What if scenario: Color (Split Souls) Gang There’s a Imposter Among Us
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Dead body reported.

"Where was the body?"-Tan.





"Who killed Black?"-Tan.

"Who the fuck killed Black!?"-Red.


"Grey look's sus. I mean, he was just standing there in the cafeteria."-White.

"White, it could also be you. After all, an Imposter would always redirect the suspicion."-Purple.

"I was with Red this entire time."-Tan.


"What about you two?-Tan.

"I was in comms doing my tasks."-Purple.

"I was in the reactor room, doing my tasks."- White.

"Ok, so Purple was in comms. White was in the reactor room; Grey was meditating in the cafeteria, and we were together. "-Tan.

"That means there are three suspects."-Purple.

"Yeah, Purple, Grey, and White."-Tan.

"Hm, there isn't enough evidence."-Purple.

Gee, I wonder how you figured that out. Grey sarcastically thought.

"Let's skip."-Tan.




"I agree."-Purple.

Black (deceased) 0
White 0
Grey 0
Purple 0
Tan 0
Red 0
Skip White G T R P

??? Later

Dead Body Found (Grey)



"Where's the body?-Purple.


"Very sloppy."-Purple.




"Instead of killing Red or Tan, you chose Grey. You see Grey made a trap for the killer after the last meeting; he made himself the bait. If you killed him, a suspect leaving only the two of us. The innocent suspect would know who the killer is you made it a fifty, fifty. "-Purple.

"What do you mean?"-White.

"Simple, you kill me, the others will know. Kill Tan or Red next, and It'll be fifty, fifty chance you'll be voted out. You're trapped."-Purple.

"Hm that is logical."-Brown.

"He's obviously lying! Don't you see it!? He's luring you into a trap!-White(?).

"If we vote Purple, we can naturally vote you out next if you're lying.-Tan.

"Not to mention around the time the body was found, we saw you brushed past us when we were exiting reactor!"-Red.

"You must've seen somebody else!"-White(?).

"No one would've had such a distinct color. After all, Purple, White, and Grey are such different colors."-Purple.


"Face it, we trapped you. Now tell us where the real White is, and maybe we'll spare you life.-Purple.

"Cafeteria, hidden in plain sight!"-Imposter.

"Good, let's vote him out."-Purple.

"What! But you said-"-Imposter.

"I said maybe. I never guaranteed anything in the first place."- Purple.

Black (deceased) 0
Imposter Red, tan, and Purple.
Grey (deceased) 0
Purple White.
Tan 0
Red 0
Skip 0

??? Later

White's corpse; was found in the cafeteria. We managed to find the Crystal of Restoration White couldn't be restored, Black's soul piece sustained heavy damage despite being restored, making him even more insane, Grey was the only victim who fine, after the incident. It was a mistake to start this project. As we didn't find any realms, we also suffered heavy losses. Even losing White. We manage to find his soul piece. We all absorbed it. We are closer to becoming whole again. Project Skeld should've never happened. -??????.

Yep now there's a What if a version of the story featuring the color gang. Is it canon? Yes and no. Is it like an AU or an alternate timeline? Kinda I guess? I don't know.