Chapter 6 – Ancient One
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The Siren snake’s sniffed the air with great interest - its two slits of nostrils twitching as it scanned its surroundings. Soon, its scales trembled and shimmered under the dark night as it started to purr. Its forked tongue slid in and out from its mouth, licking the scent in the air.

QiuRan cast aside the rain barrier and started healing his wound.

Who has time for a fucking umbrella right now !!

EnYi seemed to be somewhat entranced as she remained stuck in her spot, frozen and unmoving.

The air was thick and humid with the scent of rain. However to demon beasts, a rich floral scent akin to that of jasmine had permeated the air.


The Siren Snake and EnYi had barely regained their senses when the ground suddenly shook and a bestial groan rumbled from deep within the earth.

QiuRan’s head shot up abruptly as his worst fears became reality.

The aura of an demon beast much higher than he can handle started wreaking havoc, emitting tremendous pressure on all of them.

EnYi leapt onto a nearby birch tree while QiuRan, who has prepared for such a doomsday scenario, immediately retreated much farther away - a few li apart from Enyi..

Heal this wound quick and escape !!!, he thought as he grabbed the escape token tight.

The two fools who had been exposed to his blood had not understood the situation yet. One is a medium level demon beast, easy to take care of. One is a young girl, somehow he can take care of her later on. The two dumb fools are still standing so close to the obvious source of danger. Its very likely the SirenSnake will get killed if it stayed nearby. The girl – its regrettable if she dies but if she survive he can take care of her later. The high level demon beast under the ground – since he cant kill it now, its better to escape alive than face death here. He can report it to the elders and hopefully they can kill it before it can track him down.

He cant just teleport back right now and announce his identity to the whole world. There are beast clans’ elders in the gathering area who will recognize his blood’s scent in a blink of an eye.

The birch tree swayed and EnYi leapt off of it. Soon, earth split and a humongous tar-coloured arm pierced through the ground towards the sky, revealing six elongated black claws.

QiuRan casted more defensive spells in alarm while he watched from a safe distance. He hastily tore off and burned the blood soaked rags which was his clothes while healing his wound. Freezing rain hammered against his skin without mercy. Luckily as an alchemy student, he knew how to wield strong thunder-fires required for fuelling pill furnaces. By now he had managed to burn off most of the blood which the water washed away as soon as he noticed himself bleeding. There should be no further trail once the wound heals fully.

This aura…. belongs to at least a high level demon beast at its lowest level and a semi deity beast at its highest. Definitely no one QiuRan or EnYi can face off against even with both their powers combined.

EnYi and the Siren Snake still seemed to be rather affected by the scent of his blood.

They are still hanging around the spot on the ground which was soaked with his blood.

Shield in place, QiuRan ran further off to seek even ground and draw some more defensive and concealment arrays to hide his Qi and defend against the rain as the gash on his arm started to close. More is always better.

The birch tree the girl was perching on was located right above the crack where the demon beast arm clawed through, and En Yi was shaken off it when more of the demon beast struck out from the torn earth. Still dazed and confused, she hung precariously from a broken tree branch, barely able to hold on and clearly unable to cast any spells or arrays.

QiuRan watched and gritted his teeth as he watch the figure dressed in cobalt grappled to reach the jade escape token in her befuddlement.

He does not intend to spill even one more drop of his blood no matter the situation.

He barely can keep his pants on in this situation – not to mention rescuing another person.

For the past 16 years, he had trained himself mentally and physically to be prepared against such circumstances. Protecting himself is no big problem. He has no desire of inviting trouble his way by throwing himself into danger to rescue a stranger and risk revealing his identity and starting a lifelong game of cat and mouse.

Having a yin body, he is the perfect solution to the centuries-long problem of infertility which plagues yang-rich demon beasts. In addition, he is also a perfect cauldron for dual cultivation. Anyone with ambition just need to throw him into a group of hungry wolves and wait for him – the cauldron - to harvest cultivation while being gangbang-ed, and fish him out to be drained when he’s “ripe”. Rinse and repeat.

So, no thank you.

Having a human panacea body is another headache. He’s a living cure-all 1000-years-old ginseng ah, who knows what people want to do with him.

QiuRan shivered in fear, imagining the possible consequences of a fate he had just escaped from with a hair’s breadth.

By now, the demon’s shoulder had broken through the crack as the earth continued to shake.

The tree swayed madly. EnYi’s blue clad figure was hurled off the tree like a ragdoll. QiuRan’s eyes widened as he watched the green shine of the jade token slipped through her fingers before she was flung off.

AIYAAH! Why did she drop……!!??

Urgh!!! This is not worth it QiuRan, he thought to himself as his fingers tightened itself around his own jade token.

She did this to herself ah …..

As if luck couldn’t have it worse, the slightly wounded EnYi staggered towards the blood soaked spot on the ground seemingly instinctively. Despite having only its arm and shoulder out of the crack, the demon seemed to have sensed the blood and slammed its claws towards the same spot. QiuRan clenched his eyes shut and steeled his heart. Soon the rich scent of blood and a muffled thud reached him.

This is not worth it….

Amidst the quaking earth and collapsing greeneries, nothing can be seen clearly. QiuRan sucked in a deep breath and drew a net array. Net arrays work by detecting the spiritual qi of living beings. Different creatures have different aura color in their qis. Demon beasts are red colored. Human are green colored. Different demon beasts have a different shades of qi. EnYi, being from the demon race is naturally red colored too. As long as her qi color is still pulsating, she is still alive. If the color is fading, QiuRan will leave. If she is still alive….

The gigantic beast’s crimson demon qi trembled furiously against broken earth and roots. Amidst those dirty crimson, a bright pulsating ruby blinked weakly.

The little girl is still alive, but barely.

Arghhh, this is so troublesome!!!

QiuRan glared at his wound – now fully closed.

He let out a ‘Tsk!’, clammed his lips shut and evened out his breath.

The next moment he opened his eyes, two light colored irises emitting a sense of stillness replaced the previously frantic pupils. With a flick of his fingers, a teleportation array was casted twice. The demon beast having sensed more prey, thrashed madly against the terrain, eager to sate his hunger. Yet within a blink of an eye, QiuRan was already a few li away from the area, crouched safely under a large cave. He had wasted a significant amount of his Qi teleporting himself to EnYi and then both of them towards the cave.

If its not because he had practiced escape skills relentlessly, he wouldn’t have been able to teleport multiple times within such a short period of time.

In addition, QiuRan had also ventured to this site once the year before in search of a spiritual herb. Fairy FangXin had allowed him access as some herbs for the inhibitor pill are indeed hard to come by and she knew QiuRan was pressed for time.

QiuRan recalled this cave formation’s location and once felt it a suitable place to erect a defensive barrier due to its egg like cavity when he was harvesting previously. Now, this place has become their hiding place.

The girl, EnYi, was bleeding heavily and barely conscious. Her eyelids trembled as she clenched her forehead in pain.

He quickly set her down on the cold cavernous floor and busied himself setting up multiple defensive barriers and concealment arrays again. Biting his lips in annoyance, he picked up his escape token and instead of crushing it, channelled his spiritual qi into it.

Soon, the spot on the teleportation stone stage which belonged to him lighted up and a shadowy likeness of him appeared.

The jade token can transport not only the person but also other aspects of their bodies, including their voices and likeness. However most people use it to transport their own person when escaping as the token will still be rendered useless after each use regardless.

“Reporting to FangXin Shizun , this disciple encountered semi deity level demon beast northwest. Junior EnYi is heavily injured. We are hiding in a cavern north to the beast. Seeking elders’ help”

QiuRan tossed the cyan token aside as it cracked and dissipated into thin air.

In the freezing cavern, blood pooled fast on the rocky ground.

QiuRan concentrated as he directed his effort into healing the girl. Her injuries are heavier than his healing capabilities. Amidst the storm outside and the frenzied shriek and banging of a mad beast against the barrier, he couldn’t hear if their elders had arrived or not. Looking down at the quickly dimming ruby light in his hands, he grated his teeth and opened his mouth wide to bite down on his right wrist. It was at times like these he regretted having chosen a stupid pretty-looking instrument over a clear cut sabre as his weapon of choice during his early years. A fucking spiritual flute cant physically cut his wrist when he need to save qi but a sabre or sword definitely can.

Then again, he never expected to ever ever ever risk himself to save another person like this.

Saving a man in a yaoi universe is dooming yourself to a future of being topped ah!! Look at the amount of tropes where a bottom saved a random man only to be mercilessly topped in the future. He shuddered – half due to the thought and half due to the cold weather. However saving a junior sister probably won’t implicate him much. He couldn’t stand by as he watch a child get murdered anyway. His past life as a medical student had built into him a sense of ethics and appropriateness. He chided himself in his heart as he accurately pressed the bleeding wrist to the girl’s mouth.

You better don’t even waste a drop of this.

Pushing up her neck, he angled her throat upwards so she can swallow the blood.

The wound on EnYi’s body healed at a visible speed the more blood she ingested. Her blue-green eyes gleamed weakly, unblinking under an unmoving curtain of soft eyelashes.

HEH! Indeed, I am a living cure-it-all !

It’s a good thing she’s half dead and unconscious. Otherwise it will be troublesome

When the wounds are mostly healed, QiuRan retracted his wrist and placed her onto the ground. He healed his wound quickly , licked the bloodstains off his skin and threw her a cursory glance.

Better leave some wounds on her so its more realistic

The rain had drenched him into a soaked dog. His raven black hair hang limply beside his face. Unable to bear the sensation of water dripping onto his eyelids, he brushed his fringe aside and wiped his face clean with his sleeves. The weather near autumn was freezing cold and the storm didn’t help.

The beast mauled at the barrier door, sending echoes of reverberations throughout the cave, as if its on the verge of collapsing.

Just in case, QiuRan set up a few smaller barriers just around EnYi and himself. A defensive barrier and a barrier which can gather air just in case the cavern collapses and they are trapped inside.

EnY’es eyelashes fluttered open as she seems to have regained her consciousness.

“Hey you! Do You remember what just happened? I need to check if you hit your head!”

Those blue green eyes stared blankly at QiuRan and she paused for a few seconds before she feebly shook her head.

“Try harder! Do you remember what happened? If you hit your head its troublesome”

EnYi frowned deeply and slowly shook her head.

QiiuRan breathed a sigh of relief. EnYi is still young and it is likely she hasn’t yet gained enough experience to recognize the scent of his blood.

HAH. It’s a good thing you don’t remember or else I will have to hit your head myself.

“Bear with it a bit longer. The elders should be on their way here!”, QiuRan coaxed as he pretended to be a caring person and covered her with his outer robe, which by now had been washed clean.

Ah Fairy FangXin ah, Fairy FangXin….

She tried so hard to persuade QiuRan to pay more attention to his appearance. When she failed, she couldn’t just give up. She eventually managed to force QiuRan into concessions – he was allowed to ditch the pink uniform of the peak but she has to wear only these few sets of robes which she had personally made from scratch.

Silver Crane robes made from 1000 years old spiritual spider silk.

Its non-crease, self-cleaning, and self-drying. With a wash of water, all dirt will come off and it dries instantly.

In this kind of situation, its good to have dry clothes when its so cold.