Chapter 41 – Daddy Issues, and Another Locked STATUS
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 “So, uhm… When you-”

 “Shut up.”

 Still inside the ruins, I was resting due to the recent up in whatever I received recently. While I was resting, I stored the Relics and Artifacts on the floor.

 “Can y-”

 “Shut. Up.”

 While I was resting, trying to recover my body, the woman, named Ayla, who was stuck, or better, jailed here, kept talking. Can we admire the silence for a few seconds? I had my left hand extended, storing everything.

 There was a new log, on my field of vision, too. It showed the things I was storing. Well, these things varied from top-notch artifacts, relics, to shitty ones. Like, this one that can make milk after collecting a cow’s milk only one time. For chefs, I guess that should be very useful, huh?

 There’s also some scary ones, like this one that will drain a person’s life force. By life force, I mean the remaining life of the person. Yeah, it sucks the life of someone. Thankfully, it can’t be powered, without using an Elder Dragon Heart. I could make it work with little mana, though.

 There was a slave collar, with a very strong effect. Well, it’s a nice effect. The owner decides the effects to be put, and it will activate them, according to the owner’s will. This is scary if you think about it. I’ll take it. For a VERY good reason now. I glanced at the Vampire-Oni Princess on the cage.

 “Speaking of which… What the blast is this [Discord] skill.”

Skill – Discord
This skill, is the duet of Anarchy.
When the Stacks of Anarchy reaches 100%(
260% in total right now), the user can sacrifice the Stacks of Anarchy, to get a strong boost on its STATUS, getting on par against a stronger opponent.
The user will feel its body lighter, and pain or injuries will be lessened, and/or healed, while the Stacks of
Anarchy are still in place. Even if the user deactivates the Discord Skill, the Anarchy Stacks will be consumed nonetheless.
At the end of the use, even if the user stops the skill prior to the time end, the user will feel its body heavy, and sore pain. Healing Magic will not work… Your Restoration, might work though.
The total time that the Skill
Discord will be activated is calculated as such: Amount of Anarchy stacks x 0.5 (half a minute) x Skill’s Tier ÷ 60(amount of seconds). Right now, the skill has 11 minutes, and 23 seconds of duration.
This skill, cannot be classified by the System.
“Even myself do not understand such
a thing. Good luck though” – Ziuna, Goddess of Knowledge

 “Da shock?”

 “What is it?”

 “Nothing that will matter to you.”

 After reading the skill’s description, sure as blast this thing will be useful. Getting up, I stretched my body, and even used [Restoration], which it worked, just like the description mentioned.

 I then glanced at this Ayla, I checked my Digi-Storage, checking that Slave Collar I saw it before. After looking through its traits, I nodded, and brought it out.

 “You wouldn’t…”

 “But I will. You see, I don’t trust people that easy. Oh! Don’t worry though, we’ll make it like a contract of some sorts. By your little Species, you’re half vampire. Well, I’m going to kill a vampire, and you gonna help.”

 “And what if I don’t want to?”

 “You’re free to stay here for the rest your life. Choice is yours.”

 She clenched her teeth quite loudly, and clicked her tongue, looked down, darted her eyes around, and finally she gave in, with a loud sigh.


 “Alright. Let’s settle the contract. You see, this collar…” I explained to her what the Slave Collar did, and all of that. “And that’s it! SO! First of all, I’ll hear you out, and help you out, until we finish this mission. You’ll obey my orders, as long as they don’t involve night services, and all of those shenanigans.”

 “I thought you would-”

 “Rape you? Order you to ‘serve me’? I’m not that kind of creep.” She had a confused face… “Anyway, going on. Whenever you want to drink blood, cause Intuition is telling me to be careful on that approach, you gonna talk to me, and I’ll give you some of my blood. And if you try to control me, by any chance… You gonna meet your maker. Got it?”

 She gulped, and nodded.

 “Nice! Now let’s get the shock outta here. I’m hungry.”

 I put the collar on her neck, and with yet another teeth grind, she relaxed. I searched through the Relics and all of that, for something that could get this woman out of her cage. Didn’t found anything though.

 “Really? Tch!”

 I activated my blade, and tried to cut through her cage, but no lucky. What the blast is this thing? The description said, Vampire Cage. It locks vampires to the eternity, is what is says.

 Cracking my neck to the sides, I put my hands on the cage, and started the [Transmutation]. This thing was basically made out of Mondálium, and some other ‘Holy Metals’, like Orichalcum and Gold.

 Everything was Transmutable though. Glancing through my STATUS, my MP and HP were decreasing steadily. Oh, so there’s a trap to someone that has Transmutation, huh? No matter. I can deal with it! With both [Transmutation] and [Alchemy] activated, I negated part of the HP drainage, but the MP was decreasing faster than before.

 “I can feel my arms getting free…”

 “Yeah! Just! One more second… C’MON! WHO WAS THE IDIOT WHO BUILT THIS?!”

 After a few more seconds, I felt my arms burning, and my body getting all sore. What? There’s a trap under another trap?! Booby traps?! C’MON! Putting more effort on that, the cage finally wobbled like liquid. And let go of the woman’s arms, and body.


 She face planted on the floor. While I fell on my back.

 “AaahAaah… The blast was this? Aaah… Huh?”

 The cage started trembling, and fell on the ground as a puddle of liquid. With a bad feeling, I pulled a jar out of Digi-Storage, and put the strange liquid inside, and tried to store it, just to be rejected by Scan.



 “Your cage, is actually a metal slime.”

 The slime wriggled was also trapped as well. It was strange to find out about that. With the slime inside the jar, I activated my left gauntlet other function, the flames. I made the flames stronger, and the pot, which was also an Artifact(another one a chef would really be interested in), wouldn't break, even with high temperatures. Oh! And things inside wouldn’t rot.

 The Slime wriggled in pain, probably, inside the pot, and after about 10 seconds or so, it settled down. With scan on it, it showed that it was simply Liquid Metal, with the metals it was listed on it. Hunh. This has a fire core on it too. And it’s probably what is making this thing stay in liquid form.

 “Well, let’s get the blast out of here.”



 “Don’t WHAT ME?! I need clothes!”

 “Oh! Right. Forgot bout that.”

 “How can you forget about that?!”

 “I don’t have clothes for you though… Aaaah… Just use this for now.”

 I took my Coat off, and gave to her. Fortunately, my skills got up quite a lot. [Flash Step] reached Tier 7, and [Agility Mode] too.

 “I can’t move.”

 “Oh yeah. There’s that huh?”

 “That what?”

 With Scan, I checked her body. Despite being beautiful, she is actually malnourished. Not only that, but her ligaments and other parts of her legs are in a bad shape. Holding my temples, I simply squat down, and grabbed her via bridal carry.


 “Carrying you outta here? And I don’t have time for complaints right now. And neither does you.”


 With she shutting up, I activated [Agility Mode], and rushed out of that place. I could fit all of the Relics inside my Digi-Storage, and already made a selection of some of them. Since the ones I had selected were more utility wise, than destruction wise. Do I even need destructive equipment?

 After about 15 minutes of running through the ruin, avoiding conflict as much as I could, we could see the light at the end of the entrance tunnel.

 “Finally! We’re reaching the outside of this shocking plaaaace… WHY THERE’S MONSTERS AT THE ENTRANCE?!”


 Glancing behind us, I saw the Vampire guy. But Scan said he was dead… How?

 “Tch! Why don’t you die, already?”

 “I ain’t! Dying for something! So sssssimple!?”

 “Oh, you didn’t died. But your voice got pretty shocked up… Quite literally.”


 The guy took a -finger?- out of nowhere. The blast that finger for?

 “No! Don’t let him eat that!”

 “Eat?” Aw, blast.

 The guy munched on the finger, which apparently was the pinky finger, and started swelling once again. With a roar, his body turned into a black mist, and… he got huge. Like, really huge. Gigantic. A Kaiju, to be honest.

 “The shock that finger did to him?”

 “That was my father’s finger!”

 “And why’d your father would give it to him?”

 “My father is the Vampire Lord. He can do that. He shared a piece of his own body, and that guy just ate it. He received a boost on all of his capabilities now.”

 “Hm… Got it. Though, it wasn’t really a good idea to get that big…”


 “Cause this is that huge worm territory. It’s the turf of the worm.”


 “I’m not running! I’m gonna watch!”


 The ground rumbled, and the giant guy glanced to his left, and a giant- MY GOD! THAT THING’S HUGE! The worm came out, trying to devour the threat. The Vampire Kaiju was able to stop it with its hands, but the worm was insistent. Just as I was about to say a one-liner, I received a call.

 “Kenji-Sama! Can you hear me?!

 “Oh! Hi Lucy! What’s the matter?”

 “Excuse me?!


 “Kenji! What the hell is that huge Kaiju battle?! We can see it from here!

 “Hmmm… Long story. Short time. Anyway, I gotta deal with this.”


 “Meh, I have my ways. They’re called, metal rods, and lightning. Lots of the last one.”

 “You’ll gonna use the lightning to hit the rods, and defeat that thing?

 “You’re pretty fast on the uptake. See ya in a bit.”

 Looking to the situation, things weren’t good. The Vampire Kaiju could squash me like a bug, not that he would do it. But my plan needed time to take action. Cause I didn’t had rods at my Digi-Storage, and couldn’t work on them if this woman was with me.

 “Tch! I was about to say a one-liner.” And I end up forg-… Forget it! I got it! “HEY! ARE YOU GUYS HAVING AN UGLY CONTEST?! I’LL MAKE IT EASY FOR YA! YA BOTH WIN! Nice. Now I can work.”

 “I don’t think that was really necessary.”

 “Hey! It’s really important to say one-liners as much as you can! Life isn’t easy, you know.”

 “Aaah… What you gonna do, exactly?”

 “There is lots of things that someone can’t fight. Mother nature is one of them. You gonna stay here, try not die.”


 “Here then. This will keep you safe.”

 I tossed her the Shielding Badge, and brought Raubtier out. The monsters were staggered due to the fight between the worm and the Vampire Kaiju, so I had a small time window to use. The moment I got on Raubtier, the monsters glared at me.

 “Come and play with me!”

 I drove towards the 2 fighters, and could hear, albeit faintly, the sound of the monsters behind me. Seeing a giant rock on the ground, looking exactly like a spike jutting out of the ground, and pointing upwards, I got super excited. Oh! Cool! A ramp!


 As soon as the ramp came to an end, I made a front flip, storing Raubtier, and bringing out Fujin. The first Vehicle I created. It’s been some time! On top of Fujin, I flew around the 2 monsters fighting, looking at where exactly I could toss the rods.

 His back was a good target, but I don’t think I had enough strength to toss AND pierce the back of the guy.


 Taking out 4 iron ingots, I mixed them haphazardly, making a giant and contorted rod. Flying even higher, I felt the effect of the height already. Gotta be quick! I turned around, getting as much speed I could, and when I got at a close distance from the Vampire Kaiju, I tossed the rod.

 The rod traveled at quite the speed, but it wasn’t enough to pierce completely its back. It did entered a bit. I think, 12% of the entire rod. Shockwave it is! I charged the most I could, and tossed a Shockwave at the rod, making it pierce about 30% of the rod. Now it won’t come out easily.



 I avoided the arm swiped at me. The Vampire Kaiju was free from the arm wrestling battle with the Sand-Whale, and tried to get me down, but just he was about to reach me(I was still, by the way), a lightning fell on his back, or better, on the rod I pierced him.


 The lightning paralyzed the guy, while I tried to approach him, and toss some Zerstörer charges, but the monsters that he commanded defended him. Seriously?


 I flew away, avoiding the blobs of acid, spikes, fire balls, and everything I could. There were Chimeras, Manticores, more Khnums, Royal Basilisks, and lots of other smaller monsters. Like the Kaze-Goblins, Sapphire Scorpions, and everything I faced up till now.

 Taking Ravager out, I was able to mow down more and more monsters. The main problem though, was that I couldn’t hit all the time. Firstly, Ravager was already inaccurate, and second, I was flying, making the shots harder to hit. Meh, I was able to hit them either way.



 Once again, the Sand-Whale came out, and the Vampire Kaiju defended itself, trying to push the monster off.

 Taking that chance again, I pulled more ingots, and did the same again. Took some height, dived, and tossed the rod, with a Shockwave right after. With me doing more earlier than before, I was able to hit 3 more rods, when the Vampire Kaiju simply pushed the Sand-Whale away again.


 The lightnings felt on his back, making him arch and fell on his knees. HP’s almost out. That’s my chance! Flying lower, I stored Fujin, going into free fall. Then, I used my grappling hook to reach on the neck of the Vampire Kaiju.

 Then, I put a LOT of Zerstörer charges around his neck. The most I could put… I used everything, putting around 12 charges around it. Also, I charged them with mana. I was able to do that, thanks to [Extreme Augmentation], and I think it’ll make a big mess… Lots of it.





 With the transmitter in hands, I pressed the button. A loud and strong explosion resounded, and with it, a strong Shockwave, that tossed me backwards. I was at free fall, by the way. So the impact… wasn’t nice.

 Rolling on the ground, and finally getting up, I glanced ahead of me, seeing a giant monster falling face first on the ground. Oh! And a single bone holding his head, which IS the spine. The flesh around was, well, obliterated.

 I Flash Stepped close to it, and used Scan. This guy’s still alive! He’s regenerating! Tch! You sure are resilient! I charged a Shockwave the most I could, to the point that my entire body was shaking(due to the amount of vibration on the gauntlet), and punched the spine.


 I felt a sharp pain on my fingers, probably broke them, but the result was nice. The bones were crushed, and when I glanced at the flesh mending itself… IT WAS STILL GOING?!

 “The blast? Ugh! How?”

 I started getting desperate, seriously. Burned wounds can’t heal normally. Well, they can, but it takes too much time. This guy’s HP is decreasing while trying to heal its head. Idea found!

 Touching the flesh that was healing itself with my left gauntlet, I activated the function of flames coming out.


 A scream came from the head, which is strange, since I think I destroyed the vocal cords. Please fantasy fiction, don’t make the body move without the connections to the brain. PLEASE! Thankfully, the body wasn’t moving, and the healing flesh I was burning, started shrinking instead of finishing healing.




 With that, I upped the intensity of the flames, burning the entire base of the neck. The guy was still screaming, and after a few minutes, it finally stopped. When I looked at Scan, it finally said the guy was dead.

 “Phew!” I sit on the ground, sighing heavily. “This was… really intense… Ouch! Fingers broken… Store this thiiiing… It became small. Well, whatever. Please have a Bloodiest Core?”

 Scan stored the body, and when it entered my Digi-Storage, it didn’t had a core. What a shame… Oh! I’m LVL 60! Half way through my LVL cap.

 My STATUS really had an upgrade on it. And this guy gave me the up that I needed to LVL 60. Funny though, the contracted monsters didn’t gave me any XP at all. This guy gave me the 9 LVLs I needed.

 “Let’ see here… Nice… Wha?!”


Name: Kenji Species: Human Age: 15 Years
Rank: B-Rank LVL: 60 (↑9) {Locked} SP: 38’943 (↑9’593)
HP: 18’971 / 29’400 (↑4’410)
{+2’000 ↑1’000}
MP: 32’429 / 119’400 (17’910)
{+6’000 ↑ 2’000}
STR: 16’800 (↑2’520)
INT: 58’500 (↑8’820)
CON: 19’200 (↑2’880)
+3’000 ↑2’000}
AGI: 44’100 (↑6’615)
DEX: 42’000 (↑6’300)
LUK: 65 (↑9)

 • Gunslinger (Tier 9 3UP)Sharpshooter (Tier 7 2UP)Scout (Tier 7 3UP)


 Passive Skills
  • Supernatural Vitality (Tier 2 1UP)Supernatural Pool (Tier 6 2UP)Supernatural Body (Tier 3 2UP)Supernatural Dexterity {Locked Tier 5}Supernatural Mobility {Locked Tier 5}Killing Instinct (Tier 9 2UP)Anarchy (M)Improved Anarchy (Tier 1 NEW)Supernatural Senses {Locked Tier 5}Intuition (Tier 9 3UP)Discord (Tier 2 1UP.NEW)

  Magic Skills
 • Fire Mastery {Locked Tier 5} Wind Mastery {Locked Tier 5}Lightning Mastery {NEW Locked Tier 1}Agility Mode (Tier 9 3UP)Flash Step (M)Heaven Step {Locked Tier 5}

 Resistance Skills
 • Fire Resistance (Tier 8 3UP)

 • Vampire Slayer (NEW) Superior Anarchist (NEW)

 “What? Why some of my skills are locked?”

 Taking out the fact that my STATUS got higher, my skills were locked. Not all of them, but… most were.

 “I’ll take care of that later. Need to get back to where that woman is.”

 Reaching the woman, who was playing with the sand, I landed, and got down too. My body was heavy again. I didn’t activated the [Discord] skill, so why? It was like my body was being nerfed by someone else.

 “You defeated him?”

 “What you think?”

 “Aaah… My father won’t be happy about that.”

 “Aw, daddy’s gonna be pissed? If he’s the guy who wants to use me as a sacrifice, then he can get pissed all he want! I don’t care.”

 She glanced at me, sighing once again. And then! She opened her eyes in surprise, looking at me again.

 “What? Found something?”

 “You’re a Pure Mana Source…”

 “According to your father’s lackeys, I am. Wait… That means…” I pointed towards her.

 “I’m the daughter of the Vampire Lord, Victor le Gant. Ayla le Gant.”

 “Oh! Daddy issues!” She looked away. “No, but seriously now… What you have with your father? You look… pissed. Like, wanting revenge. For what? Jailing you here?”


 “Look, I’ll be the one ripping little daddy’s life, okay?”


 “Dunno. He pissed me off.”

 “That’s not enough reason.”

 Her voice got more serious, and her eyes- OOOOOOH BOYYYYYYYY~! Were a lot more serious.

 “Your father took the only people I consider descent. And then! He needs a boy, to ascend. That being me. You can do lots of things to me! But if you do something to those I know, AND! Consider somewhat descent! Ohohoho! We’re gonna have a problem.”

 She gulped and kept her serious glare on me.

 “Now! I said my part. How bout you spill the beans out? Because you WILL help me out.”

 She looked more pissed than before, but she finally gave in.


 The night was approaching, so I made a hut, and also food. I was curious about this woman, apparently, teenager, since Vampires take some time to get old. How the blast you have 350 years old, and you’re a TEENAGER?!

 She said that Vampires could eat normal food, just that blood was more satisfying. She doesn’t need a great amount of it, since she’s Half-Oni.

 “My father and mother’s clans have been fighting for a long time, but then. The humans attacked the Oni clan. Almost wiping them off of existence.”

 “Hunh. So there is some still alive then.”

 I prepared a Khnum’s stew. Its meat was soft at his chest. What? It was Scan that told me that! I mean, if you think about it, a Khnum, which is the evolution of a Minotaur, is basically a 2 legged cow. Change my mind if you can! HAHA!

 “There is. But they are hiding. To let the royal blood of the Oni to keep living, and have a truce with the Vampires-”

 “Your mother was offered as a bride.”

 “Yes. The reason being, to save both races from the Humans hunt.”

 “But that didn’t gone THAT well, huh?”

 “It did. For awhile.” she gobbled down all the food... in fact, 90% of this stew was all for her. I made some small rice, and roasted some Desert Bull’s meat. Also made some skewers. Even then… “This will do for now, I think.”

 “How can you fit all of that! In that slim body of yours?!”

 “I got to be stuck on a prison for 300 years. What you expected?”

 “Geez… Guess I’m gonna need to kill lots of edible monsters, huh?”

 “Anyway. When I was born, my mother took care of me with all of her kindness. And maintained me away from my father all the time.”

 “Why’s that?”

 “I didn’t knew at the time. But my father… Is the Sinner of Greed, apparently.”

 “Oh! Makes sense now.”

 “I was born by the relationship of a Vampire and Oni. And had 2 Bloodlines.”

 “Bloodline? What’s that?”

 “A Bloodline, is a power certain people have, since birth. My father didn’t had one, but he acquired.”

 “By the Greed sin, I suppose.” She nodded. “Ah. I see the entire picture now.”


 “Your mother’s Bloodline. He took it, right? And your Bloodline, is completely different from both your mother, and father. Right?”

 “My father’s Bloodline, is the simple ability you saw today.”

 “Ah. He can share a part of his body, giving a boost to anyone?”

 “Not anyone. Only to Vampires.”

 “Okay. Creepy, but okay. And your mother’s Bloodline?”

 “She could connect herself with the Nether-realm. She can gain a strong boost on her STATUS. Being as powerful, if not more, than my father.”

 “And now he has it.”

 “Yes. But not like mother.”

 “How so?”

 “I’m not sure. But it isn’t like her way of using it.”

 “Okay. So! What about yours?”

 “I… As long as a part of my body remains… and the Nether-realm is still existing… I can live.”

 “That’s very OP.”

 “You too, no?”

 “What? I don’t have a Bloodline. I’m not even from this world.”

 “Okay then.”


 “No, forget it.”

 “Now I’m curious! C’mon! Tell me!”

 She ignored my pleas, and controlled her words. The conversation finished quite quickly after that. We both fell asleep quite quickly too.

Here it is! Hope you like it! Also, does Kenji has a bloodline? Even being from another world?!
That's very sus... Anyway! Thanks for reading~