My Cat is Missing
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A slight murmuring sound accompanied by typing on keyboards, bubbling and gushing sound of a coffee machine, printing of papers, overall a normal hectic day of a typical office with its busy employees. Among them, Sahil was sitting in his cabinet, staring at his laptop screen. He looked down at the phone, kept beside the mouse. It had few news updates, social media notifications and spam messages, and everything else except for what he was waiting.

"Hey! Give me your phone," Sahil said to his colleague sitting beside him. A slight plump guy with spectacles and a friendly face nervously holds his phone tightly and replies, "What for?"

"To make a call. What else would I need your phone for?"
His colleague still hesitating and holding his phone, replied, "I would give it to you if its just for calls. I can no longer trust you with the stunt you pulled last time."

"That was for your good," Sahil retorted flatly.

"And I'm thankful for that. But I don't want to face such predicament again."

"Do you have more skeletons in your closet?"


"Then, hand over." Sahil came closer, ready to take the phone.

A tall, handsome guy with a coffee in his hands came and interrupted, "Here take mine. And end this discussion already."

"Thanks, Arjun."

Sahil quickly takes the phone and makes a call.

"Hi, my sweetheart. Now, don't you dare cut this call."

Sahil's voice changed to a sweeter with a bit of alacrity surprising both his colleague as well as the receiver.

A charming and clear female voice came from the other side, "My dear bro. What's up?"

"What's up? I will tell you what's up. You blocked my number," Sahil replied, a bit annoyed while he got out of his office with swift feet. He went to the balcony.

"What? No way. Why would I do that," Arohi replied with a fake concerned tone.

"No. Keep doing it. I will just tell Mom everything."

"Sahil, don't. You know, they won't like him," said Arohi in an alarmed tone.

"Did you even try to ask them?" Sahil asked.

"There's no point in asking. I already know their answer. It's no. They won't like him," she asserted back.

"Care to explain."

"You know. Mom and Dad would like a guy like you. And he is everything you are not."

"Hmm. You mean he is a she."

"What? Hell! No."

"Di, they will support you if you come out of the closet. They are cool. Trust me," He assured his sister in his usual nonchalant voice.

"Trust your a$$. I am not in the closet. You are a dumb idiot," she raged. After calming a bit, she continued, "My boyfriend is a struggling actor. He is not like you, who works for a big a$$ company. Tell me, will they support our relationship."

"...Di. Did they ever say they don't like actors? Just come clean to Mom. If they do not support, then do what you always do. Runaway."

"So easy for you to say. If you had brought a good for nothing girl, they would have accepted her."

"Sigh! Just talk to Mom. She worries about you." Sahil ended the phone without even saying goodbyes.

He had a headache from dealing with Arohi's yet another aftermath. It wasn't anything new. Both the siblings had an entirely different view of their parents. Sahil could easily confide anything whereas Arohi doubted her parent's tolerance big time.

Sahil sometimes doubted that they actually were not related by blood.

Sahil turned back to find his colleagues, Arjun and the plump guy bumping on each other near the door. They were eavesdropping.

"Haha, you know that client from Africa," Arjun said to the plump guy, cleverly bringing up some random topic. The other guy was laying along bobbing his head. "Oh! Sahil, You were here," Arjun said to Sahil when he approached them.

Sahil pulled them back inside while putting his arms around both of their shoulders, "Let's go for a drink. My treat."

"Wow! Sahil. Did you have a break-up?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? I never had a girlfriend, to begin with." He continued, "And I was talking to my sister. Don't get any wrong ideas."

Inside a pub with dim lights, EDM, couples or groups of people swaying with the music, drinking and merrymaking, Sahil and his colleagues in formal clothes with loosen neck buttons, and rolled-up sleeves were looking for empty chairs. They headed upstairs.

Sahil encounters Raghav while climbing the spiral staircases. However, he was not alone. A woman with dishevelled and nervous (more like the crazy look) was with him. She obviously was not alive. Raghav called him aside.

"Hey, I need a little favour from you."

"What kind of favour?"

"Something related to the woman behind me."

"...I don't want to involve anymore with these things. It might be okay for you being a cop getting involved with unusual circumstances. I am a normal guy with a 9to5 job. I don't want it getting messy."

"You don't have to be involved. Just ask Ms Aayna if she could lend a hand."

"Okay. I will ask her."

Sahil calls Aayna. She soon picks up.

"Hey. Raghav needs your help. Can you do it?"

"I would love to, but I am in kind of sticky situation."


"My cat is missing."

Sahil to Raghav, "Can you find a cat."

"A cat?"

Aayna continues, "It's not an everyday friendly neighbourhood cat. It is somewhat 'lethal' and used to live in hell."

"..." Sahil was stupefied. If life were a manga, he would have several question marks over his head.

"And it might have gone back to hell, where it came from, which is not exactly a safe place for it to be," Aayna pauses to hear replies from the other side. "So, can you guys help me? I need quite a number of hands right now."

"Do you mean your cat is actually not a cat? Wait a second. In a scale of ten, how dangerous it is?"

"About a twenty. Or maybe more. It will be much more dangerous if it falls under the wrong hands."

"What kind of danger?"

"Like overwork for all the reapers on the Earth," She sighs and continued, "Look, I don't know how much devastating it could get. I have been a reaper for only 6 months. However shitty this job is, I don't want to lose it. Please help me, before any other superiors notice my fault."

"Do you realise you are asking the wrong people?"

"No, I have a plan. And I know who could help. Just bring Raghav with you. I am sending you my address."
Before Sahil could say anything, Aayna cut the phone call.

"Hey! I never said I would come."

Raghav looked at him expectantly, the ghost behind him was also looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine, alright."