#004 – Reborn
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I heard a conversation I thought had once happened but could no longer recall clearly, almost like a dejavú.

<<What do I need to do?>>

<<Do not go insane>>

When did I hear that? Who was talking to me?
Ah... I remember...

<<Boot Sequence Started>>
<<Recovering from S5>>

The girl, the one with purple eyes... she...I...
<<Sys Thema 1 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

She looked so beautiful, her eyes...
<<Sys Thema 2 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

I wanted something, what was it? I don't recall... I want it tho...
<<Sys Thema 3 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

An offer... wasn't it, It's mine now!
<<Sys Thema 4 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

But what? I can't... I just... THOSE PEOPLE! FUUUUUUUUUUCK! THOSE DISGUSTING FUCKERS! What they did to me!
<<Sys Thema 5 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

GOD! That piece of shit who let that happen to me, That god is no better than a Pig, squealing as demons take over!
<<Sys Thema 6 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

I'll Kill them! I'll fucking kill all of them! Those who did what they did! Those who allowed it to happen! Those who stand in my path!
<<Sys Thema 7 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

That girl... She looked so beatiful, maybe I can get her on my side, make her my pawn and make her mine...
<<Sys Thema 8 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

And if she sides with them... Theres nothing outside of my plan.
<<Sys Thema 9 Boot Failure - Action Required>>

<<Do not go insane>>

<<Recovery Failed - Initiating Fail-Safe Protocol>>

<<I Know you can handle it>>

<<Access Granted - S4 State Successfully Applied>>

Oh, I remember now, her eyes, the way she spoke to me... She want's my help...
<<S3 State on Standby>>

<I Know you can handle it, just a little more>>

Her lips... I can... Are we still?... How long has it...
My mind finally came back to reality, I could still feel her small hands holding my face, her gentle lips onto mine...
As she started to part from me I looked deep into her eyes and saw again, pure despair. Not that she felt it... but that it showed me.
My heart ached, it BURNED, then my head, then my whole body felt like it was on fire
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" I screamed as I felt again all the pain I felt and witnessed. 
As I knelt as the burning slowly subsidized she approached me.
She offered me her hand, I went to take it but...
My body had changed. I was no longer a weak, slender, pale boy.
My arms were tanned, I could see muscles and a strong hand as I raised my arm.

"Please help yourself, My Lord"
"Lord? Just... who are you?..."
"You'll find out in due time"
"And who am I?"
"That you'll have to figure on your own. Now come, I need to show you something."