0.7 – Shira
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It's been about a month now. As a quick side note before we continue; the female, who I've decided to name Shira, will likely be born within a couple of weeks.

I've noticed lots of minor changes from the mutagen, but not almost none are as drastic as what the instructor implied they would be. I'll list off a few examples. 

I've gotten lighter, I would guess my weight has dropped by 10% or so. I'm more flexible now, and my reflexes are better. My senses have gotten even better than they already were. My muscles are… skinnier? I don't know the correct word. More like a pro swimmer and less like a bodybuilder. My memory is frankly beyond absurd now. Oh, and I eat a lot more now too. 

Now, onto the stranger things. The mutagen, or the minor god controlling it, seems to have decided that my ability to detect and understand radio waves is really valuable or something. Because my bioware's integration has skyrocketed. It's modified my brain to such an extent that it hurts to turn my implant off. Mutagen also seems to consider my bioware a part of my body, as it had started improving that too. 

Now, all that sounds like a drastic change for only one month, but you have to understand. There were lots of changes, but they didn't change all that much. Things changed, certainly, but it won't affect me much. Most of the changes were entirely possible for me to achieve with diligent practice and training. 

Also, the stuff that changes doesn't seem as unrelated to my desires as the instructor said. If it just wanted me alive it wouldn't have upgraded my memory or senses or bioware, so I was pretty sure I could influence the end result at least partially. And once I had that thought, I couldn't let it go. 

I kept thinking about it, trying to think of the best possible version of me, hoping that the mutagen will make me more like my imagination. I thought of various powers, of new and wild body parts and configurations, of anything really. Eventually, I settled on an idea; I wanted to protect those close to me. I had preferences, of course, but if it didn’t help me protect others then they were unimportant. 

I also thought a lot about Shira's species, because from what I've seen they're really cool. Being like one of the females would be interesting, and advantageous. It would make raising Shira easier at least. Being a tree would be cool too, though I would miss having mobility. The females also have wings and a prehensile tail, both of which I've always thought were cool. And they have a bunch of exotic senses, which I’m mildly jealous of.

Also, I know it's annoying that the species doesn't have a name. It's a constructed species made by a group of college friends, so of course it isn't an officially recognized species. I'm tempted to just make one up so talking about them is easier. 

After a week all the thinking only seemed to have had a minimal effect on the changes, though it was present. There was a bump on my rump… and my shoulders… I'm pretty sure most of the changes are internal. 

Oh, and speaking internals- no, that's a really fucking shitty segue. Um, how do I do this? Ok, got it. Ignore everything I just said please. 

Do you remember when I said Shira will be born in a couple of weeks? Well, I was wrong. Very wrong. She's being born, right now, as I record this.

- - - - Please wait while I deal with this life-altering event - - - -

Okay then, it's been a very hectic few days. Let me try to fill you in. A lot has happened. 

First, the birth; I'm going to skip it. It was hectic, frightening, gross, and emotional. There was lots of blood and pain and strange fluids, and there was also plenty of confusion and ignorance involved. It was the perfect storm to cause chaos. It was just in general something that I want to keep private and so I will not explain further.

Next, Shira; she's adorable. She looks like a tiny lizard with bat wings. Her face is triangle-shaped which makes her look like she's constantly smiling. She has this cute little forked tongue that she flicks out every so often to taste the air. And did I mention she's absolutely tiny? She's only slightly bigger than the largest of the males, which themselves are only about the size of my hand.

She has four tiny eyes on her face and a black ring that's still somehow an eye near the tip of her tail. Her mouth is full of sharp little needle teeth that would probably snap if she tried to bite you. Her scales are a deep forest green with bits of sandy or woody brown mixed in for camouflage. Her tiny hands have six fingers each with cute little claws at the tips. 

On her cheeks she has really cute little whiskers that are way longer than necessary, they are just like a cat's. Along her back and tail are a bunch of very short whisker-like hairs that are really sensitive. They detect cool things like changes in air pressure, temperature, moisture level, and most importantly they detect air movement! On her face, just under and beside her nostrils are four holes, they look like nostrils but they are actually a type of eye that sees heat! Those are the mysterious pit organs, I searched them up! She has so many cool senses! 

I know, I know, I'm gushing. But she's so cute! I just can't help but talk about her. This entry is already pretty long though, so I'll move on for now. Next up is; sister Neo is mean.

She keeps teasing me about how I was so incompetent that I somehow got the tree pregnant. She didn't even understand what she was saying! And she was loud too, so loud that I found out that the walls aren't quite as soundproof as I thought. Father James had heard her and came to investigate. My god, the questions he asked were embarrassing.

He seemed confused but ultimately agreed to keep Shira a secret from the rest of the family. I don't know why he didn't care about the inbreeding, but it sounded like he didn't even consider Shira a person! He said things like, "it doesn't matter if a tree inbreds, it only matters if people inbreed" and other shit like that! I'm still so mad about it and it's been days since then. 

The rest of the excitement was just stuff like; where will Shira sleep? What can I feed her? How do I hold her? Is she okay? Why is she doing that? There is no way in hell that's a comfortable sleeping position. Wait, so she’s not actually supposed to be that small? My god, she’s growing fast. You get the gist, a lot of confusion and general chaos. Also, I saw someone in a movie do something interesting so I’m going to copy them; 

Ena, out.