Chapter 1 – Es Monele
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This is my first time to see many people, is there a festival on going? I hope I’ll not get lost in this city, but where is the guild here?


I’m Es Monele, a 155-year-old elf. A simple young girl that want to be an adventurer, I want to be an Adventurer because I like to have fun hunting or finding new things with a fellow comrade. I’m a talented Marksman, people in the village say that my talent should be an adventurer than a village archery.


So today I will register to be an adventurer and start my new path.


It’s been an hour and I still can’t find the guild, I should ask random person.


From a few distance she sees a 3 partied Adventurers.


I think there are adventurers. I ran towards to the adventurer, when I was about to approach them, I trip on a rock and accidentally fall in a guy.


⌈”Ouchy. Are you okay? I’m very sorry about that.” ⌋ I didn’t notice that I’m sitting at him.


“You’re kinda sitting on me.”


⌈” Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I’m really very sorry sir adventurer.” ⌋


“Ahh. I’m fine, is there anything you want? I saw you running towards us.”


Well I think you are familiar to this city, so I was wanting to ask where the guild is.


⌈” I’m new to this city, I don’t know where the guild is here.” ⌋


“Ohhh, we’re about to go there. If you don’t mind you can join us if you want.”


⌈” That will be great and thanks.” ⌋


He just nodded at me. Base on there weapon they holding I think this guy is there leader and he’s a warrior, the girl on the right is a mage, and the girl on the left is a healer.


Almost all of them is like just started to be an adventurer a few days ago.


“By the way, I’m Arthur. This girl on my right is Isabelle.”


“Hi, I’m a mage. I can use the three main element of magic.”


“And the girl on my left is Mia.”


“H-hi… I-I’m Mia-a. I’m a Healer!”


⌈” Is she okay?” ⌋


Is she nervous about me as an elf? Or is she nervous to people she don’t know?


“She’s okay, she is just a shy person. She always gets nervous to people she’s not close to.”


Oh okay, I understand that.


⌈” I’m Es an elf. Also, I’m an Archer. “ ⌋


“Do elves only can use Bow and Magic? The elves I usually see are mages and archers.”


That’s true. I think their elves more prefer like that, but I think it depends on the others.


⌈” I think it depends on the person.” ⌋


“I think you’re right.”


We finally arrived at the guild.


Inside of the guild is just like a normal headquarters. You can also buy and eat meals inside the guild, there are so many adventurers here.


“Es-san if you’re going to register to be an adventurer, go to that counter.”


He points at the center where there is a counter.


⌈” Thanks again Arthur-kun” ⌋ He just nod at me and walks towards to the stairs.


In the counter, there is a beautiful beastkin woman with a long white hair, white fox ears and tail.


“Hello welcome to the adventurer’s guild. Are you looking for a quest?”


⌈” Not yet, I’m here to register to be an adventurer.” ⌋


“I see, here is a form that you need to sign it and there is a small payment for this.”


There is a ranking system for adventurers, and the ranking can have a few benefits in the city.


I gave her the form that I sign and look at her. Why is this beastkin girl is cute and beautiful.


“Now you are officially a Bronze rank adventurer. If you’re going to a quest, I can suggest you or you can look there in the quest corner.”


⌈” Thank you, I’m going to look there.” ⌋


‘What a good kid, I hope she’ll be okay.’ The beastkin girl thought.


Goblins should not be bad for a first quest. I have already defeated many goblin camps in the past…


“Es-san looking for a quest?”


Arthur’s party is approaching me.


I just nod at him.


“Where are going to have a Goblin Quest, that should be easy. Do you want to join our party?”


Is he underestimating Goblins?


⌈” I’ll join you.” ⌋




Now, we are taking a break after few hours of walking in the mountain.


“Do anyone need water?”


But I can’t still accept the words he says to the goblins. We all know goblins are weak, but there are goblins that are smart and strong. Underestimating them will lead to false action.


“Es-san is there something wrong? You look serious.”


⌈” I’m fine. Sorry if I say something will hurt you, but at the guild, where you’re underestimating goblins?” ⌋


“They are weak, and they can give births in a fast process.”


⌈” I don’t want to lecture you about goblins but when fighting them, don’t underestimate them or…” ⌋




⌈” you’ll have a false action.” ⌋


“She’s just trying to say is underestimating enemy will lead you to lose.” Isabelle said.


⌈” I’m sorry, I think I’m just a little tired.” ⌋


“It’s fine we understand that.”


We continue walking in the mountains until we came to a cave were the goblins quest is.


We enter the cave, the cave very dark and narrow path.


“Look over there.”


He points a mage goblin banner.


⌈” Do you know is that banner?” ⌋


They didn’t answer my question, that means they didn’t know.


⌈” It’s a sign for a mage goblin.” ⌋


“Then we should be careful.”


Everyone agreed.


“We don’t have a new position since Es-san join our party.”


After he discuss our position we continue walking.


Our position is Arthur will take the front, Isabelle and Mia will be in his back, and I’m in will joining the two if there is no enemy in our rear.


⌈” I hear something.” ⌋


I held our torch and slowly walk forward. A few steps more, I saw a one way in the front of us and two more way in each side.


⌈” I heard different footsteps on each path.” ⌋


“Each path has goblins. Our choice is to kill them all.”


I don’t have a problem with the goblins since I have killed them many times in the past, but I’m worried about them.


“We’ll take the side path first and the front path will be the last.”


The path we just take was not bad, there only a small group of goblins.


I have bad feeling that the front path will have a horde of goblins.


In few minutes we already finished the side paths, the only remaining is the front path.


“Mia is your mana low?”


“It’s almost half but I’m fine.”


⌈” I think we’re getting closer, get ready.” ⌋


Everybody is getting ready.


From a far I can see a room with a light, I think it’s a light from a fire.


Closer and closer, we can see the room.


When we entered the room, we saw 3 chained women.


“They kidnapped women to produce more goblins.”


There are few only few goblins here, that’s weird. 3 mage goblins and 7 normal goblins. If they have this numbers that means…


Oh no this is a problem.


⌈” Arthur-kun, we need to be fast!” ⌋


⌈” Isabelle-san, please kill the mages as fast as you can.” ⌋


⌈” Arthur-kun, charge the goblins. Me and Mia-san will cover you.” ⌋


In a few minutes we managed to end defeat them.


“Phew, I think Es-san can be our strategist.”


⌈” We are not done yet. There still some goblins coming.” ⌋


⌈” You two should drink mana potion before we fight a Goblin Orc.” ⌋


“What do you mean Es-san? We didn’t even saw one of them.”


The total we killed in the side paths was only 7 and they are all normal goblins, if we add all of them 3 mage goblins and 14 normal goblins.


You can always see a mage goblin on a horde but not in a small group. There are possible that they are 2 or 3 Goblin orcs in this horde.


⌈” Mage goblins only appear on a horde, and a horde of goblins there is always a 1 or more Goblin Orc.” ⌋


“But Goblin Orc is a Rank C to B Monster.”


⌈” We are not sure if there’s 2 or 1.” ⌋


I only defeated Goblin Orc a few times, my arrow is not very effective but hitting them in a good spot I can kill them.


They’re coming, I can already their heavy footsteps.


⌈” 2 Goblin Orcs get ready everyone. Position” ⌋


⌈” Arthur-kun will frontline, Mia-san will focus on supporting Arthur-kun, Me and Isabelle will damage them.” ⌋


⌈” If one of them try come close to Mia I’ll try to frontline. When that happened Arthur will still focus on other one, Isabelle would help me if that happened.” ⌋


⌈” Did everyone get that?” ⌋


Everyone said yes. Then the Goblin Orcs appeared in the room.


⌈” Let’s kill them!” ⌋


End of Chapter 1