Chest and Trade
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After I ate something , I got ready to sleep and got into Bed .

When I woke up again , I looked over to my Alarm Clock and it is 6:30 in the morning .

I get up and began to make Breakfest for me and my sister . When I finishid making the Breakfeast , I brought it to my sisters room and gave it to her . After that I got to my Room and ate mine there . When I finished I put on the Headset and logged in Game . Today I have Great plans . I have to collect an Big amount of Ore and Forge an Huge amount of Weapons and Armours , when I finish with that I just have to hold an Personal auction in the Auctionhouse . Then let's get started . I ran of to the Mine and decided that I go deeper in there than I was before . when I arrived at the mine I deafeted the Goblins with my Execute Abillity and got in .

The Deeper I got , the more Different Ore's began appering . When I found a spot with a lot of Ore I need and some new one's I began mining . Only after a short time I broke through the wall I was just mining and Behind it a Treasure Chest appered . I was courios why there was a Treassure her , I couldn't finish my thought's because a really Big monter apperad and Stabbed my Shoulder . My HP bar halved and I backed awy . Before I could react the Monster started to run at me at full speed . I began to panick . What should I do , If he is going to hit me I am dead . I couldn't think of a Plan Before he hit me . I flew Backwards and crashed in the Mine's wall . My Hp dropped to one . In that Moment I choose the only Option avaiable and began to run away the fastest I could .

When I was out of the Mine my Hp began to regeneate and I sat Back and began thinking of a Plan I could use to kill that Monster . I came to the conclusion that I have to lure him out of the Mine because there is no space where I could fight it . So I went Back into the mine , when I finished regenerating all of my HP .

When I saw the Monster I picked up some Stones from the Floor and began throwing them at the Monter . When it reacted I began to run and everytime it began to slow down I would throw another Stone at it . With this I lured the Monster out of the Mine and fastly lunged forward before it could react and used my ability Execute and Lowered it's HP a good amount . More than , when I used it on the Kobold King . I jumped Back after I used my abillity and waited for the hit from the Monster so I could parrie it . Like I thought the Monster threw a Punch at that I then Blocked . After the Punch from the Monster I started to run towards it and hit it with the execute abillity . After I hit it a word appeared before me. Blocked! In that moment I started to realise that the monster had an armor . How could I not see the armour ?? The Armour is so obvius . I backed of and like last time parried the puch from the monster . I began to reaped the process of running at it , using execute , baking away and parrie its punch over and over again . A lot of time the armor Blocked the hit , but after a large amount of time the monster died .

You killed Cave Org / Treasure Boss

+ 35000 xp

+ 1 Gold Coin

+ Treasure Key

I decided to take a look at my stats :

Username Forge
Level 16
Class Swordsman Turned Barbarian
HP 5250
STA 2425
ST 80
AG 40
WI 70
INT 25
MP 650


Sword Dash



Swordsman Lvl 25 Max

Forging Master

Coins 2 Gold 95 Silver 23 Bronce

After I closed my Statsheet Notification's began to pop up .

You Reached level 15

Swordsman Turned Barbarian Evolves to Barbarian


+ Abillity Smash

Your Swordsman Job reached Max Level

+ Affinity with Swords


I looked at the 2 Notifications and smiled . After I closed the Notifications I began to run to the Treasure . When I found the Treasure I opened eith my Key and :

You Opened Super Rare Chest

+ 25 Silver Coins

+ Material Template

+ 250 Adamatite Ore

I got overhelmed with the amount of Adamantite Ore , but hte Material Template got my Attention .

Material Template / Epic

Mana infused Silver - Adamantite

Well that is interesting . Let's see what I can do with that . But before I go Back I should mine Ore . So after another 4 hours of mining I got : Sliver Ore , Iron Ore , Adamantite Ore , Gold Ore and some new Ored too . Rune Stones and Ruthenium . I found Ruthenuim very interseting because it can increase the Ressistance to Heat .

I began to walk back to the village and I thought about the idea I had yesterday about contacting a Guild . Now I have a very good idea about what the Agreement could be . There is a low level Dungeon where you get Heat damage and I could forge armors with Ruthenium and that would put the Damage to Zero . Best Idea I had in years . So I ran the fastes I could to the Forge and Began forging Faal Vahlock Armors with Ruthenium to increase their Heat ressistance .

After a lot of Forging I had a total of 30 Faal Vahlock Armours and I forged 10 Sword Killers extra . Then I contacted a Guild my First Choice Raven Eagles .

I sent them a message that said : I have Heat Ressistant Armour's with + 15 Defense and a hidden Abillity . Price is negotiable .

I got a Prompt invite for an Trade . I accepted .

Raven Eagle : Put in the Armours so we can check if they are really heat ressistant . If they should be heat ressistant and the abillity is powerfull we thought 250000 per Armour .

Forge : Yes , that is acceptable .


30 x Faal Vahlock Armor



Forge : Here you go

Raven Eagle : It has Heat Ressistance and the abillity is powefull . You should received the money .

In that moment I got a Notification .

Your Bank Account just received 7.500.000 million Dollars

Forge : Yes , I received the Payment . Bye

Raven Eagle : Yes , Nice time playing .

And I left the Private Trade Room . Now I can Pay the surgery for my sister . But now I have to Hold the Private Auction and then I can get my sisters surgery .