Chapter 7- Learning Curve (Rewrite)
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"So, what kind of Slave would you like. I have Slaves for crafting, for pleasure, servants, what do you need?" Shawn asked as the Succubus continued to entice me for another round of sex.

I pulled her close and kissed her cheek, "Thank you dear one, but we both know you are pregnant and I am sure after five rounds with you and your fellow Succubi, even I need time to recover." I told her before pulling back.

She giggled before pulling me closer to her, "Oh, you underestimate your Incubus side. As long as you are willing, you will always rise to the occasion." the Succubus stated as Shawn cleared his throat.

"Excuse me Dierdra, but your business has concluded. If you two wish to continue, I am sure Mr. Al'Theron will gladly visit you outside my place of business.' Shawn told the woman and she glared at him before sauntering off, her hips swinging in the enticing way the only woman can do. 'I am glad you upheld your end of the bargain, but did you have to do it so well?" Shawn asked as he chuckled and I shrugged my shoulders as I sat down in the chair opposite of him.

"You asked me to do it, even gave me a Quest, don't ask me why she wants a second round. I got the Incubus instincts and urges, but I can control them for the most part.' I told the Slave Master as I looked at the screen that appeared before me with the long list of Slaves that he was offering me. 'I was thinking of a combat slave if possible." I told him causing the display to shift once again as what I was offered changed.

"Well we have plenty of those here, but you would have better choices in any city of course. Yet I am thinking you want one on your travels at least until you earn a Class, correct?" Shawn asked as Julia joined us.

"We can help with that also, a caravan is heading for the provincial Capitol tomorrow, we can introduce you to the caravan master if you want?" the Demoness asked and her brother smiled and nodded his head in agreement

"Yes, I want a Combat Slave to assist in my travels and an introduction to the caravan master would be appreciated. Do you know how much it would cost to get a ride?" I asked them and they chuckled.

"All the way to the capital, it's cheap just a single Gold Mark. They provide protection for you and any companion, but will not provide food or sleeping arrangements, now these are the slaves I recommend for you." Shawn stated as the massive list was narrowed down.


Race: Demon/Rage
Level: 12
Class: Berserker
Specialization: Battle Lord

Race: Drow
Level: 14
Class: Dark Priestess
Specialization: Dark Maiden

Race: Demon/Imp
Level: 12
Class: Rogue
Specialization: Assassin

Race: Demon/Were Dreadhound
Level: 14
Class: Battlemaster
Specialization: Shield Warden


"What is a Were Dreadhound?" I asked as I studied the list earning a smile and chuckle from Shawn.

"You know what a Hellhound is, correct?' the other Demon asked and I nodded. 'Well a Dreadhound is an evolved form of a Hellhound and a Were Dreadhound is either a Dreadhound who became powerful enough to assume a two-legged form or was bitten by a Were Dreadhound. She is well trained though, just be wary if she tries to get possessive of you or bites you." the man stated with a smile.

"Ahh...that is a firm no. Maybe someday I can get one, but not today.' I told him as I heard a shriek of pain behind me and then another scream that turned into a snarl as I looked back to see a pair of Demons beating on a woman. My first instinct was to go to her aid, but then I saw the third Demon down clutching at a broken arm. 'What is her story?" I asked pointing to the woman taking a beating.

Julia grimaced in distaste, "That is an Angel, a scout captured and we are in the process of training her. She is...stubborn though, don't worry she cannot get free." the Demoness stated as she glared at the Angel.

I studied her and let my instincts study the situation, "You won't break her with pain, she is a warrior and prepared for that.' I told them as not my Incubi side studied the woman, but the new side of me that I was growing accustomed to and feel for. 'She is a proud warrior from a Race of Warriors that are taught to revile the Abyss. She was trained to resist the pain you are administrating to her." I explained as I shuddered as I felt the darker part of me withdraw.

"What would you recommend?" Shawn asked as he studied me as I looked back at the brother and sister team.

"Is the room I used with the Succubi cleaned yet?' I asked them and Julia nodded her head as I stood and walked over to the two Demons and stopped them. I studied the semi-conscious form at my feet and smiled down at her. 'You are not going to die that easily my Angel, you do not have my permission to die. I need a bowl of warm water, bandages, and some new clothing." I told them as I leaned over and picked up the bloody form causing her to grunt in pain.

The two guards looked towards Shawn and Julia, they hastily stepped aside as I walked deeper into the building. The room had been cleaned and the window was open allowing it to air out. I placed the bloody Angel into a chair next to the bed, "Once I get you cleaned up, then I will put you on the bed. Ok?" I asked her as she groaned slightly.

"You will not break me Demon!" she stated and I smiled at her and patted her shoulder causing her to wince slightly and I stopped immediately.

I went down to one knee in front of her and leaned closer to her, "I am not trying to break you, I am trying to help you, but it is up to you if you will allow me to do so." I told her before leaning back and standing as one of the guards entered.

He had a bucket with water in it and several towels in his other arm. He studied the Angel warily as he placed both on the bed. "She should be chained to the floor or bed sir, she is dangerous." the Demon advised and the Angel smirked at him.

I sighed and shook my head, "Go ahead and tell him you could have easily killed me.' I told her and her smirk grew bigger as she nodded. 'Thank you for the advice, but no. Close the door on your way out so we can have some privacy." I told him as I touched the water before moving it over to the nightstand and grabbed one of the washcloths and throwing it in the bucket as another servant knocked on the door and entered the room before placing a set of clothing on the bed.

The servant hastily fled as I glared at her, "My apologies my Angel if you will stand I will clean you." I told her and the Angel slowly stood with some assistance from me. Her eyes narrowed as I grabbed a knife from the nearby table. It was one of many tools prepared for the room, but I didn't plan on cutting her, just the clothing.

I kept my eyes on her as I started slicing her clothing off of her. "I don't expect you to trust me, not yet, but someday I know you will," I told her as I finished cutting her shirt off and moved to her trousers as her smirk changed to a full-blown sneer.

"You are naïve if you think I will ever trust you or any Demon." she snarled and I smiled as I made sure my Pheromones' were active, the Spirit cost was minimal and I could maintain the Ability.

"As you say, I am not here to argue or fight with you. Believe what you will, can I ask you a couple of questions?" I asked her as I finished removing her trousers and winced at the sheer amount of cuts and bruises on her body and pulled one of the few Major Healing Potions I had and offered it to her.

With some skepticism she took the offered potion and downed it in one pull, "What would you like to know?" the Angel asked wearily and I chuckled as I pulled the rag out of the bucket and wrung out the extra water as I watched cuts close and bruises started to fade away.

I smiled at her as I gently lifted one of her arms, "Nothing nefarious I assure you my Angel, but I do want your name or something to call you by other than Angel." I told her as I washed her arm.

"You want my name...Call me Annabelle," she replied cautiously as I smiled as finished washing her upper arm and moved to the bucket and dunked the bloody cloth into the water cleaning it as best as I could.

Her back was still towards me as I turned back around and placed my head on her shoulder so I was next to her, very close. "Well Anna, since you have seen both the High Heavens and the Material Plane, how do they compare?" I asked softly into her ear as I raised her other arm as I made sure my lips grazed her ear as I moved to clean her dirty arm.

A small frown played across her face, "The High Heavens are filled with the white, silver, and golden cities of the Angels, each a work of art. The cities of the Damon Lands are...different." Anna replied and I smiled at her response.

"You can say it Anna, no need to be diplomatic about it, I won't be offended. The cities of the Demon Grounds are cruder than the High Heavens, but then again we are descendants from Demons and Mortals, so we are far from the perfections that you are my Angel." I told her as I let my eyes wander over her body causing her to blush slightly.

"I am far from perfect, I was caught. I failed to escape and I have not managed to provoke my captors in killing me." Anna stated as she slumped slightly and I tossed the washcloth into the bucket and once again cleaned it the best I could before starting on her back.

"I am a Twice Damned, everything I know about what I have researched and been told tells me that before I came here says I was evil, but do you know what my first instinct was when I saw you being beaten?' I asked her as I continued to clean her back.

Anna looked over her shoulder, 'Let me guess you wanted to join in on beating the Angel." I could see a faint sparkle of amusement in her eyes but it turned to shock with my next comment.

"Oh, my dear Angel if I choose to beat you, it wouldn't be with my fists or legs and I am certain you would ask me to keep going until we both passed out from exhaustion.' I smiled before continuing to wash down her legs, avoiding her ass for now. 'My first instinct was to save you and beat those Demons, now if I was a monster in my life before coming here why was that my instinctive response?" I asked her not expecting anything from the speculative Angel so I continued as if I had not asked the question at all.

"Now why haven't your compatriots come for you? If anyone took you away from me no one would stop me from coming for you." I told her and the stunned silence continued until I looked up to see a speculative look on her face until I raised an inquisitive eyebrow and she looked away.

"Then you hold more worth than my people do with me. I am not related to any prominent family nor do I hold a crucial rank or any key military secrets. " Anna replied and I smirked at her as I stood and gently kissed her cheek before moving back to the bucket.

"So what do you like doing?" I asked her as I started on her front with her shoulders.

She blushed slightly refusing to look at me, "I like smithing and reading." I hid my smile, something told me her readings were far from innocent and pure based on her reaction.

"Well, nothing wrong with either of those. I don't know what I would enjoy so perhaps you could show me some smithing and literature sometime?" I asked her and her blush deepened before she schooled her features.

"Perhaps, so as a Twice Damned, how long have you been here in the Demon Lands?" Anna replied and I smiled at her question.

"Less than a week, but it has been a memorable one. First I appeared near a small village that was under attack by raiders, in helping defeat the attack I almost died. After waking up I learned my features are more Human or Elven than Demon due to my lack of horns and because of my eyes. I also learned I was Twice Damned, all my memories from my previous life were taken from me but the instincts are still there.' I told her causing a frown as I shrugged. 'Believe me, I am living the experience, and it's just as weird from my perspective. I also learned I am an Incubus and since the plague five years ago I am no longer part of the majority of the Demon Lands but one of the rare few in all of the Damon Lands." I told her causing the frown to deepen but then her mouth dropped open in surprise as I lifted one of her breasts to wash under it.

I felt her nipple hardening as a blush crawled across her face and down her neck as her breathing started to deepen, "What are you doing?" she hissed out as I moved to the other breast and gave it the same clinical attention I did the first.

"Cleaning under your breasts Anna, I am not molesting you and if you want me to stop all you have to do is say so and I will. Now after recovering from the battle I came here to receive my reward for assisting in the defense of the village and do you know what I learned?" I asked her as I finished cleaning under her breast and moved down to her ribs never taking my eyes off hers.

"N-n-no." Anna stuttered slightly, slightly unhinged from either my clinical touching of her naked body or the pheromones' and seduction Skills were finally cracking her shell. I then started to detail my six-hour session with the five Succubi, leaving no detail out as I worked my way down her body time for this torture to get more interesting.