6- Hell
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              While I was still in minor shock over the idea that my two greatest, most glorious, battles ended with a parting shot at their father’s cooking, Aenaziel had bound up the two weapons and was checking to see if she knew any other weapons. I packed up the two in a case I had made for them a few centuries ago when I got bored. Looking around, I couldn't think of anything else I'd want to bring.

              I had another trophy room, but it seemed like a bad idea to show her that one. They were one I grew bored of ages ago anyway. It'd been years since I went in there, for all I knew they'd rotted by now. She was the first living being to enter this house besides me. It felt more than a little odd to see someone in my space, even though we were planning on burning it in the next few minutes. 

              “I think I fought this fellow, once or twice.” She was poking a demonic weapon from an upstart who wanted to take my position. He lasted longer than most, which is why I kept his weapon. It had a fun design for the time, but it became popular and it was now rather common. Too many idiots ran around with over-sized kitchen knives nowadays.

              “Let’s go, the rest can burn to join their owners.”

              “While we’re here…” A sly gleam twinkled in her eyes.


             “Are you sure? Do you not want to cause the children more trouble?”

             “…What do you have in mind?”



           “Your Majesty!” A courier burst into the throne room where the Demon Lord was resting peacefully now that the nagging old man was gone. Reclined comfortably in the newly cushioned throne, he turned his head slightly to glare at the interruption.


           “…The General’s estate in on fire.”

           “Ha! Serves the old man right! He’s made a lot of enemies over the years. I wish I had thought of it! I would have torched the place myself!!”

          “Well, whoever did it also carried off all of the alcohol from the cellar.”

          The lord froze, “You don’t mean…”

          “The Royal Cellar as well.”

          “…What moron had the bright idea to build them sharing a wall?”

          “…if I remember correctly it was your Father who wanted to steal from the General but couldn’t bypass the barrier set up.”

          “Who else knew about that?!”

          “No one outside of this room besides…the General himself.”


          “If I may, as an old servant of your Father’s, I would like to say what he would have if he were still alive, ‘If we could kill that old monster, not even his bones would still be intact.’”

          “…” The young Demon Lord thought back to when he tried to kill the old man after the conference he and the other archdemons attended with heaven’s council. Demons aren’t supposed to retire, death was supposed to be the only route out of the army. But that old man, that damned old man, just stood there and looked bored, not even bothering to block.

          “…can a demon die of old age?”

          “…I really don’t know sire.”



          “That was fun! We should do this again!” I didn’t even bother to look back at her as I pulled her towards the outer ring where we could create a portal without causing suspicions. She stood out far too much in this black realm. There were  demons who liked attention and wore white, so she wasn’t completely out of place so long as no one came close enough to see that the white “cape” was her hair and wings and that her eyes were dark.

          I didn’t dare look at straight at her in this dark place again. Last time, her hands gripped my shirt in what I’m sure was an unconscious reaction. She was warm, and her face was far softer than I had expected from her calloused hands. Most angels were heavily tanned from their constant exposure to their sun, but she was almost as pale as me, someone who hates it.

          “Why are you so pale?” I finally asked.

          “I’m old.”

          “…” I decided that didn’t justify a response.

          “Is there anywhere else we can set on fire?”

          “Might I remind you, we are currently running from the two we already set?!

          “You’re no fun…wait, something occurs to me.”

          “Really? First time?!” 

          “Do you think they might blame heaven for the fires?”

          “No, this sort of things happens every few years…if we set your home on fire will they blame demons?”

          “Most likely.”

          She was smiling that smile of hers, I just knew it. To think, just yesterday I was thinking of how I would spend my quiet retirement.

          “Though if Lacie boy, no, I should say Lyciel now, is in charge of the investigation he would most likely know it was me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been having me watched. Boy always was a suspicious one.”


          “Child of an old friend I pick off the street and made into my little military attendant. Smart, brave, and an excellent cook.”

          “Oh? That reminds me, I had a brat along those lines… his father was a pest and the boy broke into my house tried to steal my favorite weapon, so I... forgot my weapon.

          I stopped dead and turned to look at the distant inferno in despair. My partner, my dear and only friend... She patted my shoulder gently. The place was now swarming with brats.

          “I can make you a new one, or give you one of mine, if you’d like.”

          “…not the same.”

          “I know, I know.”