Chapter 3- Family Drama
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-----------------------In the God Domain-----------------------

In a brightly lit room that was 200 times larger than a football stadium, around a large tabled, 7 large creatures sat. None of them talked and a gloomy feeling was prevalent in the atmosphere.

The 7 creatures were a Lion, an Ape, a Tiger, a Dragon, a Bird, a Tortoise, and a Snake.

The Solar Lion looked like a normal lion except his mane and fur glowed like a sun, he had a tyrannical aura like that of the sun, it would burn up anything that got next to it.

The Lunar Ape looked like any other ape expect its snow-white fur. Everything that is near Ape was frozen solid due to the Yin Qi that it breathed out.

The White Tiger, similar to the Ape it also had white fur but unlike the Ape that had snow-white fur it had silvery-white fur that had a metallic glow to it, it breathed out a sharp Qi.

The Azure Dragon although appeared ferocious but to exude an aura of endless vitality, the Dragon seems to be in harmony with nature itself.

The Vermilion Bird was the most spectacular one, each and every one of its feathers was made out of fire, it emitted a blazing aura that would incinerate anything that neared it.

The Black Tortoise looked like an old man, his face was calm as a lake with no ripples, but the aura around him felt like he was a dam containing an endless ocean which could burst at any time.

Then there was the Yellow colored snake looked like a normal snake but he had a heavy feeling around him, it was as if the gravity around him had multiplied by millions of times and space itself was collapsing due to the strong gravity.

And serving them with large High-Elf in a butler suit with blond hair and long pointy elf ears. He had a gentle mellow aura but don't be confused as the strongest person in this room right now is this butler.

Afinaly is the name of this butler, he is one of the high guards of the God Emperor. His main duty is to babysit the 9 sons of the God Emperor. He has the authority to punish them if they misbehave or abuse their power.

The Azure Dragon was getting impatient, he wanted to ask Afinaly a question but seeing that none of his brothers had any intention of speaking up he had kept quiet.

Among his brothers, he is closest to Everlasting Lotus. So naturally, he was the one who felt most pain by his death.

He wanted to ask Afinaly why he didn't protect his brother.

Finally, he couldn't keep his calm anymore and was about to ask a question to Afinaly.

Sensing that his brother was about to say something stupid, the Solar Lion gave a stern glare at Azure Dragon warning his to keep his mouth shut.

Although he was sad about the death of his brother he feared Afinaly even more.

Azure Dragon ignored Solar Lion's glare and was about to open his mouth.

Solar Lion wanted to send a message through mental transmission but Afinaly would sense it and think of it as rude. So he did the only thing he could do to prevent his brother from offending Afinaly.

Before Azure could open his mouth Solar did something that shocked everyone in the room except Afinaly.

"HA HA HA............" he let out a mighty forced laugh that shook the entire building.

The Lunar Ape's eyes twitched, he knew why Solar Lion did this, but still, isn't laughing right after the death of your sibling a bit too much.

'I guess he is the one that suffered the most under Afinaly, it natural that he is afraid of him,' thought Lunar.

The White Tiger facepalmed with his paw.

'I know he is afraid of Afinaly, but this is too much.'

The other brothers also had similar thoughts.

Azure Dragon was enraged by Solar Lion's laughter.

"Solar, one of us just died and you think that is funny."

"um............", Solar Lion was sweating bullets now he just wanted to distract Azure Dragon and prevent his from offending Afinaly but he did not think this through.

The Solar Lion was never the smart type.

"I...........", Solar Lion looked towards Lunar ape for help.

The Lunar Ape sighed mentally and said, "Any new messages from brother Primordial."

"No I received no new messages", said the Yellow snake trying to help Lunar Ape to redirect the conversation as he hates fights.

Their 8th brother the Primordial Human of Chaos reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, so he decided to leave the shelter of the God Domain and venture into the Void to find a way to break his bottleneck.

"His link with us is stable so he should not be in any danger," said Lunar Ape.

"Yes, he should be safe," said Solar Lion thinking he dodged a bullet.

Suddenly the Vermilion Bird that had been quiet all this while opened his beak and asked, "Sir Afinaly why didn't you protect my brother Everlasting Lotus."

Solar Lion, Lunar Ape, Back Tortoise, White Tiger, Yellow Snake, all simultaneously thought, 'THIS BIRD BRINED FOOL.'

The Solar Lion wanted to strangle the stupid bird.

And the Lunar Ape though that he should have predicted this.

Among the 9 brothers, the least intelligent one was the Vermillion Bird. He was simply confused as to why Afinaly did not save Everlasting. He never even considered that the question will offend Afinaly and might land him and his brothers in a heap lot of trouble.

Azure Dragon was happy that someone finally asked the elephant in the room, he waited for Afinaly answer.

Afinaly finally opened his mouth.

Solar Lion was once again sweating bullets, the trama that he received from Afinaly is not small.

Being the oldest and most proud he used to he very arrogant and disobedient but Afinaly was what beat him up every time he misbehaved.

"The assassins means were above my own," said Afinaly in a neutral tone with a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing that Afinaly was not offended, Solar Lion sighed in relief.

While Lunar Ape, White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Yellow Snake where shocked.

'The assassins means were above my own', what did this imply, this indirectly implied that the assassin was stronger than Afinaly who could kick all of their asses even if they attacked him together.

But none of them had the guts to say it out loud.

The Lunar Ape frowned he knows that things are not as simple as it seemed. His youngest brother was called the Everlasting Lotus of Immortality, and he had Immortality in his name, not as a decoration.

Even though Everlasting Lotus was the weakest of the 9 brothers he was the hardest to kill. So killing him does not need combat prowess but a way to counteract his immortality.

As many thoughts were running through Lunar Ape's mind, he heard Vermilion Bird ask a question that made him what to make bird soup for supper.

"So was the assassin stronger than you Sir," asked Vermilion Bird in an innocent tone.

Solar Lion almost had a panic attack.

"*chuckles* He used to be stronger than me but now he is only a hollow shell of what he used to be. But he has some pesky abilities that can counter Young Master Everlasting's abilities," said Afinaly.


"STOP BEING RUDE AZURE," shouted Solar Lion who was almost having a mental break down.

Azure Dragon and Solar Lion glared at each other.

The Lunar Ape narrowed his eyes, as he tried to guess the identity of the assassin from the information that he had.

The White Tiger looked back and forth between Azure Dragon and Solar Lion.

The Black Tortoise and Yellow Snake looked at each other and sighed. They both hate conflicts and fights.

The stare down between Azure Dragon and Solar Lion might have continued for years but, Vermilion Bird opened his beak again.

"Tell me who had the guts to kill my brother I will burn him and his 700 generations down," said the Vermilion Bird in righteous fury.

Azure Dragon, Solar Lion and the rest looked at Afinaly excepting an answer.

Although Solar Lion did not want to offend Afinaly, the one who died was his brother he would stop at nothing to get vengeance for him.

"*Sigh* This family drama had gone on long enough, his Majesty summoned you all to deliver two news and an order," Afinaly paused and looked at 7 brothers, "First the good news, Everlasting is still alive. His soul was preserved by the Samsara Breaking Reincarnation Crystal that his majesty gave him. Due to the power of the Samsara Breaking Reincarnation Crystal, the link between you and his soul has been severed," he once again paused and allowed it to the information to sink in, Vermilion Bird was about to open his beak again but Afinaly raised his had and motioned him to be quiet, "Now the bad news, the Samsara Breaking Reincarnation Crystal has sent Everlasting's soul to a mortal domain under the control of the Celestial Domain," he once again paused and then continued, "His Majesty has decreed that Everlasting Lotus will travel alone from this mortal domain to the God Domain without any direct help from our side."

Hearing the good news all the brothers where happy. But the bad news made them frown, Azure Dragon was especially taken aback. But what could they do it was their father's order.

"What about the identity of the assassin?" asked Vermilion Bird.

"The identity of the assassin will be withheld from you seven as per his Majesty orders," Afinaly said calmly.

The Vermilion Bird wanted to ask another question, but Afinaly raised his hands and motioned him to be silent.

"That is all, for now, you all may disperse and go back to your posts."

One by one the brothers helplessly left the room.

The Solar Lion was the last to reach the door. Just as he was about to step out.

"Young master Solar, come here for a bit," Afinaly called out in a gentle tone.

Solar Lion's heart almost stopped.

For a moment he wanted to pretend that he heard nothing and walk away but he knew that the consequences for doing that would be too devastating.

He turned around and walked towards Afinaly while sweating bullets.

Afinaly looked into his eyes and said, "To laugh even at the death of your brother, it seems I have not disciplined you enough."

Solar Lion wanted to cry but no tears would come.