Is it wrong to like it?
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Luce looks up at the calendar hanging at the back of his door. 23rd of October and that was a Saturday. It's been a week since the incident. That sexually stimulating incident. What was he even suppose to feel? How could he even face her now? 

He likes her yes. That was a no brainer especially since he always makes it a point rain or shine that he would go to the library. The first few weeks in a row where they saw each other each every Saturday were a coincidence but it's like they understood that this was now a thing between them. 

It's confusing, it's weird and if only he could just man up and talk to her. Yes HER! Because to this day he still does not know her name. Luce felt like such a failure. He still remembered seeing her for the first time. Her short black silky hair, heir pink rim glasses that sits perfectly on her cute and ‘pinchable’ face. He couldn’t help but smile when he remembered the adorable green sweater that she wore.

Even now Luce is still not quite sure what attracts him to her.  When she’s in the room his whole attention focuses on her, he struggles concentrating on his book so all he does is just pretend to read while stealing glances at her and imagining himself talking to her and making her laugh.

In his eyes she was such an innocent angel, pure and untainted but now. That image in his head has been flipped on its head. She was a succubus in disguise.

That what makes him worry. Is she like this with any other guy? Is she an easy woman? A few drinks and she’ll spread her legs no qualms. That possibility scares him and leaves him paralyse. He clutch his chest as the thought of her being that way is painful.

But how can he judge? He doesn’t know her and vice versa. It’s not like he had any right to comment on whatever she does. He does not own her. But he would have liked to.. eventually.. when he could actually grow some balls to ask her name..

Come off that delusion Luce? When are you even going to be able to speak to her? When pigs fly?

He shakes his head to try and get rid of the  negative thoughts that threatens to drown him. Luce knows that this is what his problem is. He thinks too much.. he’s always in his head or he tends to over think stuff.

He glance at the Seiko watch he’s wearing on his left hand. It reads 1 o’clock. He normally would be there an hour ago. He clutches his head using both hands, he groans, paralyse with indecision.

An image of her lips wrapped round his phallus. Her tongue moving and slithering tracing the veins of his member, flashes briefly in his head.

No! She’s not like that! She’s an angel!

He shouted in his mind! He couldn’t accept it! Could not accept the reality. Did he like it? Ofcourse he did! But that’s not the point! Just the thought of her doing that with other men makes him sick! Like he can’t breathe! 

He flopped back on his bed, lying on his back. He stared at the ceiling listlessly. He turned to the side, lifting the thick duvet covering himself completely.

Maybe I shouldn’t go after all.