Chapter 2
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It's been about a week since Saturn was granted his Music System. He had spent every
single available moment trying his best to
gather Music Points. Through out the week Saturn had gained around 2100 MP. He was in the process of reading one of the non-physical
web novels he had bought, when a break from his
routine came about.

" Ey Saturn what's that song yer whistling? "

Saturn contemplated ignoring the man in the
cell next to his, but he decided to go ahead and

" It's something I came up with. "

" OOO, do you boys here that, Saturn's some
kind of music genius or something. "

The cell mates yell aroused the jeers of of
everybody else along the hallway. Saturn
ignored the yells and laughs of the other
prisoners, and got back to reading his favorite novel yet, EER. ( Everyone Else is a Returnee. )
He was only on chapter 10 or so but he loved the
beginning of the novel for some reason. He
didn't understand why he just did.

It had been about two weeks since Saturn was given
his Music System, and he was having an interview
with a woman who was part of the Prisoner Reform
Program that would help Saturn get a job after being released. The woman was a very
pretty lady with light brunette hair pulled into
a tight bun. She had eyes that contrasted her
light colored hair, an almost black brown. She
had pale Gothic skin that was more doll like
than sickly. She had a thin attractive face,
while her body was an athletic petite. She
looked to be 27 years old, three years older than Saturn.

" So Mr. Emerson as you have already been
approved now we have to pick the best job that
is suited to you. That will be slightly
difficult since you have zero job or work
experience, do you have any ideas? "

" I'm pretty good at piano, before I was put in
Juvy I was basically set up for a scholarship.

The woman seemed genuinely surprised about Saturn's skill with his piano. She didn't say
anything in response, instead she walked out of
the room the interview was taking place. As she
walked out of the door she pulled out her phone,
even though she walked out of the room Saturn
could still slightly hear her. She was yelling.

" Why wasn't I informed . . . . . We could of
already had . . . . . That's no excuse . . . . .
Whatever. "

She walked back into the room seemingly more
calm than the woman who just yelled.

" Sorry about that Mr. Emerson I was just
discussing something with a colleague from the
program. Anyway you said you were good at piano
correct? "

" Yes mam. "

" You can just call me Ms. Thompson, no need for
the mam or anything. "

Saturn didn't respond vocally, instead he
just curtly nodded his head. The young woman
seeing no response continued talking about Saturn job opportunities.

" Since I have learned that you are a piano
player that makes things quite a bit easier. You
see there has been a job opening for a week or
two, it's playing a piano in a public mall. It's
good thing we learned of your skill other wise
you might have missed such a great job
opportunity. "

Saturn once again just nodded his head
instead of speaking. She was smart, and she was the only reason he was getting out so early. She clearly had his best interest in mind. 

The woman and the
prisoner continued talking for around another
thirty minutes, she would have liked talking
more, but it lunch time. All the talked about
was how the woman thinks she could get Saturn
out in only one month as opposed to the
estimated four. All Saturn would have to do
is continue his good behavior. Should be easy.
As he was eating his slop a man that Saturn
could barely be considered friendly with sat
next to him.

" Hey Guy, heard you gonna be gettin' out soon. "

" Nope. "

" Come on man why you gotta be so cold, we been
in this together for years, why don't you tell
me the secret. "

Saturn didn't even give a response to the scruffy
looking prisoner. Seeing Guy's coldness
the red headed fellow squinted his eyebrow's,
clearly he was pissed.

It was a little while latter, during his library job, that Saturn was
putting a book on a shelf in the library that
four guys walked up on either side of him. One
of them was the red headed fellow that was
talking to him earlier.

" What do you want Jackson? "

" Nothin', nothin', can't I just stroll though the library? "

" Then stroll away from me. "

After that Saturn started putting more books on the shelf, right when one of the four was
reaching for him Saturn took a book and
smashed in on his face. This set off the other
three who started moving in towards him. Saturn swung his book towards the second person,
after that punk was knocked down the other two
grabbed Saturn and brought him to the ground.
After that the first two got up and the four of
them started wailing in him, Saturn did his
best to block himself using his book,
occasionally he would throw a few swings of his

Guy feared he would die. He wasn't afraid to die, no, he was afraid his mom would be left all alone in such a disgusting and hateful world. He didn't want the woman to raise him and suffered for him to be left alone; so he fought, he fought as hard as he physically could. Punched, kicked, he even bit one of sons of bitches on the arm.

Ten minutes later Guy was bloody, bruised, and broken on the ground, the other four had some bruises and broken noses. Jackson took the most damage apart from Guy. He had a black eye a broken nose and he broke two of his fingers.

When they were done the four left, not even a minute later Saturn stood up wiped the blood off of himself as best as he could. He then got back to his job. After another thirty minutes Saturn went to a hidden part of the library, if anybody were to have been watching they would have thought he was very shifty. Once he reached his destination he saw a buff Mexican man, was covered in tattoos and had black hair and eyes. The man, Marco, was a big time gangster before he was arrested, he did everything from drugs to murder and even prostitution. Once he was arrested he became one of the guys that you don't mess with inside of the prison. Saturn was meeting him because he had a job on the side, he was a tattoo artist.

Neither of the men said anything, instead Saturn pulled out some parts he had stashed away, they were an electric toothbrush and a needle, as well as some rubbing alcohol.

" What'd you want? "

" A candle with a single wick and a blue flame, make it one of them mason jar candles. "

" Aight. "

Guy quickly got to work, obviously he had to be quick, only had ten minutes before the guards came. Marco wouldn't be worried since he had some of the guards in the palm of his hand, Saturn however wasn't so fortunate. It took the entirety of his last thirty minutes in his job to do the outline of the tattoo. He set up another time to finish the tattoo for Marco.

Saturn kept up an even and routine lifestyle for the final month before he left. He sadly never got revenge on Jackson, but he would rather be released than get petty revenge. He did finish Marco's tattoo for him, he got paid with straight cash, something Marco had plenty of. He had had a meeting with Ms. Thompson, but it was only to confirm he could play piano. He had also had one last psychological evaluation. It was all worth it though, because he was finally released.