Chapter Four – The Price
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Darm cursed the flush creeping up his neck and into his face. The creature was laughing hysterically. At him. And so what? Why did he care? Inexperience wasn't a crime. He'd made a mistake. To be expected from a novice ... And besides, this wasn't real. He was dreaming - or he'd lost his mind. Hopefully, he'd wake up soon.

No matter what the legends said, there was no such thing as - a demon, by the look of it. He was dreaming. Oh. He existed - if he existed, then why couldn't demons? He'd better be dreaming ...

It stopped its wild giggling. "I could take you for a naked fool of a human playing with fire." Its voice flowed across Darm's mind, a buttery, warm stroking. "But your smell is off."

The way it was looking at him ... It licked its lips - an icy shiver ran right through him. "So you're here to insult me?" Darm kept his voice even, but he was shaking so bad -

"What insult? You do scream like a human. But I admire your scent. Sweet, but not cloying. Something I'd like the taste of."

The implications flew through his awareness - the urge to scream ... Chill! "You ... feed on ... humans?"

Its face scrunched into a grimace. "You insult me! I wouldn't touch one of those with a pole triple-dipped in rubber."

A little good news ... Maybe. The sunrise streamed through the window over the sink. Not very dream-like ... He could see better, though. But it was hanging upside down and - as if it had read his mind, it swooped down and stood on two reasonably normal-looking feet, tucking its ruby-colored wings behind it.

With those out of the way, it might pass for a human - in shape. Its skin was a different matter. Shiny scales that glowed scarlet, depending on the angle - the morning light played across them. So beautiful. It had hair - actually it didn't seem to be, not quite. Fine strands of something colored a deep metallic red cascaded from its head - he wanted to touch it ... He looked away and gulped. Oh. There was more snickering, but he ignored it. This was all wrong - "Hey!"

Jumping back, he clamped his mouth shut. It was right in his face, grinning. Darm couldn't get away from the fuzzy feeling in his head and he stared - perfect white teeth ... If a little pointy looking. Large, wide-spaced eyes - not a color he'd ever seen.

An glowing, golden color. He could fall right into them ... The feelings they set loose - stop it! A regular nose, reminded him of his own. And a mouth. He looked down - blast it all! No way to hide that ... "Morning rod," he muttered.

"Morning. My name's not Rod." The strange being moved off a bit and aimed a sharp claw at Darm's leg, running it lightly across the little black 'ess' at the top of his thigh.

His teeth ground together - the rush it was giving him -

"You called me. You knew I was coming. You knew what you were doing ... Didn't you?"

"Things got a little out of control. I'm an amateur. I won't bother you again. Sorry." What the blazes had he said to call this thing?

"Come, now. You know you can't summon me and then tell me to get lost. What's your name?"

"Darm Shelby."

"It is not! Tell me your name!"

His stomach dropped like he'd missed the last stair ... couldn't swallow - the look on its face ... "Darmon," he managed to squeak out. "Zolod." A little better - it seemed happy with that. Telling it his real name, though - oh. He should ask it what its name was, shouldn't he? "Uh, what's your name?"

"You called me for Hades' sake!"

It was mad again - and he didn't know its name! But how could he have called it if he didn't know? The mark on his leg - how did the story go? It was a harbinger? But he never even dreamed of calling a demon, much less thought about it - oh, nuts. It was frowning at him - think! Ess. Ess. Thigh. Essthia? A smile! The demon was smiling! Darm took the chance. "Esthia?"

It rolled its eyes and shook its head, making its pretty wings move slightly. Tiny, dancing red lights flickered and -


Darm jumped, his attention snapping back to the demon's face.

"My name is Sleg. Really, Darmon. You need to tell me what you've been doing. You're an outright threat - to yourself!" It walked to the couch and made itself at home. "You can't expect me to believe you didn't see this coming. You couldn't have missed seeing the mark - you didn't question yourself when it appeared? Oh, of course, you did ..."

It was staring, smiling that smile again - Darm's hands covered his crotch and he stepped sideways, not taking his eyes off the creature. Its expression didn't change - he couldn't take anymore. "I'll be right back." Snatching his pants off the foot of the bed, he fled for the can, expecting the thing to stop him.

The door shut and he leaned against it, listening, but there was no sound. He gave the raging traitor a good, hard flick, then took a leak. Running the cold water full blast, he scooped it up with his hands and slapped it all over himself. He wasn't asleep ... had to be delusional. It was hard to pull the jeans on, but he forced them. Blast it all, it wasn't insanity either. A demon? How could he be attracted to it?

Or was it a demon? Was it an it? It looked male - extremely male ... It couldn't be - it didn't have any parts! It had muscles - huge ones. But it felt ... female? There was no time for this. He needed to understand what was going on - he didn't dare ask it a bunch of questions.

Patience. Slow down - oh, to the demons with patience - oh, double nuts! Was that what did it? That stupid curse? Just saying that could have called it? Oh, whatever, he had to get rid of it!

If he climbed out - his eyes went to the window, and he nearly screamed again. Its face was right up to the screen.

"You weren't thinking about running off and leaving me, were you Darmon?"

The sharp, pointy grin on it - another shudder ran through him and he turned back to the door. He forced himself to open it, to walk through it. How could he get it to go away? Without offending it ... Offer it something. Be friendly. Not someone to be making an enemy of. It came back inside and he asked, "Do you want food? Do you eat?"

"Some fruit, if you have it. Water. And, since you called me, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop fooling around and tell me what you did it for."

He pulled two apples out of the fridge, washed them, then filled two cups with water, setting it all on the table. "I was told that I'm a sorcerer a long time ago. I think it's true, but I wasn't raised or trained as one. What little I know, I learned on my own and it's probably all wrong. If I called you, it was entirely by accident. I really didn't mean to."

The demon had an apple in its hand and, as it opened its mouth, both cheeks twitched. There was a sharp snap, and its yap doubled in size, stretching its lips so far, Darm was sure they'd rip. It popped the whole thing in, then the gaping, toothy hole slammed shut. The sound was indescribable. An - implosion? He was shaking so hard he was afraid to move - he'd fall. He'd pass out ...

Sleg swallowed. Once. Its eyes shone like tiny suns. "A know-nothing wannabe - now that's a project. Lovely. I've been so terribly bored!"