Summer Serenity
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Rays of post-noon summertime sunshine filter through
The large, sturdy weeping willow - swaying and shifting with the shadows -
Centered in the lush, beautiful garden,
Lightly falling down like powder snow, upon the vibrant grass, and the figure laxing beneath it.
The sound of calm summer breeze whispering through foliage,
Carrying with it the waft of sweet summertime treats,
As well, the noticeable presence of various orchids.
Air humming with the activity of bees, the cries of cicadas,
Inspiring content.
A small garden pool and river flows gently, silently,
Peacefully --
Sunfall approaches, and passes; with it go the bees -
Though replaced with crickets, the air still hums,
The cool summer night a new sensation,
The sky alight with heavenly entities,
A petrified river in the sky, accompanied by awe, waves of light streaming,
The aurora flowing silently,
The full moon high and large in the sky,
Casting a cool, pale light upon all,
The landscape, almost eerily, glowing --
The calm summer breeze rustles foliage once again,
The subtle sound of the insects temporarily overtaken by the quaint wind,
A luminous summer night - relaxing,
Silently --