Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

After the ant-type monsters were completely annihilated, the ape type monsters didn’t waste any time to once again subdue and capture me along with the Savaga and the Hackclaw. Normally, I should be able to at least fight back and use my wit to escape especially since my bounds had been completely removed. But because of the fatigue after fighting back against those swarms of ants, I surmised that resisting would simply be a waste of energy. And when I looked around, it seemed like the Savaga and the Hackclaw were also completely exhausted just like me and that was why we were easily captured once again by the ape type monsters.

While two Banobos and a couple of Lesser Banobos were making sure that we wouldn’t be able to escape, the rest of the ape type monsters were being led by the Tronobo to completely demolish the former nest of the ant-type monsters. And probably also by the order of the Tronobo, a single squad of ape type ran and disappeared inside the passageway near the nest. Most likely, that squad was tasked with the job of disposing of the remnants and strays who had managed to escape during the attack.

Judging by the actions of the ape type monsters so far, it was clear to me that these monsters were simply defending their turf against those ant-type monsters. Furthermore, I also had a feeling that those ant-type monsters were an invasive species that originally didn’t belong in this area. The proof of that was the surrounding area of their nest which had completely turned into a barren land, unlike the rest of its surroundings. Of course, it was also possible that the area wherein the ants had built their nest was already like this from the very beginning. But given the unusual way in which the barren land had formed surrounded by the greenery of the jungle, the possibility of this being the result of the invasion of the ants was seriously high.

Of course, even if that was really the case, I wouldn’t suddenly become sympathetic to these monsters and join their cause. After all, I saw no merit in helping them and it wasn’t as if I would be particularly bothered if this area was completely turned into a barren land. Besides, these monsters were technically forcing me to fight for them, and they also had no qualms about using me as bait and a sacrificial pawn. Worst of all, I also had this feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time that these monsters would do something like this. Most likely, as long as we (the three monster prisoners) were still breathing, these ape type monsters would surely continue using us as the sacrificial pawns. And beyond all of that, there was also the problem of the ruler of these ape type monsters.

Fortunately, probably as a result of fighting those swarms of ants, I actually gained two levels effectively making me a level 26 monster. With this, I only needed to level up four more times, and I would reach the Third Evolutionary State of my species. Which meant that I would essentially become an alpha class monster and would probably be as strong if not stronger than my late father. Though one thing to note was that I had a feeling that this Tronobo was about as strong as an alpha class wolf from where I came from. And if that was really the case, then that just put into perspective how strong the ruler of these ape type monsters was. In short; the leader of these monsters is in the Fourth Evolutionary State or maybe even higher.

Of course, if we were only talking about insanely powerful monsters, I had no doubt that the Drake and the Cerberus was currently at the number one spot. But after seeing them up-close, I had a feeling that evolving into the Fourth Evolutionary State wouldn’t be enough to reach that level of power. Most likely, those monsters were at a level higher than that or maybe even beyond that. Though because of all that fact, the best possible scenario would be if the ruler of these monsters was only in the Fourth Evolutionary State.

Well, it will be in my advantage if the monster turns out to be an ally. Though that is too much of a wishful thinking so it will be for the best if I don’t hold on to that.

It was then that the ape type monsters finally finished demolishing the nest. Following that, the ape type monsters started gathering some ant carcasses that were still in good condition. Obviously, those carcasses were gonna end up as food for the ape type monsters. And most likely, I would also be eating those things as well.

I sighed. You guys better give me lots to eat after this. I earned it after all.


Intermission: Expansion and Conflict

Out of nowhere, a new alpha class monster had appeared from the ape type monster species. And though this particular alpha class monster was relatively new and was of unknown origins, it still managed to accomplish a feat that could put its peers and predecessors into shame. The feat in question was that the monster had managed to unite all the existing packs of ape type monsters living in the area under its rule. Not only that, because beyond its power and status as a unique kind of monster, the alpha class monster in question also seemed to have an exceptionally high level of intelligence. Then as if that wasn’t nearly enough, the alpha class monster also had no qualms about sharing its knowledge towards its kins and subjects. As a result, the ape type monsters’ forces had become unrivaled and they eventually succeeded in completely taking over the whole jungle type area.

Of course, it wasn’t as if the culture of the ape type monsters suddenly became as advanced as those of the humans. In fact, as time passed, it had become painfully obvious that the knowledge which originated from their ruler was still crude and primitive at best. Still, that didn’t change the fact that the knowledge provided by the alpha class monster was the reason why the ape type monsters had become the ruler of the jungle type area. In other words, the alpha class monster had essentially built a primitive kingdom of apes inside the hostile environment of the Great Vicious Caverns.

Naturally, after the ape type monsters had managed to completely take over the jungle type area, they then set their sights on what was beyond the border of their domain. Truly, this greed and thought process was reminiscent of those of a human. Maybe this was the reason why in this world, there was a belief that humans were a close relative of apes. In fact, there were even some members of the high races that used this as an insult to what they called a race of hairless apes. And just like in those human nations and kingdoms, this decision eventually led into a whole new conflict and bloodshed to the newly born kingdom of apes.

Fueled by that desire, the ape type monsters created a squad for the sole purpose of exploring the regions beyond the jungle type area. Of course, because there was only a single squad assigned to explore the region beyond the boundary of their domain, the exploration proceeded slowly at the beginning. And for some unknown reason, the ruler of the apes also made it clear that removing the boulder that was blocking a certain passageway wasn’t allowed by any means. From the perspective of the ape type monsters, it was as if their ruler was holding some amount of fear and apprehension towards that passageway. But because they all knew too well how powerful their ruler was, the thought of disobeying that order didn’t even cross the ape type monsters’ mind. After all, if their powerful ruler was showing that kind of reaction to whatever it was beyond that passageway, then surely, the thing that was dwelling beyond that was unbelievably terrifying.

And so, the exploration to the deeper ends of the Great Vicious Caverns proceeded. Because of that, the ape type monsters discovered how vast and confusing the interconnected caverns was. Furthermore, during their exploration, they also discovered new kinds of monsters some of which were powerful enough to contend against a whole squad of ape type monsters. As a result, quite a number of new squads were formed greatly expanding and accelerating the exploration process. And that was when the ape type monsters met the group of monsters that would threaten the existence of their primitive kingdom.

At first, the ape type monsters simply dismissed the existence of those ant-type monsters as something trivial. But then, all of that changed after an exploration squad found the area wherein the ant-type monsters had built their nest.

Normally, the ape type monsters should be able to overwhelm a group of ants using their well-coordinated attacks. The problem was, the area in which the ant-type monsters had built their nest was as expansive as the jungle type area. Furthermore, there were numerous ants crawling on that whole wide area. In short, the ant-type monsters could easily overwhelm the apes using their numbers alone. Then, to make matters worse, among those numerous ants, there also exist quite a number of ant-type monsters who actually reached the Second and Third Evolutionary State.

When the ape type monsters realized that, they ultimately decided to avoid any confrontation against the ant-type monsters. But alas, the Great Vicious Caverns stayed true to its name and finally bared its fangs against the apes. Because right just after the apes decided not to mess with the ants, one Anties Scout had managed to discover the location of the jungle type area. Following that, the ant-type monsters finally began their invasion on the primitive kingdom of apes.