The Second Prince of Ming
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My body won’t let me shake it off. The sensations of just over an hour ago linger in my skin. My mind won’t stop replaying it. 

Firm fingers that caressed my bare skin. Hot breath against my ticklish nape. Soft lips tracing my upper back bone. His kiss. What I think was a boner…

An official announcing the duke's arrival and mine interrupted my thoughts. 

“Are you feeling unwell?” he whispered worriedly despite the cordial smile on his face.

I smile brightly despite my thoughts and squeeze his elbow. “Just nervous.”

The duke and I descend upon the red carpeted floors of the White Drawing Room of Windham Palace. The room is dotted with a few honored guests in attendance: women in sparkling ball gowns, balanced out by men in black suits and white tie or navy blue official uniforms. The room gets its name from its contrasting white marble walls and gold moulding, as deserving of the official residence of the imperial family.

A string orchestra sets the mood into one of cheer and anticipation. It’s the founding anniversary of the empire, after all.

“All eyes are on my angel,” he chuckles.

Some nobles immediately came rushing, wanting to show face with the new wealthiest duke in the empire. 

“Your necklace,” a middle-aged lady I am acquainted with inquires. “Are these the fabled rubies of the East?”

More nobles surround us. Finally, the duke and I were divided among the ladies and the gentlemen.

I arrange my thoughts as I face her. “The countess knows her gemstones well. It is indeed,” I say proudly. 

“Why, I have never seen anything so red, so lustrous, so vibrant! The pink sapphires and spinels do not compare.”

“What can I say? The Duke of Westburgh is a genius for bringing it to the Atlantia Empire. It is highly treasured in Eastern kingdoms not only for its appearance." They gather round and openly gawk at my necklace.

I explain, "A traditional astrological belief in the Kingdom of Hindia holds rubies as the gemstone of the Sun and its respective heavenly deity, the leader of the nine heavenly bodies of their faith, so wearing rubies causes the Sun to be favorable to the wearer."

They respond with "Oohs" and "Aahs" as the rubies on my neck sparkle as they catch light. 

I continue, “In the Kingdom of Ming, they were used to ornament armor, scabbards, and harnesses of noblemen to protect its wearer. Rubies are said to stimulate heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom while shielding against psychic attacks.”

A low voice interrupts the compliments that follow. It’s a gentle, composed manner of speaking that I haven’t heard in a while. “They are all correct. But there’s another metaphysical property that you might find interesting.”

We all turn to the direction of the voice. It is a regal Chinese-looking man around Xavier’s age wearing black silk robes, embroidered intricately with patterns of dragons in sparkling gold thread, not unlike the national dress of the imperial princes of Ancient China in the real world.

Somebody who looks like me. His very appearance stirs something in me. Is it surprise? His hair is pulled back tightly into a top knot bun and secured with a golden Zan embedded with a green jade phoenix. His long, mono lidded dark eyes, full, straight brows, straight, high nose, his cheekbones, his square jaw—all his features are sharp.

My curious gaze meets his, but there was no look of uncertainty in them. He looks at me like he knows me.

How strange.

“Rubies are a symbol of pure love, a profound loyalty,” he continues.

He walks towards me until he is within reach. “And as a stone of pure love, it is also an aphrodisiac stone. Either way, it brings great vigor into the wearer’s life. ”

Everyone gasped—either ecstatically or in embarrassment. 

He continues speaking with a serious face, this time modulated into a volume that only I can hear. “I hope you are prepared.” 

I couldn’t respond. I’m stuck on his face. Unlike the rest of his features, his lips are plump and rosy with a defined cupid’s bow. A coral blush on his pearly complexion suggest that he might have a carefree side. Maybe he likes spending his time outdoors.

He misreads my silence. “Please forgive me for interrupting. I meant no disrespect. It was fascinating to hear our rubies being spoken of so faraway from home. I couldn’t help myself. It truly is a beautiful necklace. My respects to the jeweler who did the powerful stones justice, highlighting each ruby’s color and clarity, but my lady really has little use for its powers of attraction,” he smiles and stretches out his hand. “I am Yin Zhi, the Second Prince of Ming.”

I suddenly remembered father telling me all about tonight’s honored guests over the ride here but I was too absorbed in my own conflicting thoughts to pay it any heed. 

The Second Prince of Ming has an ethereal air about him that renders me stunned and speechless, and it’s not just me. All the ladies around me are silent, carefully observing the Second Prince’s graceful gestures. It's all foreign to them. He's a unique beauty unseen in Atlantia. He's not quite an androgynous beauty like Kalel but has his composure and elegance. He has an imposing and valiant appearance like Xavier, but is definitely not as lively and as candid.

He's a character that has never appeared in the original story. The East was never so friendly with Atlantia as to even come here!

Fantasy-romance novel logic suggest that he is far too beautiful and detailed to just be a side character.

I'll try to talk to him later. For now, I curtsy. “I am Catherine, the lady of the Duchy of Westburgh.”

He takes my hand and presses his lips against it. His lashes are long and dark, his lips lingering on the back of my hand. 

An older man in green silk robes with his head down--a eunuch--approaches him. The Second Prince stands upright and the eunuch discreetly whispers something to him.

He holds on to my fingers for a few more moments before finally releasing them. He politely excused himself and walked away with the eunuch behind him.

The noble ladies and I just stood there, quiet, recovering from the shocking charisma of the Second Prince. One fanned herself.

“Hot,” one spoke up. “It’s hot.”

I nod. Everyone else agreed. “Yes. It’s getting warm.”