Consultation 55.
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Consultation 55.

“God, how do I stop global warming?”


“God, what was that?”

“Nothing. It’s just that it’s not global warming, it’s climate change. Global warming is just a rebranding of climate change because some rich fuckers wanted to fearmonger and make easy money off some suckers by pushing hard for the idealistic idea of renewable energy. It’s too bad that the renewable energy they wanted to shove down your throats is a lie, as it stands it’s a pipe dream as the tech just isn’t there yet. Even if it was there it isn’t truly sustainable either meaning it’s not renewable.”

”What? You dare belittle our efforts to combat global warming, an issue that threatens our very existence, God?”

“I’m not belittling it, it’s just that it’s been blown out of proportions. Countless humans and species may die as climates change across the globe, but you’re not all going to go extinct. It’s a natural process in nature to speed up the evolutionary process. Only the strongest, most well-adapted, and lucky will be able to survive this tribulation, that’s just how evolution works. There will be losers and winners, that’s just part of life. Some die while others live. Some will draw the short end of the stick, but that’s only natural.” 

“Listen here and listen well, not everyone can win. For every winner born from the process of natural selection, that winner climbed over the corpses of countless others who similarly fought for survival to reach where that winner stands now. Saying you want to stop climate change is like spitting on all the lives that struggled against you to reach where you are today. Keep struggling, but don’t ever think you can stop nature. If you let the arrogance of standing at the top get to you, you will have the rug pulled out from beneath your feet before you even realize it.”

“There will always be conflict in the world, that’s just how it is. Trying to fight climate change is a losing battle. Instead, you should embrace it, adapt, and find a way to survive through nature’s great tribulation. Humans have had it too easy for far too long. It’s resulted in an accumulation of entitlement among the people. Sorry to tell you this, human, you’re not entitled to anything. Your lives don’t mean shit in the grand scheme of the universe. Just because you’ve reached the top of the food chain in your little pond, don’t get complacent and think you can stop nature's natural course.”

“If nature wants you dead, you’re very damn well going to die.”

“But, God, surely there has to be a way to at least slow the process.”

“Slow the process? Why slow the evolutionary process? That’s completely nonsensical and irrational. Unless humans are satisfied with devolving into a mediocre species no better than potatoes.”

“God, I didn’t come here to bicker about this. I want to know how to stop global warming.”

“Tch. stubborn. Look, you aren’t going to stop anything. You can maybe slow the process a bit, but that is all. You might be able to try and buy some time with short-sighted renewable energies, however, they aren’t the long term solution. As I mentioned before the tech is not currently there.”

“Why do you say the tech is not there?”

I immediately got a headache just thinking about how long this would take. I sucked it up, took a deep breath, and began another one of my long-winded explanations behind all the current problems with the so-called renewable energies that had been popularized in her world. 


“Let’s start with solar energy. First of all, the efficiency of solar panels is absolute horse shit garbage standing at about 15-22%. If you’re using those cheap ones you aren’t going to even make a dent in the energy demand on a global scale anytime soon. If you use the really stupidly expensive high-efficiency ones topping out at about 30-34% that NASA uses you’ll bankrupt the country and destroy your economy in no time. Even if you did have enough high-efficiency solar panels, the amount you would need to satisfy the world’s demand for power is astronomical.”

“That isn’t the only problem, solar panels don’t last forever, at your civilizations present level of technology, they typically need to be replaced every 25-30 years. Their efficiency drops over time while your demand for energy will only increase as the global population continues to grow. You will eventually face a great supply and demand problem and you’ll be caught with your pants down when you realize your solar panel recycling process is still greatly underdeveloped and in its infancy stages.”

“Also there is a dirty little secret that they don’t tell you about the manufacturing process for solar panels, do you know what that is?”

“What is it?”

“It’s the fact that they burn shit loads of coal just to make those solar panels. Fabricating the panels also requires chemicals such as sodium hydroxide and hydrofluoric acid, and the process uses water as well as electricity, the production itself emits what you humans call greenhouse gases.”

“The price for these solar panels end up being damn expensive compared to other forms of energy. While you’re getting fucked in the ass by these high costs, there exists some rich investor in the tech reaping all the rewards of the beautiful ideal to save the world through this fake dream of renewables they’re selling to you. Those not for profit labels some businesses have is a complete and utter sham. Every business at its core exists to generate some form of revenue.”

“What? That can’t be…”

“It very well can be. You just need to be more aware and not be led by the nose by the bullshit narrative being spun by these profiteers. If you fall into their trap, it will be too late to cry about it later on when you realize you’ve been duped.”

“That’s just solar though, surely wind-

“Is also complete garbage. 50% efficiency is about what you get from turbines, while the maximum theoretical limit you can achieve is 59%.”

“That’s still pretty good though. If we have that it’s sure to work out, right?”

“Wrong. Completely wrong and naive. Do you have any idea how much material goes into those wind turbines? It’s a lot. They’re large and bulky, they take up a lot of space. You’re going to kill wildlife in the process as well. They’re noisy as fuck. You aren’t going to want to have a shit load of those around a city. You can’t put them everywhere either. They’re also super unreliable. Just like how you can lose several days of solar energy on a cloudy day, what happens when there’s just no wind? You’ve got yourself some useless large pillars, piles of junk collecting dust, doing nothing at all to justify their own existence.”

“To operate wind turbines in mass also requires power from the grid, which uses fossil fuels to function anyway. Even their construction requires the use of fossil fuels. They’ll require maintenance and upkeep as well. Then need to eventually be replaced. What do they do with that giant thing after? They can recycle 85% of it, but not all of it. You’d be surprised how hard it is to recycle the composite fiberglass in the blades. And that’s assuming they even bother to recycle it. It may cost them more to recycle it than it’s worth so you’d get places that forgo recycling it all together. You don’t live in a perfect world after all. Not everyone is going to be an honest goody-two-shoes upstanding samaritan who does their part.”

“Oh yeah, and get the biggest joke, the lifespan for these giant fucking things are only 20-25 years. It’s fucking less than solar panels. What a goddamn joke. Just spit in someone’s face and tell them to eat out of their own asshole why don’t you? ”

“God, it surely can’t be as bad as you say.”

“Hahaha. You really think so? Look, I’ll tell you another a big secret.”

“What is it?”

“What the fuck are you going to do when you’re hit by a natural disaster like a freak of a hurricane? Your little solar panels are pretty fucked, aren’t they? Wouldn’t they also be shattered and broken if struck by heavy hail the size of tennis balls? As for winter, they will be covered by snow that needs to be cleared off otherwise you can expect a dip in its efficiency. They like to be optimistic and say rain helps to keep your panels operating efficiently by washing away any dust or dirt, what they don’t like to say is when it is actually raining they’re just junk.”

“As for those wind turbines, you’ll be lucky if they aren’t washed away and toppled in the freak hurricane I mentioned. Good luck with the clean up if that happens. “

“I get the concern you mentioned about natural disasters… but aren’t you forgetting we can store that energy for later?”

“Hahaha. I knew you’d bring that up. Here’s a question, sure you can store some, but how will you store enough to meet your needs? Simply put, your battery tech is nowhere near the level it needs to be at. Sure, you can have these sources of energy, but what’s the point if you can’t store enough of it for when you really need it? Energy storage tech still has a very long way to go before you can store enough energy to satisfy the global energy demand.”

“There are also geopolitical considerations to take into the equation when it comes to this complex balancing act. Do you really think that poor nations can afford to buy into this expensive renewable push? No, they can’t. They will keep industrializing using old well-established methods because they don’t have developed enough infrastructure to leisurely sell expensive dreams to their people. They’re already struggling as it is just to get by from one day to the next. They don’t have the time to bother with what rich folk with their noses held up high in the air are nagging them about.”

“That can’t be…”

“It is. Face facts. Climate change isn’t something you stop. It’s something you adapt to, just as your great ancestors did before you.”

“I still can’t accept this. Surely there is something.”

“There’s still hydro, tidal, geothermal, and biomass.”

“You really want me to rip them to shreds that badly?”

“I don’t believe they’re all as bad as you let on.”

“They all have their pitfalls. Hydro for example requires large dams that disrupt not only human life but wildlife as well. There is also the threat they cause should they collapse. The economic damage a collapsed dam can cause can reach catastrophic levels. They are also costly in terms of maintenance and upkeep. Don’t underestimate the maintenance costs of keeping them in working order.”

“They depend greatly on precipitation levels as well from year to year so they can be an unstable supplier of energy at times. If the water levels rise too high above the capacity the dam can reasonably withstand, they may be forced to open floodgates to relieve that pressure, this could cause significant environmental and economic damage. Though even if floodgates are opened there is still the chance it cannot keep up.” 

“There are only so many places appropriate for hydro dam construction. They also take a long time to construct and cost a lot of money to build. Just constructing them does more damage to the environment than they’re worth. And yet again, a common trend among these renewable energy technologies is storing all that energy for later use.”

“With current energy storage technology, just how many batteries do you think you’re going to need if you’re to meet the world’s power demands? Well, the short answer is a lot more than what you’re presently capable of. First, you need the precious metals required for producing these batteries, however, the problem is certain key precious metals required for those state of the art, cream of the crop batteries aren’t necessarily accessible to you due to geopolitical constraints.” 

“There are naturally also limitations on how much of those precious metals can actually be extracted. The extraction process to acquire these precious metals also comes into question when you look into it deeper. There are also concerns regarding the health of the laborers to factor into the equation as well.”

“If you want to rely on batteries, there are countless hurdles that need to first be overcome. There are similar problems with alternative energy storage methods such as fuel cells. The high cost of production is one. While it too also uses another rare precious metal that is not easily obtainable in large quantities. Naturally, like everything else these sorts of technologies have a life span as well. About five years in each case.”

“Anyway, enough of this. Let’s move onto tidal. They cost a lot to construct as you’d expect, they fuck with marine life, they depend on the sea level and intensity of sea waves which is unreliable in and of itself, and there are only so many places they can be set up. Are you seeing the pattern yet? They’re all freaking expensive cash grabs that are very circumstantial with limited utility.”

“This… can’t be…”

“Well, it’s true.”

“Are you telling us to give up?”

“I’m telling you to give up on outright stopping climate change and accept it for what it is, a natural part of your life. It’s going to happen no matter what you do. All methods have a reliance on fossil fuels to a certain degree. That will not change. You’re using what you want to stop using to make things that require the thing you want to stop using. It’s just a circular jerk of nonsense they’re feeding you.”

“Then… geothermal?”

“Well, geothermal comes with its own environmental concerns. There are toxic metals that will be released into the atmosphere and contaminate reservoirs when using it, the same gasses you’re trying to reduce on emissions are also typically found beneath the Earth’s crust so they will get released into the atmosphere as well, though it’s still less than fossil fuels. As you’d expect they’re once again expensive to construct. You could also fuck with the landscape itself leading to surface instability where the Earth’s surface sinks lower. You could potentially trigger earthquakes that could be strong enough to raise a city to the ground if you’re not careful.”


“Biomass? Hehe. The biggest joke ever. They won’t tell you this upfront, but to meet energy demands in terms of efficiency, they will include coal when burning biomass anyway. They tell you about how it costs less to extract it, but the key there is the word extract. There are very high costs related to transporting and storing it. It takes up a lot of space after all. It requires a lot of water as well to keep growing it. Then health concerns also arise from it as well anyway as it does pollute the air when burned. It’s only seen as net neutral assuming you plant it and it grows back quickly. But sadly, it just doesn’t work that way in reality. People who promote it are living in an idealistic world.”


One hour later...

“Then all the high praises I’ve heard for years about these renewable energies have all been people blowing out hot air?”

“Yeah, essentially. As many of them rely on fossil fuels anyway, these forms of energy are not truly sustainable in the long run. The true path to survival is for your civilization to rapidly evolve and outgrow your dependence on your home planet alone. You need to toughen up as a species, venture forth out into the expansive universe to collect resources from the outside, then bring them back to your homeworld.” 

“You need not methods to stop climate change, rather, you need methods to withstand the changing climate of your homeworld and adapt to it. Do not try to unreasonably fight against it else you’ll be crushed like an ant underfoot. Fighting to outright stop nature’s natural mechanisms is what short-sighted arrogant fools who think too much of themselves do.”

“Reducing your usage is naturally a wonderful thing as you’re improving efficiency, but outright eliminating your usage of a resource readily available at your disposal is purely idiotic.”

“I… think I understand now, God… trying to stop global warming isn’t the correct choice after all. What really needs to be done is to purge all the slimy people profiting off of it who don’t actually give a shit about anything aside from how many zeros show up in their bank account. They’re the true scourges that will lead humans to extinction.”

“What? I don’t think I went that far. How did you come to that conclusion?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious after everything you’ve said? If there was actually a cheap solution to all our problems, there’s no way they would reveal it to anyone. They’re obviously hiding any cheap solutions they may have discovered to solve all sorts of these problems. If it was inexpensive, they wouldn’t make anywhere near as much money, right?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t go as far as saying something like that.”

“No, better yet why don’t all or at the very least most humans just die? Wouldn’t that immediately solve the problem? We wouldn’t run into these sorts of problems if there were less of us.”

“Uh, wait. I think you’re getting a bit carried away now.”

“Carried away? God, you’re the one that has shown me the truth. Besides, now that I think about it, the agreement we have internationally, isn’t it actually complete bullshit? Certain countries don’t have to meet the standards set in place until several years from now while we have to meet them long before them? But will they even really do so in the end? Looking at their attitudes… no… they definitely won’t. They’re just in it for themselves. They’re probably just snickering at us thinking we’re idiots for going along with it so easily. When the time actually comes they’re not going to uphold their side of the agreement at all.”

“The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. Why do we even try to get along with them? What the hell are we trying so hard for when they obviously don’t give a shit and are secretly mocking us behind our backs? Fuck them. Global warming? Climate change? I hope it just kills them all in one fell swoop.”

“God, thank you for everything. This consultation has been a real eye-opener.”

“Uh… yeah. Right.”

She suddenly stood up from her seat and departed. She originally came in here as someone with the desire to better the world, but somehow she left as someone wanting to see the world burn.

Maybe it would have been better if I didn’t explain all of that to her. But, why do they all turn out this way in the end? Is it my fault?