Slimy Carnage 1
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The next morning Jack was ready to go. He had thought long about it and had decided to take the first step.

“ I'm finally entering the dungeon again....

He took a deep breath a couple of times to calm his nerves and steeled his resolve.

“Yesterday, when I thought about it it sounded so easy ,but now when I'm ready to enter the dungeon I'm getting cold feet. Heh, it seems that the near death experience with the last slime in the tutorial has left me with some consequences, but my desire to kill those fuckers and strengthen myself is way stronger than the fear I'm currently experiencing."

'I have to get strong , at least strong enough to protect those I care about, because I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.

During these two days in which he had trained his skills he had also read The Gamer and found out something extremly worrying. In the manhwa there existed many people with magicial/mystical powers that they trained to acquire or suddenly gained them by chance like the protagonist of the manhwa. The power of these individuals was varied from as weak as a normal human to god like powers that could destroy nations with ease, but strangely most of the worlds population didn't know about them and thought that the powers they possesed were just the imagination of ancient people or maybe people seeing things. If these powerful people existed then how was it posible that they were not known or why is the earth not completely destroyed if these people had this much power?

The answer was simple. Gaia, also known as the will of the world punnished all those possesing special powers if they used them against normal people or destroyed the peace of the common world. Being unable to fight on the common world they insted fought in a specially created places (illusionary barrier) which were a complete replica of reality .

The more he thought about this the more he became worried.

'Did Gaia or an equivalent of it exist in this world? What if it didn't, what then? If it didn't exist then who or what would prevent a strong enough gamer to do as he pleases in reality?Who would stand in their way?Would it be the police?

Hahaha, that was laughable.

Whould it be the army? Maybe they would be able to fight against them, but for how long would they hold out? From what I have seen in the store the power of some of the skills in there could make a gamer comparable to a portable, human shaped, higly inteligent nuclear weapon. Then what if there were two people such as this , maybe even ten or twenty?'

This thought brought shivers to his very soul. He didn't want to imagine what that power would do in the hands of a person who would want to use it.

  “Huuuu...there is no need to think about such things now as I have no power over it. 

Open dungeon ,'Slimy Tunnel'.”


A bright blinding light came out of the phone screen and enveloped him. It was the same as when he disappeared from the library.


With the same flash if light Jack's body appeared again, but it was not the forest anymore.

“ Ughhhhh...

Why the hell do I have to get flash banged  everytime I enter the dungeon, why!? I've got complaints to the game creator.”

He rubbed his eyes furiously for a little while until he  regained his full vision. 

“Thats better. Now, where are we?”

In front of him appeared a dark tunnel similar to  the one he was in before at the tutorial, but with little differences. The tunnel walls were solid rock like before and some green moss cast a soft green light on the darkness, but the difference between the previous place was that the previous tunnels walls were smooth rock like it had been sanded to perfection and this one was rough, like the one who dug it was drunk. Another difference was that thete was a musty smell In the air like decaying wood. It was not a good smell that made him gag a little.

"Where is it coming from? Is it coming from above?"

As he looked around trying to find the source he observed that there were wooden pillars in an interval along the tunnel.

" Now I got it!

It makes sense that there is a musty smell. This place is an abandoned mine from the description and now that I saw the wooden support pillars...

I just hope that it won't collapse. Those supporting pillars look very old."

After looking around some more trying to gain anymore  information and failing to so, he looked  at his inventory.


Food and water is still there, but the shotgun that I borrowed from grandpa Is locked?"

*Tap tap*

"I had a hunch that it wouldn't be so easy. So guns aren't allowed , but I can use them in the real world?


Jack continued to tap on the icon representing the shotgun in the inventory , but it was greyed out and had a lock in the top right corner of its icon.

"Well, no matter. I'll just have to resort to more a physical way. I haven't trained using this weapon , but I think this will be enough for slimes."

He moved his sight from the icon of the shotgun and to the icon of a long chain and tapped it .The phone screen blacked and a black hole appeared in front of him. He was not surprised at all by this bizarre occurrence and without thinking twice put his hand inside it and pulled out his weapon which was an iron chain.

*Clink clink*

The  links of the four meter long chain clanked against each other and the rectangular solid metal block at one end of it fell to the ground.

" Hehehe, I am glad I did some practice with it yesterday , but...

He smiled while he remembered the painful experience he had yesterday while practicing with it. All the times he had hit his hand and even his head. He shook his head to get those painful memories out of his mind and became serious again.

" It's time for the second round.Wait for me you slime motherf*ckers, I'm coming for you!"


Jack continued down the tunnel with his new weapon tightly held in hand hand. He held the four meter long chain in front of him with the weighted end on his right hand and the unweighted end on the other. The kusari-fundo he had chosen was not a typical one that was small , about 50 cm , weighted on both sides and was usually a concealed weapon that was used to cach the opponent by surprise or disarm him and not used as a main weapon.

 His kusari-fundo was very long for reach and it's main mode of usage wasn't throwing it like a normal kusari-fundo , but spinning the weighted end and when the target came into range the weighted end would fly towards the opponent with great force and speed that was gained by the spinning motion, doing devastating damage. The weight at the end of the chain  was 200 g solid iron so a strike from it could easily break a human skull and kill him instant.

*Clink clinic*

He was walking cautiously checking his front and back for any slimes, but the enemy decided to come to him from the front.

"Finally! I was starting to get bored."

Ten meters away from him appeared a slime moving forward slowly. The slime didn't know it yet but it's jelatinous  , transparent green body was about to try the taste of iron.


Stay calm and just remembered the practice you did yesterday. Spin the chain slowly at first and when the slime comes into range throw the weighted side at full force.'

*Whoop whoop ....

The chain at first started to spin slowly in Jack's hand but eventually it got so fast that it cut through the air  with such speed tha the sound from bit was like a helicopters blades. The slime didn't react to the sound at all and just continued forward.

'Easy, easy...

6 m, 5m...

As usual after entering the five meters range the slimes speed increased.



The weighted end hit the slime head on and stopped it In it's tracks. It definitely seemed to do more damage than a rock.


*Wiggle wiggle*

The hit had caused a good indentation on the slime and it seemed to have some problem with rearranging itself. This gave Jack enough time to attack again.

"Huh, would you look at that!  It seems that the attack made more damage that I expected.

Well, I won't complain."

He took two steps back and started to spin the chain again. When the chain reached maximum speed he released it.



"Again! Haht...




After that attack th slime couldn't hold his shape anymore signifying the end of the battle. 

"Huh, It died?"


[Slime defeated....

+ 5Xp 

+ 1Gold ]

"Good, this is going better than expected. Killing the slime didn't take that much effort or time so I'm definitely going to level up rapidly."