#007 – Mammon’s influence
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"Oh, we arrived."


Lue's words pulled my attention out of the conversation.

As I looked forward, I could see a huge fortress in the distance. It's high walls and towers were pitch black.


"Oh, its huge isn't it?"


"Not really, we only have 200 thousand residents. Much less than the Archon Integralis, the great city."


"Still... That's a lot of people isn't it?"


"Yeah... but considering a handful of millions life in Gehenna, that's a small amount."


"Only that much? Aren't demons immortal?"


"See, Paimon can answer that!"

"Although Fallens and Demons are immortal, Devils are not. Most of Gehenna is populated by them. Also, only high-ranking devils that belong to the Legions are allowed to live in the walled cities."


As Paimon answered my question from behind us, Lue only nodded.


"Oh, what about the rest?"

I asked looking at Paimon.


"Hmmmm, Paimon doesn’t really know... Paimon never cared about such lowlifes."


Paimon's answer made me realize a tough reality. Demons are extremely selfish.

Seeing my troubled expression, Lue completed the explanation.


"Even though I told you that the territory is divided among the 7 of us, it's not like we actually have full control of the entire continent you know!? The Miasma and Mana that spreads from our existence brings forth a lot of low-level devils and even some small creatures. They absorb each other to get stronger and eventually may even rise enough to become a full fletched Devil. But that only happened a couple times since the beginning."


As we walked the walls got taller and taller, I only then realized the actual size of the city was huge.


"And among Devils, to be able to become a Demon, is actually something that only happens to very few individuals through great hardships. I think nowadays there are less than a hundred of them. Most of them are Great Generals."


While Lue continued to speak, I was charmed in amazement for the sheer size and beauty of outer walls of the city. The walls themselves where tens of meters tall, made out of carved diabase with beautiful contours. It reminded me a lot of the walls of gothic churches, full of decorations and detail. Every hundred or so meters, huge towers pillared from the walls, rounding them up.


"I see you are more interested on the city than what I was explaining right?..."

Lue asked with a hint of happiness.


"Oh, sorry, yeah, they are very attention grabbing"


"Hehehe... You see... It took me many centuries and thousands of workers to finish it! Dad loved making things to help the Devils live nicely and ordered us to build our capital to be our greatest feat."


Lue spoke with a wide grin on her face and her chest puffed up. It made her look like the incarnation of pride itself.


"It has 66 walls, 66 Towers and 6 Gates, 4 on the cardinal directions and 2 facing the coast of the continent. It also covers an area of 66.6 square kilometers. It's the most well-planned city in the entire continent!"


"Lue always gets very excited when she talks about the city... probably because it was the first time His Majesty complimented something, she did by herself!"




"Aw... my cheeks..."


While Lue and Paimon worked their differences out I was still focused on the approaching city. As we got closer the details became clearer, the whole wall was decorated with golden threads and inscriptions. The very delicate nature of the decorations meant this was much more than just some simple artsy stuff.


"Lue, what do those golden inscriptions do?"


"Oh, you noticed it already... It's a kind of barrier to keep devils and enemies out. It protects the city from large scale magic attacks and sieges... I hope we never have to rely on it though."

"This word has never seen a war since His Highness appeared but... Mammon seems to be plotting something..."


"What do you mean?"


"Before His Highness was thrown out of Elysium, Mom was the only superior kind here... The world was bathed in blood and Demons killing each other for power and control. The sky itself was red and it rained blood... At least that's what Belly told me."


"That's not what I meant though... also? Who is Belly?"


"Ohhh... That part... I don't know for sure since I just came back but... Mammon always wants to take everything for himself. Also, Belly is my sister, Belphegor."


Based on what she had explained hell used to be exactly what one would expect from it... But it seems like whoever she calls His Highness managed to change the very essence of the world... Such power...


"Who's coming there?"

A guard screamed from the gates of the city ahead.

His face was as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why are you impersonating her? I'll kill you right now!"



Lue felt extremely confused. Why would her own soldier attack her?

"Paimon, what the fuck does this mean?"


"Heeeh, you see... Remember when Paimon said she was chased out? Someone claimed you'd been killed and Paimon was responsible for it..."


"Wait, what!? Why the hell didn't you tell me that?"


"Paimon thought since you were back it wouldn't be a problem..."


The conversation ensued as the soldier, alone, charged against us. I couldn't do shit about it since I am completely powerless...

But as I mourned my powerlessness a heinous aura started gathering around Lue.


"Who the fuck you think you are to raise your hands against your Lord!"


"I won't be deceived by you, fake! My Lord is DEAD!"


"There's no other way then... Creo Glacies"


Dark energy emanated from her raised hand and materialized, binding the soldier's feet to the ground.

"What? why the hell can't I break this?"

The soldier's despair was clear, as Lue slowly walked towards him.


"Hiiie, stay away from me!"


When she was in front of him the aura thickened to a point my whole body froze. It was as if a God stood in front of me. Dark feathered wings materialized behind her, they were taller than she was, menacingly overshadowing her and barely touching the ground. Her wings had a beautiful purple hue to them but instilled the deepest fear in anyone seeing them.

"The reason you can't break my ice is because you are pathetic compared to me! Now remember this for the rest of your life and never dare speak up to me again!"


As life completely drained from the guard's face, he collapsed to the ground.


"Is he gonna be ok?..."

I thought out loud.


"Yeah, he's just gonna sleep a few days to recover from the shock... Masta is scary..."


"Paimon, take him to the guard's post. Make sure to explain exactly what happened. If they try anything against you, feel free to kill them. That's my Order."


As she heard these words, Paimon face warped in a mischievous smile, unlike herself"

"Yes, Masta. Consider your orders completed"


Paimon happily giggled towards the solder and lifted him by the nape with one hand, dragging his feet along the ground as she went towards the city ahead.


"I really hope she doesn't kill them all..."


I could barely hear Lue's words, but their content scared the shit out of me. While saying so her wings folded and disappeared. Her aura also faded away and she turned around to talk to me.


"I think I won't be able to help you much right now considering the state things are at... I still don't know how far Mammon infiltrated my territory. I'll have to help you in other ways."

"Come with me."