Ten years and omen
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The world is full of people who live full of themselves very happy in their ignorance of one the world 's largest, almost unable to move forward in life more than that of what fate they put in front .


then are those who live dissatisfied with the stagnation and decide to deal with the reality of the attempt to scale the obstacles that the brake to move more in the life and for what usually does not end well for one not always can see the end of the road , these are the dreamers and idealists that end abruptly his rise to root of the circumstances or by the whim of others more strong .


and next to the group above are those that become the obstacles in opportunities making it part of their growth turning people unique , the pioneers in their own way .

- ( Higher Academy of Babylon )

- Fragment of test -

- Title : The why .

Author : Leman Tadeus


The village Sepian is one village located on the outskirts of the kingdom Anglia in the extreme west of the kingdom , if we were to point out that it makes it special compared to other towns that would be the size it is populated by more than 10,000 inhabitants and that it becomes almost in a small town .

One does not expect such size in one village on the outskirts but not be rare in this place due to its location is one of vital importance due to that in the part west of the village is located the forest Angrout one of the few forests magic that adjoin with the kingdom of the which it can extract many materials premiums for potions , some of the main sources of income of the people , as well as materials extracted from the monsters of low grade that you inhabit .

Another thing that makes it special to the people is its origin , as the founders some once belonged to the nobility of Anglia ; They were treated to the descendants who belonged to the faction of nobles contrary to the family royal and who fled after losing in the confrontation politically .

Sepian has several things that any other people envy as one library public that is founded on combining the stocks of the books belonging to the nobles of that era and baths public created for the first time by necessity , due to the lack of space available , with tools and artifacts that allow the extraction and the flow of the water , among other things . 

This is the people in the you live I , all my life since that I remember 've been living here , my home is the only orphanage located close to the center of the village , according to Beatrice , one elderly woman friendly member of the church of the god of the sky and the director of the orphanage , I was left at the gates of this place when I was newborn .

Nobody has seen my parents or not one track of those who are , but I have left to worry for it as the passing of years , the only thing that I have with me you could say that I left is my name .

For years everyone from Beatrice to the workers and even the other children in the orphanage I have called Arthur and I took as my name , by curiosity one day he asked Beatrice to the respect and I said this after the waver one bit .


"... in reality are not you put that name , thought that never the preguntarías so we did not think it was to give you this ." ( Beatrice )  


After of that he walked to his desk and in one drawer pulled out what it looked like one small note and me the gave the which only had written three words , ' Arthur Alexandro Abaddon ' act followed me note that this is dealt with as one that was on my when I picked up one night , is one name curious as the second and the third could be used both as names and surnames .

Living surrounded by other children like me all my life gradually I di account how different it was from the others because I could understand more things and more quickly than the others , at the age of two years old could speak with relative fluency , to the three already could read in letram the language common that is spoken in every one of the 13 kingdoms and four empires human , to the get to this point I di account that my curiosity not would be satisfied with just learning in the orphanage , so they regularly made trips to the library where could read and learn at my whim but no wine without one price , deporsi and ma they saw as something rare for my hair completely black now they look at me as one bug weird for not playing with them for so that I do not have friends .


" Aaaaarthuurrrrr !!! ..." ( unknown )


Well , almost no friends .


" Alice stop yelling at me , we're in the library "


" Betty said that now is the time to eat , we get back ." ( Alice )


" Oook , I just keep the books wait for me "

This girl is Alice , who now is my only friend , she came to the orphanage a few days later in which I what I did and at that time for lack of space slept in the same crib that I , have been together since then and now sleep in the same bed , then of all still having many children .

A difference of with other children , for she would like to be with me , something you do not understand of the whole as was that it if you have other friends besides of me , something that the does highlight is also the Color of your hair that seems to be made of threads of ruby a difference in my to her the look as one treasure rare because the hair red not is so rare but definitely the does emphasize , even more with his features delicate similar to one wrist .

A My 7 years old of age one day that frequented the library I met with him on which would call my master , the alchemist Deimos , is one person somewhat eccentric and also quite higher as has almost sixty years old , his face is seen wrinkled but strangely her hair Brown does not have any gray hair so that it does seem less greater than what it is really , if you question that is eccentric comes from the moment in which what I knew then to the take one book from the shelf before that it , was angry and was put to discuss me and that kind of person is put to discuss with one child of 7 years old for one book of cooking , in order one time after I gave one work in his store of potions and I took as his apprentice , literally , I was reading , it appeared of the nothing , I was taken by the arm , I was brought in front of his store and said " now you're my apprentice and can mourn for joy " at that time was flabbergasted .

I taught many things and thanks to him could interact in full with one issue that not 'be seen in person but me interested more than any other , the " magic ".


" Listen with attention Arthur , when we speak of magic also we are required to address many issues and among them are the soul , the manna and the circuits of mana ; Let's start with the soul , the soul is divided into several parts that form a whole and without some of them one can not be considered really alive , these would be : the spirit , the will , the mind , the nucleus and the source . What that matter to the talk of magic is the " source " that is the only part of the soul that you can move from its location Original , "( Deimos )


According to his explanation the " source " also known as source of mana is one part special of the soul with the function of gathering the manna of the environment to use one yourself and for that there are two ways to use each one available to , and be wizards or fighters from body to body , in the case of the magicians the source of mana is merged with the mind giving access to the circuits of mana needed to conjure spells complex , the disadvantage of this method is that the body physical acquires one limit for so much one magician for what usually is physically weak . With the fighters body to body or warriors it is different , because it merges the source of mana with the source vital to the heart , ligand and the body with the manna , to this function and the power it generates is he known as  "ki"  and allows increase the strength physical as well as the limit of this to levels superhuman .

If Well his explanation of the above not been very detailed and explains how they work each one if I mention the levels of these , in the case of the warriors each level are you known as rings of the which there are nine and in the wizards also there are nine levels but these are known as circles .  


"... Arthur if you 're curious about this , but not 're ready , because not even have awakened your mana , so that I 'll leave for another time , well now talk of the elements and the attributes as well as the affinity ". ( Deimos )


The elements are divided into nine of which are water , fire , earth , air , metal , wood , electricity , darkness and light . All the people have one affinity with at least one element on which on reaching the stage of the first circle is converted into the type of magic that one can make . The attributes for the other side is referred to the characteristics special to have types of mana of which can be purchased or inherited depending on the source of these , some of the most famous would be the attribute sacred that it acquired mainly priests and the attribute divine that what directly bestowed by the gods upon giving their blessing , as well as the life and death attributes available to druids and necromancers respectively .

Every time you encounter something you do not understand you will always ask to the teacher who by the General has one answer , one time when he turned nine years old he asked something that I was intrigued .


" Master, do you know how I can become handsome ?"


I thought that was one question valid , then thought to improve my appearance I help to form my relationships with the other people , but I think that teacher is what took staff in any way . I look with a face as if he were crazy and estubiera aciento one question stupid and at the same time seems outraged , I was impressed that this expression facial was possible ,


"... that ? think that because you're one child cute have the right to make fun of us all to face average ... - whisper -... by God for it not I pleasing you the handsome ...- whisper -... !! ¿ because Mery ,? !! which it is that I do not '...- mourn - . "( Deimos )


Apparently I opened one old wound that will put a murmur of how incomprehensible and of suddenly began to mourn and came running to his room , and spent a few hours trying to comfort him . But even so I gave some answers to other questions that had as because Alice is always watching me is watching with care of every idiot who is alone .

Esque to the look as the master of my traits are considered very attractive to the standards with features fine but not get to be feminine and with one look of seriousness practically glued to my face , could consider myself someone with " good genes ".

Also it is when I do accounts that would like Alice and if well also I like prefer that she was the that you express .

today it I have as only ten years old and already and I managed to wake up my mana and with the tecnca of the teacher me and given account of my affinity with the fire because just sing the spell simply called manifesto and will meet in the palm of the hand the element with more affinity something that I was surprised is that Alice also awakened his mana and to the make the prueva she also has affinity with the fire and even seems better than me .

The days of learning still no end and I think exploit to the maximum so that you can to get to be someone in the future .


" Arthur going to sleep , stops to look at the window ." ( Alice )


Leave it that I'm doing and I dispose of sleep , Alice and lying and as always stuck to my side I close the eyes and think that the future would be good if they continue as is .


In the night dark of a sudden the figures of power on the continent it felt , and turned to the sky , there just over the moon on the horizon one star shone with one glow that of just see it provoked fear and dread of the unknown , one foreshadowing more of a terrible calamity , the star shine to dull the moon and then was extinguished . them what they knew , what they felt and were witnesses to the warning of the gods , a born one " great king demon ".