Chapter 48: Welcome to the Capital!! Please beat some sense into us!!
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"Fufufuhahahahahahaha...! Yes! Your face...! Your face dear...!! You are making a delightful expression!! Hahahahaha...ahaha..hahaha...just looking at your trembling lips and blushed face is...!"


"I-Indeed....hahaha...I swear it was just for the outfit...hahahaha!"

Yeah right...

It so weird...

I am seated right now but the feeling of my naked butt cheeks is still there...ah...just being conscious about it makes it worse...


Erevain and the rest seem to want to ask me why am I making this kind of expression but how can I tell them?

'Hey, your Goddess is a big perv that likes seeing me make embarrassed faces and for that, she just put on me a dental floss level thong...which I bet is black...'

"Do not go saying those things about me! I have an image to maintain! Dummy Dear!!"

Then don't go putting thongs on me without any warning!!!

Now I will have to walk through the capital like this!

I am bound to be seen!!

That is how fanservice works!!

What? I shouldn’t be ashamed because I already show myself a lot for fanservice?

Even if you are right, you are wrong!!

Those times I did the fanservice out of my own volition!!

In controlled spaces too!!

"Do not worry, dear~~. No one but me will be able to see your underwear, even if you were to cross paths with a brain-dead protagonist that seems blessed by the god of lucky pervert moments. Not myself by the way."

Ah so you found my stash of To Love...wait...what did you say before that?

"Hmm? That I am the only one able to see your underwear, dear~~."

That is...somewhat reassuring but...

"Well, I am letting my beautifully dressed lover go to her first crowded city, a Capital, nonetheless. Of course, I would take precautions against perverts that might want to take a look at my dear's ample and soft goods covered in alluring black lingerie!"

Well that is nice to hear...but I am not going to be looking to end up in ecchi accidents and such, you know?

"Fufufu~~~, so cute, so sweet, so naïve, my dear naïve. You are ignorant to the ways of this world. There is no need to end up in such accidents when you have a skill that lets you see through clothes or the equivalent spell."


"That is why all the clothes I make will counter anyone who tries to do so with a light punishment...kukuku...yes only not worry...I will only make them see a dream where they are in the place of the one being watched..."

I can't say if this one is Dark Nerinne or Pervynne...

"Do not call me Pervynne!!! Mou!! Cowros!!"


"A-Anyway...I already enforce this to repeated offenders, although a small percentage ends up…liking it for some reason. The point is, that I am the only one that can see through your clothes and look at your alluring self in new lingerie at any time I want!!"

I am redder now...

"Besides dear, with your luck being the way it is, I do not think that you will end up in accidental ecchi situations so be at ease."

I suppose so...

Hey Darling...

"Yes, Dear~~?"

Did you notice that you went back to your normal way of speech just now instead of the more formal one?

"Whatever do you mean, dear? Fufufu~~, if I do so, it is because I love you, dear. I love you so much, so just be calm and enjoy the Capital, yes?"

Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?

"Shush dear, remember no instinct based spoilers."


After giving the Maid-Knights a more believable story than what just happened things got a bit boring as we waited in line to get in.

It feels like just waiting to log into this new online game and the thing seems to take forever.

"Good, the Royal Knights are the ones guarding the gate and taking care of the flow of people instead of the gatekeepers. For them to be this obvious…”

Says Erevain while looking through the window at the armored people patrolling on the side of the line and the gate.

Yeah, I let her stay in my place.

So, I will have my first look at the capital when we reach our stop and get off the carriage.

And of course, I'm going full 'This place is full of different people!' and 'Oh this is really a city in a fantasy world!' just you wait!!

Ooops got to enter the dialogue.

"It means that all is going according to plan."

I really wanted to say ‘keikaku’but they wouldn't understand...

"Indeed, My Lord."

Erevain nods while turning around to face us.

"Be happy, Sophie. The thing you did in the village has now turned into a useful tool for Master."

Says Gabrielle while looking at the pilot seat with her usual smile, but it seems that she startled Sophie instead of making her happy.

"...! I-I just did what I thought was good at the time. Now the credit goes to Miss Allegra and Miss Luca, yes, yes! A-After all, they were the ones doing all the work in this trip! Yes!"

Says Sophie nervously.

Poor girl…maybe I should give her another massage?

"My, you do not have to be so humble, Sophie. After all, the idea was still yours."


Sophie lets out a wry laugh at Gabrielle's words, which might or might not be her teasing Sophie.

Regardless of that, what Gabrielle said is correct. Luca and Allegra have been intercepting and manipulating the reports of the spies dispatched to the villages we have visited.

Just as Sophie suggested and did at Illumbee village with the help of Luca.

So, if they were smart enough, they would notice that we were coming to the Capital and take the appropriate precautions.

Either covert ones or more obvious ones.

And they seem to have gone with the latter, heh.

"They are expecting the Knights of the Ever-Burning Will that are mentioned in the reports."

"Group of...males...with...strange names..."

Says Allegra and Luca with mischievous smiles on their faces, and everyone lets out a small laugh at the irony of such words.

Yep, I came up with that and the strange names.

Japanese, English, German, Chinese, Spanish, etc...

All weird names from my world.

Guess which ones.

So yeah, they are not looking for an important lady and her maids.

*knock* *knock*

Oh? It seems that our turn to be checked has finally come! After all, the one knocking is a Royal Knight along with their partner who is waiting by their side.

"Well met, travelers! This is a regular checkup, so please, open up!"

Says the Royal Knight, his armor is mainly steel colored, although it may not be steel, with some red and gold hues here and there.

It seems tough, but it isn’t something that Erevain and the rest can't deal with.

"Of course. Please, wait for a moment."

Says Erevain while getting up and putting her hands on the doorknob.

"Remember everyone, smile."

I say so while making a gentle and charming smile, and everyone follows with their own.

As expected, Gabrielle has it down to the last molecule.

And Luca looks so cute! I bet she is going to charm someone!

Meanwhile, Jules looks kind of...menacing? But it seems that she is just trying too hard.

With that, Erevain opens the door, letting the sunlight enter even more and showing the inside to the Royal Knights.



And we’ve got a critical hit! Just look at how surprised they are at the scene that is in front of their eyes!

Yes, yes, yeeees...fall into the pit that is the maid fetish...

"G-Good morning..."

"Pardon my mumbling partner, good day fine ladies."

Heh, even if you say that, you are as red as your partner right there.

"Good morning good sirs. Do you wish to enter and check our belongings, or will you check our luggage at the back?"

Says Erevain acting perfectly as my head-maid.

Having heard her story, I guess that such thing is easy for her due to growing up with two attendants and a little sister.

She is probably emulating how they acted in front of others.

Even if the Knight's eyes are not on her and instead, he is checking out the rest of the maids.


Ah! There it is! This 'proper' talking knight got charmed by Luca! Ha! You are man of culture!

"N-No w-with this orb we can—! Queen Theresa?!"


The 'mumbling' knight is now kneeling after seeing Erevain’s face, he has even dropped the orb they were going to use for the checkup.

"What manner of stupidities are you shou—! Queen Theresa?!"


And another one goes...

Poor Erevain, she didn’t even have the chance to clear the misunderstanding with the first and now there’s two Royal Knights kneeling in front of her.

"Goddess no, please stand up, kind Knights. It is but a misunderstanding."

Says Erevain while getting off the carriage and helping both Knights to get up.

They are still a bit shocked though.

"My name is Eresh, I serve My Lady as her head-maid and I am truly sorry to say that I am not Queen Theresa. But I wish I could be at least half the woman she was."

Says Erevain with a heavy smile on her face and slightly looking down.

Do not worry, Erevain. You are your own hero, even if you are still not completely convinced.

Still, she is pretty much saying the truth except for her name.

As you know, using her real name could be problematic, so I thought of an alias for her to use while we deal with everything here in the capital.

That means she has a false name and a true Name... inner chuuni is dancing in joy.

Anyways, the Knights have noticed Erevain's heavy smile and that seems to have done the trick.

"N-No, we are sorry..."

"Indeed, we apologize for our behavior. We did not seek to make you uncomfortable."

"Then, all is forgiven."

I say so while coming out of the door.

"...! I-I thank you for your forgiveness, milady!"

"...! Such magnificence! I-I mean, yes, thank you for your forgiveness!”

Heh, their reaction shows that my [Royal Presence] is working fine.

"Please, use your magical item to continue with your duties."

I say so with a smile and they quickly straighten up as if I was truly their superior.

""At once!""

With that, they activate the orb by injecting their mana into it and it releases a light in a way like that of a scanner, which ‘scans’ the carriage and us.

Maybe the white light will turn red if they detect hidden weapons or whatever they are looking for, but that won’t be a problem for us.

After all, my and the maid knight's weapons are hidden in a separate space. All thanks to the enchantment in their outfits and in my case, my magic.

Even then, their outfits also block any kind of appraisal-like ability on them while my power does the same for me.

That means that that orb needs to be at least more powerful than me to manage to get anything at all.

"As expected, everything is in order."

Says the 'proper' talking Royal Knight with a satisfied smile on his face.

"T-Then please, can you provide us with your name or i-identification papers?"

Says the other Royal Knight.

"Ah, yes. I must be on your may call me, Auros Argento."

The eyes of both Royal Knights go wide.


"Lady Argento! Yes! We were notified by her Holiness' Paladins! We should stop wasting your time! You may pass! I apologize again for the trouble!"

"W-Welcome to the Capital!"


"We have arrived, Master! And wow, this inn looks fancy! I bet the beds are really soft!"

Says Sophie as she stops the carriage right at said inn’s special parking spot for it.

As for the inn itself, it looks more like a fancy mansion than what I would expect of an inn.

Its pure white façade is adorned by the color gold of its window frames and the metal work of the balconies.

But that doesn’t matter!

This is it!

We are finally getting off for good!

Of course, the Maid-Knights go first, as per Erevain's and Erica's instruction of what is proper protocol, and there it is!

The always loved double row of maids awaiting their master!!

One that immediately attracts the attention of other people as they gather around, marveling at the beauty of my Maid-Knights! As it should be!

Then, I step out of the carriage and...!

"This is truly a city of another much different people..."

Elves, dwarves, beast-men, even kobolds...


Nerinne, this is...this is why I told you...

"Yes, dear~~. This is what you have come to explore, to enjoy, and to save."

I know I have said it before it is beautiful...

"And I will be always happy to hear that, my love."

This is obviously a check. Not only on the isekai list but on my new life's list too.

Thank you, my love.

"Fufufu~~~, you are welcome."

Now…before I keep with this beautiful moment, there’s something that I need to do.

So, I close my eyes, expanding my senses and instinct to cover the entire capital.

I won't be taken by surprise again.

That is why I’m looking for a certain mana trail. She is not going to do the same trick again on my watch.

Thus, the world turns completely black for moment...

But then...


Small icy blue 'flames' appear on my mind's eye, and they are everywhere on the capital or more specifically, on everyone.

"Dear, they are..."

Yes, just like the ones inside those villagers...

That annoying ice cream lizard!!

She has seeded everyone with her spell!!


You know what?! I don't care! I am breaking every single one of them!

I mumble the chant in an inaudible voice and crush all those small 'seeds' of her mana at the same time.

No one will notice except for her, but she knows that she can’t do a thing against me.

And if she tries, well, that would be quite the short arc, you know? But Erevain would still kick her butt.

Ok, now that we are done with that lets continue with our usual programming.

I walk past my maids while marveling at what my eyes are seeing and then I turn around to face them, all as I can feel that I’m smiling fully and sincerely as I do.

"We are here."

"Indeed, My Lord. We are."

Says Erevain with a warm smile on her face, just as everyone else.


Something is approaching at high speed...

Let’s turn around to look at what it is.

"A carriage…?"

And it has stopped right behind me.

"I cannot wait anymore! You are coming with me!"

Says a female voice at me while opening her carriage's doors and...


"Ah, that smell! Yes, it is you! Come here!"

"My Lord!"


"We are sorry, but she is going with her."


Exclaims Erevain at seeing them...huh?

Wait, are those paladins surrounding them?!

No, more importantly...who the heck is this woman and why is she easily carrying me while—?!


Groping my breasts?! Hn!

"Wa-Wait! Where are you t-touching?!"

"Ah, so soft!"

"I'm telling you! S-Stop! Ahn!"

"Go, go, to the cathedral!!"




"My Loooooooooooord!!!!"



To be continued...(cue air shot of the carriage speeding through the roads as the credits roll!! Who do you think is that mysterious woman?!) 

Glossary entry #20:

Keikaku: Japanese word for plan. It is also part of one of the enduring memes in the anime community, referenced it many, many anime and manga.

Chuunibyou or its shortened version used here, chuuni: It is a title given to those who have been blessed by the logos of the ideal world, one that crowns those who become aware of their true essence in their early teens, be it via their recently awakened evil eyes or perhaps their incredibly impossible yet absolutely true backstory. Indeed, they are those who have dared to go beyond the masses and see the world in a different manner. Yes, they are you at thirteen when you thought you could use the sharingan and more.


Thank you for reading! Don't forget to drop a heart if you liked the chapter and tell me in the comments if you had chuuni delusions at that age!