Special | Dragon Dragon Dragon
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I'm preserving the author notes. 

Dragon Dragon Dragon

And I am half-back from hibernation! The happy new year everyone! This was supposed to release during the new year. But it turned out way longer than expected. And then I went into hibernation again so I couldn't get it finished! I am sorry... I've been a lazy dragon! You all know how annoying elder dragons are... they insist on drinking and stuff... Anyway, I took a slight break after human tests, and I'll probably be back once human stuff resumes. Whenever that is. I'll probably throw in a couple of chapters, or rather write a couple of chapters, but nothing like the other almost daily schedule I had going on. Sorry about getting everyone's hopes up!

Although I hope everyone enjoys this because it was probably the hardest thing to write I've ever written! Hope it turned out alright... It's also 5.1k words long...

Also, this chapter is kind of canon, just don't take anything too seriously >.> because it might create plotholes...