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Author: Staria

Cover art is drawn by Pinlin. Rights to be used by me only as the commissioner.

Original Series Title: Rage of Fire

Spin-off Title/Sequel: Destined for Talent

Genre: Fantasy, Magic, War and Military, Politics, Terrorism, Action, Drama, Adventure, Romance, Tragedy, Psychological, Boys Love

Where to read: DA, Toyhouse, Webnovel, Royal Road, Tapas, Patreon

Free reference site: Worldanvil (work in progress)

Patreon reference site: / Notion

Rating: Mature / 18+

Warnings: Explicit violence, mild profanity, mild sexual content

Notes: This is no longer to be a Patreon novel for now. Feel free to support me through Patreon or Ko-fi if you enjoy this title. I'll be posting WIPs, ideas, plans, etc. of this novel and other novels for patrons as I try to write.

Where to find all character designs and their art: Design rights and art were bought and belong to me only. Designs for: Dillon, Cedric, Caenan, Sylviro, Lance, Landon, Esme, Kristina, Rion, and a whole lot more background/secondary characters. Feel free to not look at background characters.

Synopsis to Rage of Fire:

For 52 years, the Kingdom of Crystal and the Island of Volcano have battled fiercely against each other. Citizens of their respective kingdoms harbor rage and resentment towards the other side; it is because of the history of their citizens that neither of the royal governments are allowed to let the war go. Extensive history of bloodshed has brewed too much hostility to be erased so easily. Whenever they attend the annual peacemaking communal meeting—a meeting to discuss political laws between eastern island governments—they always end up butting heads until the end.

With the hidden history of a friendship between the Third Prince of the Kingdom of Crystal and the Prince of the Island of Volcano, however, their public show of rivalry is not the whole truth. In fact, they both secretly worked together to unify their nations and to enact a peace treaty that would become accepted by the people. Given a constant barrage of riots and economic disparity between the two nations, however, such a goal would likely face challenges for decades to come.

Main/Important Characters:

Caenan (kay-nen) - Also known as Third Prince Caspian. Designed by softlysoapy.


He is the third prince of the Kingdom of Crystal, second in line to the throne, and he can both crystallize, produce and manipulate water. Not just any kind of water, but Caspian water, the rarest one. On the same topic, the power to manipulate water is rare as well, as only those that inherit the rare gene can do so. "Caspian" is his inherited royal name because of these reasons.

He is calm, quiet, solitary, honest, and dispassionate. Not much fazes or moves him, other than harm coming to his beloved kingdom. He is intelligent and uses information for strategic battle, but he is not perceptive or deceitful. He cares for those close to him, those of the nation, and those of his past, but they will not rouse his liveliness or ire. It is seen as a problem of his character by people closest to him. If there is nothing that gives him immense joy or sadness, then what will make him grasp for life as if it is the most important thing? What will move his still heart?

Sylviro - Also known as Prince De Neil, Prince Nova, or Nova of Avalon. Designed by Caramel-Tea.


He is the first and only prince of the Island of Volcano, an eastern nation powered by volcanoes, earth, smoke, and fire. His power and royal status earned him the name Nova of Avalon, named after a historical figure that once held the same special ability he has: the ability to become a source of fire. By becoming a source of fire for people with power around him, they can draw and utilize fire from him long after they have depleted their own individual power source. If he has the disposal of a volcano, he can become an infinite source and no one will lose fire power as long as he is connected to the volcano. Only one person in all of mankind had this power before him, a man from centuries ago named Nova.

He is easygoing, playful, and acts the fool to deflect the drama, pain, and sorrow of others from overwhelming him. As the Crown Prince, he cannot allow himself to be overwhelmed, and so he continues to carry all the burdens of other people on his shoulders without a word of complaint. With a mask that hides his true feelings, he will turn to power, rage, and emotion for the sake of his people. Only their desires matter. This self-sacrificial nature is only known to those closest to him, while breeding resentment and grudges from the unaware.

In truth, he can be spoiled, possessive, passionate, stubborn, indecent, and mildly depraved. A true force of nature for the ones who have the misfortune of being loved by him; for to be loved by him is to be an object of obsession. It is as if only his selfish desires matter. In such a case, he may become too forceful, pushy, and annoying, and not many can stand this side of him. "Keep your wits and act a King," they'll say. "Show honor and dignity at all times," they'll say. But he would only prove such things wrong, and it is as if his strengths in the past never existed.

Salvatore - Designed by Caramel-Tea. A royal advisor to Prince De Neil for 20 years.

Dillon - Designed by Chizuny. In his own spin-off novel published here and via WebNovel. (Title: Destined for Talent)

Kingdom of Crystal's Soldier Dillon Caudry had just been promoted to General Soldier of the Barrier Unit. Just when events in his life had been going great, and he found a beauty he believed to be the love of his life, war struck again and he must return to a world enveloped by pain, fire, and unchanged history. It was the same thing all over again, and he knew he was at the end of his rope. His colleague, General Soldier Aster, trapped in the same net as he and grieving just as badly, never lost hope no matter their circumstances—for them and him. Will he help end his misery and press Dillon to grow his talent once more, for the sake of their nation? Or do they all face a life of lost courage and defeated hopes?

Cedric - Also known as General Soldier Aster, or Dominic to some.

He is blunt, cocky, clever, and calm. He is quick to catch on to what he observes and will adapt to most situations without preamble. While his feathers are not easy to ruffle, and despite his sharp perceptiveness, he is more of an optimistic thinker than most realize. His layers of contradictions give outsiders a sense of intrigue and entertainment. He is deeply into his own interests, doesn't care to conform with the majority, and has an edgy sense of fashion that would outrage the military he works with.

Lance Foright - A Captain of Special Armed Forces. Campus Instructor for General Soldiers.

He is a well-liked captain and instructor who does dozens of routine lectures on campus due to a shortage of military instructors. There are few captains because it is incredibly difficult to become one, as the military seek them to be good instructors as well. Lance is a sociable, confident, and proud individual who, despite being frivolous, has a certain charm and high energy that makes him likable to many. He is also direct and frank. Students often ask him questions as they like to hear him talk and learn more about him. 

Devol Mino - General Soldier Mino of Crystallizing Unit, Team 0-7.

Maene Ly Beau-Mon -


Passionate, emotional, loud spoken, talented, clever, manipulative, temperamental, hothead, idealistic. Description kept brief.


Esme Beau-Mon

Rion Dou Lan-Crest

Royal Officer Landon Rapello -


He hails from Island of Aerudan. Caenan’s palace guard escort of 10 years, drives him to and from the palace and acts as his bodyguard during his time at the Royal Palace. He always reminds Caenan about visiting the palace/family and worries for his safety and well-being. Friend of Archer.

  • He carries a white crystal sword and can crystallize barriers. He is highly adept at using his arsenal.
  • He often teases Raden and Archer, who’re both very serious and hides their feelings. Finds it hard to talk to Oliver.

Description kept brief.
