Chapter 15
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Kinda late tho, but still early for the release schedule! The next chapter is on the site and you will have it available in an hour!

“The Scepter!” She said, “That old man was The Kingdom’s Scepter!”

But just when Lane was about to ask more, a knock came from the door.

“Just when are they going to stop?” He said and stopped in front of the door before answering, “Yes?”

“Young Master,” came Hans’ voice from the other side,” Lady Lena has brought to my attention that the current state of your accommodations is, and I’m quoting, ‘wholly unacceptable’.”

“Ahem…” said Lane as he turned to Erin. He saw her staring at him with her eyes widened, “Give me a moment Hans, I’ll be right there.”

Lane bit his lips, looking around and wondering if it was a good time to get more things in his room until his eyes settled on the chest by the bed. Erin followed his eyes and started shaking her head while frowning and mouthing silently.

In the end, Lady Erin agreed most graciously to hide in the chest after only a little bit of ‘literary persuasion’. However, after half an hour of Hans’ thorough inspection of Lane’s bed, she refused to answer more questions until the next day.

Worst of all, the Book decided to shut itself and showed no reaction despite Lane’s most candid attempts at persuasion.


Lane woke up with dark circles under his eyes and groaned. He turned on his bed, letting out a yawn while stretching his arms. Then he laid there for a moment, watching the ceiling, and thinking about Erin’s words last night.

“The Scepter” He repeated. One of the weapons of the Kingdom, much like his father, The Sword, and the City Lord, The Shield. Could they do that with the manna? He wondered, but if they can, why have I never seen them do it? And that old man didn’t even look strained.

 “Tch,” Clicking his tongue, Lane turned and stood up to dress. Still drowsy, Lane looked around his chest before picking out the first trousers and shirt he found. Seeing the shirt crumpled in a ball. Lane smelled it, shrugged, and started dressing.

Only after putting on his boots, did Lane took the time to look at his desk, looking for the Book.

“This little…” On it, Lane saw the Book laying where he left it the previous night. The difference was that now Lane saw bits and pieces of candle spread all over the desk.

“I see you had your fun while I slept,” Lane started while watching the Book for a reaction but getting none, “Well, let me tell you, there are plenty of more candles from where that one came.” And he could swear the Book trembled a little.

“Anyway, we are going for a little travel today.” He finished before picking the Book and throwing it on the same bag the old man gave him.

As Lane strode through the castle, he saw the sun well up in the sky, meaning he was quite past the time his father deemed appropriate for breakfast, so he made his way straight to the kitchen.

Like the previous day, Lane entered unbothered and started stealing whichever food he fancied without anyone batting an eye. Unbothered though, didn’t mean the kitchen was silent.

If the previous day the kitchen seemed busy, today it was a small battlefield. Cooks, maids, and servants worked hurriedly preparing all sorts of complex dishes he didn’t recognize.

So they already know the Heir is coming, Lane thought while reaching for a piece of bread and stuffing a sausage on it, they must have hired help to get the food ready.

 He moved to a table filled with sauces and started checking different recipients while listening to the voices around him.

“… I’m telling you, Mary,” said a young pot-stirring assistant to another while Lane poured gravy on his bread, “The Heir is the most handsome man in the Kingdom…”

“So you say,” Mary scoffed while taking a spoonful of the pot’s contents, “But have you seen him? Or even talked to someone who has?”

Erin must have gone looking for the Heir by now, Lane thought taking a bite of his sandwich. So if I want to find out more about the Scepter my best choices are either the Store or the Library.

“He is most tall and charming,” Said the pot girl blinking her eyes with a smile, “I saw his portrait once.”

“Portrait? Ha!” said Mary tasting the spoonful before grimacing, “if I were you, I’d stop daydreaming about The Heir and rather figure out  how to fix this before someone thinks you are trying to poison him!”


I guess I’ll check the Library first then, He thought as he left the kitchen.

As the castle’s personnel hurried around, Lane decided to take a shortcut and took the corridor leading to the internal yard of the castle. However, when he reached the yard, Lane found it full of knights, squires, and soldiers rehearsing a coordinated march and saluting at random stops.

He turned to retrace his steps but a voice at his back stopped him.

“My, if it’s our young master before noon!” said Hans popping out from behind a wooden dummy, “Have you come to practice with us for The Heir’s welcome? We will surely appreciate your presence.” He finished with a bow.

“Ahem, Hans,” said Lane hiding a grimace before turning to face him, “the thing is, I have to check some things Lady Erin asked me with teacher Joanna so…”

“Ah, a pity indeed,” answered Hans as he straightened, “still, I have to ask. Do you require any help, young master? Forgive my impertinence but, I believe the Librarian wouldn’t be happy if you take your snack anywhere close to that wing. She has been complaining the whole day about crumbs and mice.”

“Ah! T-that won’t be necessary Hans,” Said Lane hiding his sandwich, “Thank you, but I must be on my way.”

And he escaped without letting Hans answer.

By the time Lane reached the Library, he had finished his sandwich and was wiping his hands on his trousers. He pushed the Library’s doors and peeked before entering.

At day, the Library’s space filled with the sound of pens scratching paper as apprentice scribes copied books laboriously and scholars talked quietly about nonsense that bored Lane to death. Their sounds together with the occasional drum of steps made for a background murmur that could put Lane to sleep in minutes without fault.

Today though, Lane heard them a little bit noisier, I guess the Librarian is out for the moment, He thought with a smile.

“You’d better keep those greasy paws away from my books! You mangy scoundrel!” Came a hoarse voice from Lane’s back.

He gulped and turned to find a grey-haired woman scowling at him.

“El… Master Librarian Elise,” said Lane looking up at her, “what a coincidence finding you here hehe…”


“I-I assure you Master Librarian, I have no food with me!”

She snorted, somehow keeping her scowl while she did, and eyed him up and down.

“Then you wouldn’t know where this came from?” She said lifting a single cookie with a wiry hand in front of him.

“T-that’s a cookie.”

“Why of course it is a cookie! What you think it was? The question is… What was that cookie doing in my Library?”

“A-I, that’s a raisins’ cookie! Master Librarian! And I do not like raisins! I wouldn’t know anything about a raisin’s cookie!”

“Hmmm,” She squinted and stared at him for a moment before keeping the cookie on a small pouch hanging at her wrist, “raisins…” She mumbled rubbing her jaw, “Who does like raisins in the castle?”

Lane gulped, licked his lips, and answered, “H-Hans does like raisins quite a bit…”

“Hans?” she said with her voice rising and her eyes widening. Then she turned and walked away from the Library in a hurry.

“Oh,” Lane said scratching his head, “Well, that should be okay, I think… He did say he wanted to help…”

And he shrugged before entering the Library and looking for his teacher. After walking around for a while, he found her on the second level. Trying to read a thick tome filled with tiny characters using a lens.

Ashe approached her, Lane saw her squinting and pushing dark locks of her messy hair out of her view with a frown.

“Hello, teacher!” He said smiling, “there is something I wanted to ask about!”

“Lane?” She said looking up from her book and squinting her eyes and blinking.

“I already told you, Lane, there is no way to tame a Grinner,” She said when he got closer, “Even if you somehow managed to hatch one and raise it, it would still be wild and bite you at the first chance,” She said shaking her head, “besides, I doubt Dahlia would like such a pet.”

“Ahem, t-that’s not it teacher,” He said blushing, “I wanted to ask about the Kingdom’s Weapons.”

“Oh? The Kingdom’s Weapons? Is it about the City Lord or your Father? I won’t be telling you the stories about The Spear again. I am quite busy as it is!”

“N-no teacher,” He said, “I just want to know a little bit about The Scepter. Could you tell me what you know about him?”

“Him?” She said tilting her head, “The Scepter is Lady Reese. I can tell you about her if you want but I don’t have much time right now. I find it curious though. Where did you hear about her? She is quite the recluse after all.”

“Her? Isn’t The Scepter an old one-eyed man?”

She frowned, closed her book, and motioned Lane to sit.

“I think you mean Lord Brammond, the previous Scepter,” She said after thinking for a moment, “Very well, as you want to know about our history I’ll tell you what I know. Even if I find talking about the dead somewhat tasteless.”