Chapter 13: Choosing a Destination
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While patiently waiting for Jacob to wake up, we find ourselves debating on where to go.

Sif insists, “We should head north, go towards the ocean so we can get to the fire and water spirits. As much as they mess around playing lord, they do deserve to see Master and fulfill the contract. We all wished for it.”

“But those two idiots don’t even bother leaving their little kingdoms to search! At least you were looking after Master the whole time, those manage their kingdoms first and search as an afterthought!” Lyn refutes. “I think we should go south to the Theocracy. Last I heard, the wind spirit was there. You know how she is, she goes where the wind blows, but I know she will at least try to head in our general direction. Those two lords of ego are probably just waiting on their thrones for us to enter their cities. And besides, if we go all the way to their volcano ocean area, who knows how long it would take for the wind spirit to get there.”

Claire also adds in, “I too support the Theocracy since we can register Robin as an adventurer. And it fits our original goal of letting Robin see different cities, as we can wander until we find the wind spirit. I am worried that one of those two spirits would pressure that Robin would stay with them instead of continuing to adventure!” 

Sif, still unpersuaded, continues, “We won’t let her get stuck! And it's better to have a destination than to wander aimlessly. And maybe she'll catch up with us. She is the second fastest of all of us Spirit Kings.”

They all make great points, and I respond, “Well, you all make great points, but let's stop talking for now, it looks like Jacob is waking up. I will think about what to do later. Also, Lyn, remember to let Claire do the talking to Jacob. 

Lyn points, but nods. Jacob groans and with his eyes still closed mumbles, “What happened?”

Claire then leads into our agreed upon story, “A lightning spirit ranked up and caused the giant lightning storm to attract people. Since we were the first to appear, and you led the way, you received the trial. Feel it, you should have some affinity to lightning now. Do you remember how mana felt when you were tested waaaay before? Try imagining it flowing into your hands in little sparks.” 

Jacob’s face scrunches in concentration, but he manages to cause a shower of sparks to jump from his hand. He looks up and me and my spirits, confusedly asking, “When did you get a twin? And who are the rest?”

My eyes widen and I turn to Sif, who nods in turn. Since we are outside, Sif has the ability to sense the vibrations that enter the earth, and so she can tell when people are lying, and it appears that Jacob forgot us. 

Claire, concern in her eyes asks, “They came back with me after the festival? Do you really not remember? What is the last thing you remember?”

He grunts, and sits up, “The last thing I remember was lying down in my bed last night after the festival. Hoooo, the spirits really are strict taskmasters though. I am glad I got the lightning affinity, but darn, my head hurts, and I can’t even remember the trial!? What was it?”

He stares intently at Claire, but I notice Lyn turning away, unable to keep a straight face.

Claire notices but decides to fill poor Jacob’s head with lies instead of ratting Lyn.

‘Well, those two of them are caretakers of the forest that were released, and my twin, well, it's complicated, I will just let my mom and everyone explain. But to put it simply, she is my magically born half sister conceived by the energy the spirits collected from my dad that impregnated this lady here.”

Jacob puts on a doubtful look, “So he cheated on Auntie Tala.”

I guess Tala herself explained things in a simpler way to him before, but I try not to show my relief at being the only one to think that story was stupid. His suspicion is exactly how I thought people would react! Not that it makes things any easier for me since we already committed to our story…

Claire refutes him, “No, it's complicated. Let's head back to your place, our family is eating together and it will be easier to let the other people explain.”

Once again he looks confused, but before he canvoice anything Claire explains, “My sister over there was raised in the forest as an arcane blacksmith, and you and your father judged her work earlier, letting her forge something in front of you.”

Along the way he keeps asking questions, and even I notice Claire getting tired of the charade. Luckily when we reach the shop Tala, Rolf, Tarkin, and a woman I assume to be Tarkin’s wife are already there setting the table, and they are able to take over explaining everything to Jacob. He doesn’t even believe his dad that my sword can cut his stupid measuring pole thing. 

Dinner flew by, and sadly I don’t remember anyone's names. It was an information overload. I mean, Tarkin has seven kids! And for some sadistic reason all their names start with a J. Then, as if it couldn’t get any more confusing, the eldest three brothers are dating identical triplets! The only name I could remember was Rain, the saint of that blacksmith family. How she remembers everyone’s names is a miracle, as not even Tarkin nor Claire’s family could go the entire night without messing up a few times. I was glad I didn’t feel obligated to respond to things too much as the two families caught up with what has happened to each individual outside of the mountain these past years, only briefly spending time on my story. Makes me feel happy that they just accepted me so easily, though by the time my spirits and I reach my room I am exhausted.

“Sooooooo Master, did you decide on where to go? We will be heading off to the Theocracy and search for that whimsical wind spirit of yours right?” Lyn asks as soon as we close the door. 

Sif glares, but I give my response before she can say anything, “Ya, I decided that would be best. -Wait, let me explain,” I once again stop Sif from talking, “I am afraid that if I do go to the fire and water spirits, I might end up too comfortable there and not be able to live my own life like I wanted. Since they both have kingdoms now I see two options once we fulfill our contracts that could go bad. One, that they are overjoyed at my revival and wish me to stay, of which the two will fight and I will be probably protected and live in a larger bubble than before. Two, one refuses to take me in first and the other uses that against them and I still live in a bubble. Anyways, it would hurt the wind spirit’s feelings so much if we left it behind when we are so close, you know how moody it is.”

With my declaration, Lyn looks happy and smug that I chose her suggestion, and Sif just bows to me in acceptance. Tomorrow we will tell Claire we are off to the Theocracy with her!