Glossary of Towns and Landmarks
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GLYFYX PEAK: the faction containing the dungeons, graveyard, and nation’s chapel.

ITHMAR CRILL: an underground dungeon where law-breakers are locked away until death.

TOLRUSIR HILL: a graveyard atop the dungeons. Terrain is grassy and climate is cold.

RUSTPOINTE: a chapel on Tolrusir Hill overlooking the country. It is mostly abandoned and remains only for the sake of history.

ZYXARIC ROAD: the road dividing Glyfyx Peak and Uspax.          

USPAX: a village on the Northernmost peak where the magickal folk reside. Made of cobblestone streets and warm climate.

ELLOWAITH STREET: a road that goes through the faction of Uspax.

RULAB DRONRAB RIVER: the river dividing Uspax and Acren.

ACREN: the forest located on the most Northeastern part of Crepegrum, home of the fae-folk and other mischievous creatures. Terrain is bright and lively, and climate is moist.

QUARENRIAN SEA: a large body of water separating the South of Crepegrum from the North.

OSWARIA: a small island on the center of Quarenrian Sea where the Ordinaries live.

GHOST HARBOUR: a boat port on the Easternmost side of the sea.

SILENTWOOD: a boat part on the Southernmost side of the sea.

MAGEHALLOW: a boat port of the Westernmost side of the sea.

AZURIA: a grassy townland in Southeastern Crepegrum where the High Elves reside.

THE AZURE TOWER: the large, three-floor tower in Azuria, home of the High Elves.

ASTRIL: a mountain-range located in Southwestern Crepegrum and the home of the Vampyre folk. Terrain is rocky and unstable, and climate is cold.

SKULLPASS: the horse stable, located in eastern Acren, for any residents looking for a new horse or way of travel.

KILLHOLDE: a bar and entertainment venue in Northwestern Uspax.

SLEEKVALE LIBRARY: the village library located in Northeastern Uspax.

FAIRHAVEN PEAK: a section of cliffs off the coast of Astril and overlooking the Quarenrian Sea.