Main screen 3: Diplomacy? That is the most commendable endeavor. Still, I prefer the gunboat diplomacy above all.

Normal touch: Ah? Yes, of course, I am ready!

Special touch: W-w-w-w...?! C-c-c-COMMANDER?!

Rub: W-w-w...?! T-that is u-u-unbefitting for a Big Sis...!

Mission reminder: Commander, we have a new mission and it requires your utmost attention! Do it myself? Of course!

Mission complete: Commander, I brought the mission rewards!

Mail reminder: Commander, you have a new mail. Read it myself...? N-no way...!

Return to port: Thank God, you returned unscathed. Please, come inside. Big Sis already made you some tea~!

Upset: Commander, even I know that I am worth more than that...

Stranger: I may be lacking in many aspects but please, bear with me for the time being... Ah? I don't deserve your compliments...

Friendly: Ha-ha-ha... and here I am, complaining about my life... And here are you, listening to me talking... Have I tired you...? No? W-wow... Erhm... Thanks...?

Crush: You want me to behave like I do with my sisters? W-would you really like me being a Big Sis...? You're okay because it is when we are alone...?!

Love:Co-mman-der~! Big Sis is here and is ready to rock~! But of course I brought everything~! Bento? Here it is~! I am glad I can be of use to you, so please, bear with me~!

Promise: Erhm...? What...? Ah... I... I mean... Do I really deserve it...? So this is not a reward...? You mean it?! Y-yes! Yes, yes, yes and yes! Big Sis will be always taking care of you~!

Commission complete: The commission team has returned. I will go debrief them, please wait for me~!

Enhancing complete: Iowa, ready for action!

Flagship fight: All hands, man the stations!

Victory: I... have I really became an MVP? Wow...

Defeat: I still need a bit of training, after all...

Skills: Strike hard!

Low HP: Wa-wa-wa...?!

Additional voice line 1: (Sortie with at least one of: New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin) Follow Big Sis and everything will be fine! I-I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!

Big Sis Iowa The Big Stick Task force escort
Increases this ship's FP and EVA by 5% for every Eagle Union ship in the fleet. Stacks with this ship's other skills. When this ship fires its main guns, 30% chance of slowing down all visible enemies. All main fleet ships of the fleet this ship is in get 10% increase to FP (battleships and battlecruisers), or 10% increase to AV (carriers), all vanguard ships of the fleet this ships is in get +5 to EVA and +20 to AA.
Range Safety Officer Iowa
Increases activation chance of barrage skills by 50% for: New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin. Does not have to be in the same fleet. For every of her sisterships sortied, gets 10% increase to FP. Every 30s has 50% chance to fire special barrage, damage depends on the amount of sisterships sortied.

USS New Jersey

Ship Description: Iowa-class battleship - New Jersey, Hull Number 62.

Self Introduction: I'm New Jersey, the best and strongest battleship of the Eagle Union~! I carried on my shoulders so many wars that I'm feeling sick. Now that it's done, I'll be resting. I deserved it, didn't I~?

Receive: Heya~! New Jersey's here! I'm the best battleship of the Eagle Union and now I'm in your fleet! Cool, ain't it? Now, tell me where I can find a room for myself and I'll be going~! Sortie...? Nah, it's such a pain...

Log in: You returned...? Darn it, I was hoping for some more R&R...

View details: Ah, Commander! Come here, I want to ask you something~! Who of those cuties is prettier? Just gimme your opinion~!

Main screen 1: Life is s... super-low tier game...

Main screen 2: You ask my permission to mess with my sisters? Ha-ha-ha! Go ahead~! I like to mess with 'em too!

Main screen 3: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! I'll help you... Stamp's done so I am done working.

Normal touch: You wanna read some? Sure thing, take whatever doujinshi lies around.

Special touch: Erhm...? What?! (Runs out) Iowa, Commander found something there!!!

Rub: Ha-ha-ha~! So that's what the 2D girls feel when I tap on 'em~?

Mission reminder: Mission, here. Go do it while I'm playing.

Mission complete: Oh, the rewards are here? Nah, I don't need them. Well, if there is a disk with another galge then I'll take it, sure thing.

Mail reminder: You're such an old-styled person, Commander... To receive mail...? Were you not connected to the chat...?

Return to port: Here you are! I knew you'd come back in one piece! Have you brought me Cola? ... You were not going out to buy me Cola...?

Upset: I'm hikki-neet and I'm proud of that. Go away, you normie!

Stranger: Life's such a bad game... Ha? Ah, okay. Come here, let's play.

Friendly: You think you'll unlock her route before I do? No way, Commander~! I'm pro!

Crush: Ha-ha-ha! That's funny~! Wait a darn moment...? How did we end up outside of my room...?

Love: Don't you even try, Commander! I will never agree that life is not a bad game! B-but I can agree that sometimes the characters are nice...

Promise: Wow~! You sure have weird tastes~! To think you'd do this for me, that you'd try to bring me out of my room for the sake of your love~! Mhm? Ah, I'm fine with it. Sure thing, do whatever you want, as long as you stay by my side and keep me company~!

Commission complete: The Cola team has returned!

Enhancing complete: I am the Black Dragon, feel my roar!

Flagship fight: Let's do this!

Victory: What's up, guys? Have you thought you could win against me~?

Defeat: Tch. Hey, guys, leave me for a bit, I'll go kick some 'S...

Skills: This salvo is dedicated to...~!

Low HP: I'm taking hits!

Additional voice line 1: (Sortie with Wisconsin) Wisky~! Come here my cutie-pie~!

Additional voice line 2: (Sortie with Iowa) I, don't sweat it, just fire!

Additional voice line 3: (Sortie with Missouri) I'm the strongest, and it 'll always be like that!

Battlefield artist The Black Dragon Glory seeker
Produced doujinshis at a stead pace of 1 DPM. Every 1 minute gets 5% FP and Hit rate increase. The time counter continues in the next battles of the sortie this ship participates in. Stacks infinitely. Every time this ship sinks an enemy ship, increases RLD by 1%. Can be stacked up to 10 times. When this ship's HP falls below 20%, gives 25% increase to FP for 10s and then heals this ship for 10% of its maximum HP. Activates once per sortie.
Dedicated salvo
Every 30s with 50% chance fires special barrage. When this ship fires the barrage, makes a comment on a random shipgirl's appearance. Every comment can be used only 1 time. If the comment is used, increases critical hit chance by 100%, and increases FP by 50%. If Wisconsin is in the same fleet as this ship, the barrage does not use commenting. If the barrage does not hit an elite enemy, fires a second barrage.