Chapter 7- When I return, I will make you all feel what regret truly is.
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Authors Note: please check the glossary for cultivation stages.

Everyone in the room was shocked by Everlasting's words.

Since they were under a mass illusion they did not speak up or try to stop Everlasting from leaving they just stood there shocked by his words.

As soon as Everlasting vanished from their sight, rage began to fill their hearts.

"That bastard how dare he call us Bitches," said Wei Ming.

The youths of the Wei Family shared his opinion.

"We must complain about this to the Third elder," said another Wei Family youth.

"I second that notion," said the girl from Wei Family.

As the Wei Family youths continued to discuss how to punish Wei Jin, Jin Li sat their confused, 'Why did I not stop him?' was that thought. He was not the type to take a loss from a cripple.

If he was not under the mass illusion he would have rushed and chased after Wei Jin and beat him to a pulp and if he was really angry he would have killed him.

But what Jin Li did not realize is that he could still chase after Wei Jin, but such thoughts were suppressed by a strange energy that invaded his soul.

On the other hand, Qiu Xiu was really confused, the feeling of losing a destiny-changing chance plagued her mind. This feeling was so uncomfortable that it suppressed her rage of being called a bitch.

'What is this sense of loss?' thought Qiu Xiu, 'Is it because of that cripple, no that's impossible,' she concluded.


Everlasting walked back to his small house. He saw Peng Fu waiting for him at the door.

"Did you bring it," he asked in a commanding tone.

"Yes," Peng Fu said mechanically, as he handed over a small bag and a ring.

The back was gray in color and had no design on it, it was the type of bag hunters use when they go hunting in the Metro Forest.

The ring was also simple with a small ordinary stone attached to it, but this was, in fact, a storage ring and the stone on it it is a spatial stone.

Everlasting's consciousness sunk into the storage ring as he inspected its insides.

The space inside it was just about 3 times the size of the room sleeps in the small house. And most of this space was occupied by the cultivation materials, weapons, Qi stones, etc.

In this ring is 2/3 rd of the wealth of the Wei Family had gained over the three hundred years of accumulation.

The reason why he asked Peng Fu to just take 2/3rd is that he did not want the Wei Family to be completely destroyed, he had other planes for the Wei Family.

Everlasting was sure that even if he took all the wealth in the tressure the Wei Family would still manage with the help of their Ancestor who is at Qi Vortex level.

But stealing away all their wealth would make the Wei Family lose their status as one of the top 3 Families of Meteor Dragon City, which will obviously enrage their Ancestor.

The Ancestor might personally set out in search for him.

Even though he is confident in his ability to escape from the eyes of a small Qi vortex stage expert, he still did not want to go through all that trouble for some low-level cultivation materials and wealth.

Honestly, he thought little of the low-grade cultivation materials from this mortal world. But if he wants to cultivate faster he needs to make use of every chance he has.

After scanning the ring he notices that was bleeding from his eyes and nose.

He wiped the blood on his sleeve.

'My body is not strong enough to display the Abyssal Eyes too much.'

The Abyssal Eyes is the technique that he used to mind control Peng Fu and put Qiu Xiu, Jin Li and the youths of the Wei Family under a mass illusion.

He also used this technique to transform the leaf into the Marriage Certificate.

This technique heavily depends on soul strength. Although Everlasting lost all his soul cultivation after the Samsara Breaking Reincarnation Crystal severed his connection from his old body, his soul still had the soul strength of a Yuan Formation level expert.

Peng Fu at the age of 60 is at Meridian Opening stage 1, so Everlasting could easily penetrate his soul and take control.

The youths form Wei Family had a strength ranging from Body Refining stage 1 to stage 3, while Qiu Xiu is already at stage 6 by the virtue of her Martial sprite, Jin Li is at stage 9 on the verge of breaking through to Meridian Opening.

So Everlasting could easily put them under an illusion.

Although the Abyssal eyes is a very powerful technique, it puts a huge strain on the eyes of the user and overusing it can result in irreparable damage to eyes and might lead to loss of vision.

Everlasting had several techniques that are just as good as Abyssal eyes without the side effects. But the minimum requirement of those techniques is not something that the current Everlasting with no cultivation can fulfill.

The best part about the Abyssal eyes is that it does not have any complex requirements. The only requirement is for you to have a soul strength 10 times that of the target.

'The hypnosis on Peng Fu will only last for 48 more hours, I need to keep the information about the Abyssal eyes and the destruction of the Marriage Certificate a secret for as long as possible.'

Everlasting knew that it is impossible to keep the destruction of the Marriage Certificate a secret, as once Qiu Xiu goes to the branch of the Temple of Love in Meteor Dragon City, the priest there is at least a Qi Vortex level expert so the illusion will not work on him.

But he wants to buy as much time as possible.

"Peng Fu, I have 2 more missions for you."

"First mission, go and gather all the guards guarding the southern wall. They must not go back to their post for at least half an hour."

"Second mission, tomorrow at night drown yourself in the nearby lake in such a way that you won't be discovered, also make sure that no one sees you doing this. And also write a letter stating that it was you who stole the fortune of the Wei Family."

" lord."

Everlasting did not want information about his mind control ability to leak so Peng Fu had to die. And if he was going to die anyway why not make him a scapegoat for Everlasting.

'It will take at least 1 days for Wei Family members to realize that 2/3rd of their treasury is missing, I need to get out of the city before they put it under a city-wide lockdown.'

Everlasting walked into his room and took off all his clothes.

At a very fast rate, he began to hit a couple of pressure points on his chest and abdomen.

Suddenly his body began to inflate, his hight increased, his body became more buff, his hands, and legs longer.

Next, he rapidly began to hit the pressure points on his face, and his facial muscles twitched and his face changed into a different one. This new face was more mature, he now looked at least 16-year-old.

Form the storage ring he took out a new set of clothes and wore it. Then he took a black haired wig and wore it as all members of the Wei Family had red hair which was unique to them only in this city. If he did not wear a wig he will stand out like a nail in the crowd.

He collected all the important things of Wei Jin, including his mother's memento and left the house.

Since his house was to the nearer to the southern outer wall he quickly reached it and jumped over it.

Since Peng Fu had called over all the guards guarding this region he escaped without any issue.

After walking a few blocks away he looked towards Wei clan.

'Good buy Wei Clan, when I return, I will make you all feel what regret truly is.'