Legacy World 6.26
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Naoko stirred in her sleep. A stabbing pain in her head greeted her. The churning in her stomach and feverish heat coursing through her body made it uncomfortable. She groaned and curled up into a ball to hug herself. What happened...? 

What do you last remember? BaoBao checked with her.

... Drinking something very sweet- Oh. God. No... Naoko groaned once more.

"Naoko? Is it very bad?" A comforting touch stroked the top of her head.

She opened her eyes a crack. Tadashi's face filled her vision. As soon as she saw how pale he was, all her pain and discomfort flew out the window. She shot up and cupped his face. "You're unwell again." 

With only the thought of helping him feel better, she covered his lips with hers. Tadashi's eyes went wide as he processed what was happening. He gently but firmly pulled away from her rejuvenating kiss. "I'm fine, it's okay." 

"Don't lie to me." She frowned and pouted. "I know that you still feel sick every now and then." 

Tadashi could not refute that. "I mean, this one's different. I think it's related to what we ate yesterday." 

Naoko thought back to everything she learnt the day before. "Oh. Does that mean we would puke out-" Just as she entertained the thought, strong waves of nausea hit her and her stomach lurched. 

Her throat and nose burned by the end of the ordeal. However, she felt overall better than when she woke up. She finally noticed that there was not just one mess on the floor. She turned her head to look at Tadashi and found that he did the same at the same time. They looked away and sat in awkward silence. 

"I'm sorry for my behaviour last night." Tadashi suddenly said.

Noako blinked in confusion. She carelessly cleaned her face with her clothes then faced him again. Tadashi was sitting on his feet with his hands on his knees. "What's there to be sorry for?" If anything, she felt that she should be the one to apologise for her embarrassing behaviour.

"You don't remember last night?" 
