Chapter 1 – Boring and usual
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Chapter 1 – Boring and usual

…And this concludes our lesson for today. Make sure to review our history in more detail at home.”

I let out a deep sigh as I walked out of the lecture hall of the university I was attending

Finally, that guy stopped talking. I mean, sure, it may be normal that professors at universities talk a lot, but couldn’t they at least make it more interesting? Especially if it’s a topic that has already been talked about dozens of times? Just repeating the same rabble again and again was just way too boring. C’mon, bring some diversity into your teachings.

I’d had trouble not falling asleep with that monotony. The lecturer was probably the only person in that entire room to have any kind of enthusiasm about this topic. After all it gets talked about all the time during school.

If people are still interested in this topic after entering university, couldn’t they at least make this a voluntary course to attend? …though I guess only Nutjobs like that professor could endure that amount of rinse and repeat of the same topic. Only he and perhaps one or two otmy people in the hall had really shown interest in it.

A sigh escaped my lips as these thoughts ran through my mind. And again I was catching myself thinking about what a waste of time it was to attend some of these lectures. Like so often after these kind of lectures ended. Surely, I couldn’t be the only one to think like that, could I? And even if I was, wouldn’t that just make me unique?... Wouldn’t it be great if that was the case?

Ending my train of thought, I concentrated back on my surroundings again. Luckily this had been the last lecture for the day and I simply couldn’t wait to get back home and relax. Unfortunately for me though, getting to that point would still take quite a bit, since I lived quite far away from the University.

This oh so holy place of learning was near the border of district 2 and district 3 while my home was near the border of district 4, meaning I won’t be home until just a moment before the state issued curfew starts an hour before the sun goes down. Which sucked in my opinion. And since only important people were allowed to use Vehicles for transportation, someone as unimportant as I had to walk.

After making sure that my Magikule-Repelling-and-Filtering Mask – or MRF-Mask for short – was sitting tightly, I left the building and started to make my way home. There was no need say to goodbye to anyone, as I was the only one of my friends attending this university.

Most actually joined the MPO. Quite a few joined the military section of it as recruits, to help defending us from those savage demons and the more well-off friends, joined the governing section of it. And the remaining ones started working in whatever their families’ business was or attended other universities.

As for why I was the only attending this single university at the other side of this whole damn district? …Well that’s because my parents were of the opinion that this was the best place for me to get a chance at grasping an important position in the MPO.

Well, I mean, they aren’t necessarily wrong. This is the best uni in the entirety of district 3 after all. If I had to name a downside to this place besides the mostly boring lectures and the distance? Well that would be that I have absolutely no chance at building any new contacts because I never have time.

The way home itself was pretty uneventful, as the streets were already starting to empty. Most people that were walking around the almost suffocatingly sterile looking streets were either on their way home, or ran a few errands like getting their groceries. While it was mostly safe inside the walls of the states’ districts, even if they were inner states like the one I and my family lived in, a few demons still managed to slip inside while under the cover of the night from time to time. But since no one besides the Military walked around the streets at night anyway, that wasn’t really much of a problem.

I reached the front of the grey and blocky house which I called home and that looked exactly like almost every other house meant for living in that I’d ever seen, just as the siren, signalling the start of the curfew started ringing. Standing still for a bit, I listened to the loud, blaring and screeching sound of the siren before continuing my way inside.

Walking into our living room, which was just to the left of the entrance, I, who was by now pretty tired, was greeted by the sight of my parents sitting on a couch and eating dinner. In front of them was a television, which showed the state-wide news. Well… not like there was more that could be watched. That’s exactly what this device existed for after all.

Sighing, glad that I was finally home and could relax a bit, I sat down on the couch beside my parents “Hey Mom, hey Dad… anything interesting happened today, or just as boring as usual?” They didn’t even look back and simply continued eating and watching. How rude. But well, that’s just how they are. If something isn’t interesting they don’t really care for it. Heh, just like me… wonder where I got it from? I thought to myself, a slight smirk on my face.

Between bites my mom finally lifted her head and eyed her daughter, recognizing my presence besides her at last and gave a short reply. “Well, the usual.” That’s all she said, before pointing at the table that was between them and the television and continued to eat.

Looking at where my mom was pointing, I discovered another plate with food standing on the table, still steaming, signalling that the food was hot. …and sure enough, there is my portion of the dinner, and sure enough, it’s the same goo with that weird consistence we’ve been eating for the last year now.

Taking off my mask, it’s job now being fulfilled by the filtering system every building is equipped with, I exchanged its place in my hands with the dinner that was waiting to be eaten. I sat down and watched the news together with my parents while slowly eating the food.

Just as always, there really isn’t anything going on in this damn place of a state. Not that I really expected anything extraordinary to happen today, I mean not that anything ever happened here, but hey at least I got dinner.

The news are just like my way home and the lectures, boring and uneventful. Well except for that piece of news, where military forces apparently managed to push back demons in one of the outer states in our section. Well, good for them, but it doesn’t really concern me.

With a sigh to signify how bored I was, I put my empty plate on the table and got up, a clear destination in mind. My only goal for the foreseeable and very near future, is to go to my room, wear something comfortable and with that I mean wearing nothing and enter a deep sleep… before having to endure another boring day tomorrow.

Slightly more enthusiastic to cuddle myself into my bed than I probably should, I went up to my room, after wishing my parents a pleasant night. Entering my room, which was probably nothing unique, since it looked exactly the same as every other bedroom in every other standard home. The only difference probably being that it was my clothes in the closet, my stuff on the desk and now also my clothes on the ground. And the beautiful me diving into my bed in anticipation of a nice rest.

…Or well, at least sleeping was my plan. Because the moment I closed my eyes and attempted to sleep… a shock ran through my body. Damn I completely forgot that assignment that is due tomorrow! Damn! Damn! Damn you, university! Why do you not only have to plague me while I attend you, but also in my free time!?

I, who did my best to fall asleep just seconds earlier, was now wide awake again. Shit. So much for my beauty sleep. I completely and utterly forgot to finish this pain of an assignment that I need for tomorrow of all things. With a groan I got back up again. Couldn’t they have at least postponed the assignment for… I don’t know, a month or so? Then I would’ve had more time to not do it.

Oh well, time to finish that damn thing before I get a failing mark. And me getting a failing mark is something that would make mom and dad both sad and disappointed. I knew well that I wouldn’t forgive myself for disappointing my parents, as there was little I hated more than seeing the disappointment in my loved ones’ eyes.

Making them happy and letting them enjoy the life of the filthy rich and important people at some point was one of the major reasons I even attended the university, even though it was so damn far away. I could’ve just as well just started working in their clothing shop if they hadn’t wanted for their daughter to live a safe and well-off life, to which I agreed in the end, although for a different reason.

If I was being honest, I didn’t even really care about being rich or important. All that mattered to me, was to do the bare minimum of work so I could do more of nothing. Had it just been my lazy self alone, the thought of attending wouldn’t even have entered my mind. But now that I did attend already, I didn’t really have much of a choice but to succeed, since my parents even cut down on the quality of the food they’re buying, so they could pay the tuition needed to attend that university.

God damn, no time for beauty sleep then, time to finish the assignment. And just why has this thing to be such an important assignment too?! Can’t they put these to when I actually do my assignments? A loud sigh escaped the tired my lips as I complained about the assignment inside my mind. 

I guess not. And not doing it is also not an option. Not doing it will just lead to me failing my course meaning that I can kiss my chance at becoming someone important goodbye. And I’d have wasted all this time going to university. Shit. So an all-nighter it is then.

Furrowing my brows and brushing my shoulder length, brown hair behind my ears, I started working on the assignment, somewhat determined to get this thing done in a satisfying way, while mourning for the sleep I’d miss tonight.

Trying to stay focused and not lose concentration, I gave my absolute best, finishing it, the only thing accompanying the poor me and the scribbling of my pen, was the occasional sound of the siren in the distance, indicating that small demons managed to infiltrate the city and were hunted by military forces. Yep. Just another normal day here in this god forsaken, boring and uneventful State.

It was very early in the morning when I managed to finish my assignment at last and fell asleep right where I was, sitting at my desk, head on top of the assignment papers, being dead tired after staying completely focused on a single thing for so long. The only thing thought going through my mind as I drifted off to sweet dreamland being Sleep, here I come...


Heya everyone \o ....first of all... yes, I am still alive and still in this plane of existence. And yes I still plan on writing (though for my other one I will probably redo some parts of chapter 12)... and I am also quite sorry for not uploading anything for over a year now... which had multiple reasons, but listing that would just sound like excuses. And I also can't make promises on any upload frequency at the moment since i still have some issues going in :c .

Still, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and you're welcome to leave feedback.

And if you have questions for me or something you're welcome to join my discord server as well c: