In the eyes of god – Chapter 12
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Before Aya entered the guild, Hiroki found himself lost in thought, pondering his next course of action. The issue of Aya's and his own white hair had become increasingly troublesome, and despite his efforts to find a solution, he was met with little success.

He had attempted to change his appearance by manipulating his status, but had been unsuccessful. If he wanted to be able to act without relying on Aya’s body, he needed to find a way to shift into a more human-like form. 

That way, he would also be able to establish his own identity and presence in this world.

‘....I should create a network where I can gather more information efficiently,’ he concluded within his mind. 

The notion of becoming a merchant had crossed his mind as a potential solution. Leveraging his knowledge from his own world, he believed that starting a business in this unfamiliar realm would be a pragmatic way to achieve his goals.

Aya has also become a huge asset in his plan for moving forward, which is why he has always been careful about how he acts toward her. Especially today, after she was told to act as he had instructed her.

During the fight against the goblins who had kidnapped many villagers, Hiroki wanted to test something out together with Aya, which is why he said that he was going to actually assist her and teach her the easiest way to kill goblins.

Goblins actually had humanoid forms, which is why Hiroki used his knowledge from his world to stab, slay, and quickly kill the goblins in the most gruesome but very efficient way. They were indeed gruesome, but in such effective and inhuman ways that humans from the modern world would actually call them cruel.

~I'm sorry that I had to control your body like that.~ 

Hiroki apologized to the quiet girl who was on her way with the villager towards the guild.

“No… You have saved my life on multiple occasions. Taught me many new things, and I've grown into who I aspired to be…. What happened today…. was only because I wanted to help them.” 

Aya softly whispered to herself so the villager next to her wouldn't be able to hear her.

~I'm surprised that you would want to save someone like that.~ Hiroki softly chuckled after hearing Aya’s response.

“......Despite how dirty my hands are…. I still can’t shut an eye, knowing that I could actually help them. I don't understand it either…” Aya looked at her own hands as she responded.

~That means that despite your hardships and pain you’ve been through, you still have a pure human heart that still cares for others no matter how much you try to ignore it.~


Aya stared blankly at her own face for a moment before smiling. 

“I have…. a human heart…..?”

Even the villager who was hearing the girl talk to himself looked to his side to see if she was okay.

“Are you okay?” He concernedly asked.


However, the moment Aya raised her eyes, she showed a pure smile of happiness and a hint of tears in her eyes before actually responding to the villager. 

“It's nothing! .....Nothing at all.”

The villager, who was actually surprised to see the girl smile, had his eyes widened for a moment as his cheeks slightly blushed from the pure and happy expression Aya had. But then he looked in front as he thought to himself how a young girl like her should express herself all the time compared to the bloodthirsty look on her face.

Once Aya and the villager reached the guild, they both got off the cart, as they were going to report everything to the receptionist. 

However, upon entering, Aya couldn't help but notice the swift transformation of Mirai's calm countenance into one of sheer astonishment. Suspicion began to gnaw at Aya as she observed this abrupt shift.

“Did something happen…?” Aya mumbled to herself.

~Something doesn't feel right…~ Hiroki's warning echoed in her mind as they continued onward.

As they approached the front desk, Aya noticed that Mirai was busy with what seemed like a knight in a red uniform.

However, at the sight of Aya entering the guild, Mirai's eyes filled with fear. Her expression shifted abruptly, and the knight beside her turned to investigate the cause of her unease.

Aware that it was too late to retreat unnoticed, Aya resolved to approach the two of them. 

“Actually, I was looking for you,” the knight stated, his tone carrying a hint of relief upon spotting Aya.

'Of all times, why did you have to arrive now, Aya?!' The receptionist cursed in her mind, not sure how to dodge this kind of problematic situation.

Aya already recognized that man. It was the same knight that she accidentally bumped into. He was also the one who had discovered her white hair concealed beneath her dark cloak.

“Ah, n-no! She isn't the one you’re looking for!” The receptionist intervened abruptly, hurriedly leaving her desk to position herself in front of Aya, shielding her face from view.

“He was actually here a day or two ago. He was tall, muscular, and had a scar on his arm. Ah– y-yes, I remember it clearly, like it was yesterday! Yes, and I know where he was heading, so I can also help you on that. Mhm! Yeap, that's right! I remember him as clearly as if I saw him a moment ago.”

The knight's eyes widened as he witnessed the sudden and almost theatrical shift in the receptionist's reaction. He stood there, slightly baffled by the unexpected turn of events, feeling as if he were caught up in an impromptu performance.

But despite his confusion, he remained composed, waiting to see how the situation would unfold.

Aya also quickly understood — or, more like, Hiroki was one who got a brief understanding of the situation they were in, giving a small sigh at the unnecessary distraction that the receptionist was trying to give.

“Miss Mirai. It's okay. He has already seen my face…” 

Aya said with a soft smile of acceptance as she moved from the receptionist’s back, revealing herself to the knight.

“Aya, what are you doing!!?” 

The receptionist reacted in disbelief as she saw that her struggle to avoid this situation was already failing.

“It's okay.”

“Ah, p-please, Aya is not a demon, so please don't kill her. I can vouch that she has not brought or done anything evil to our town as well, so please reconsider your decision!”

Despite Aya's attempts to reassure the receptionist about this, she still tried to cover for Aya. She knew that Aya’s hair was going to cause trouble, which is why she was prepared to do anything to protect her.

The rest of the staff and the adventurers who were idling around the guild had fallen into silence as they were watching this whole thing occur. 

Even the knight's surprised expression abruptly changed to one of concern.

“I know that I’m a knight, but…. I'm not the kind of person that would kill someone just because they have white hair….” he softly expressed, “All I wanted was to ask her a few questions and perhaps figure something out.”


After understanding the scene she was causing, the receptionist let out a surprised gasp before going back into her professional stand and coughing once on her fist to change the subject.

“If that's so, then I will inform the guild master regarding any matter involving this situation.” Mirai explained with a stern voice. 

Then, once she explained to the knight how this situation was going to proceed, the receptionist brought Aya with her to the guildmaster’s office in order to explain the whole situation. 

The guildmaster attentively listened to the explanation, nodding thoughtfully. He instructed Mirai to bring the involved knight into the office to clarify the misunderstanding and potentially find a resolution. While Mirai harbored some suspicion toward the guildmaster's intentions, she maintained a degree of trust in his ability to assist Aya in escaping from this perilous situation.

After Mirai got her instructions, she went back to where the knight was waiting patiently in the hallway.

“Please enter. If you have any questions or concerns, the guildmaster is dedicated to addressing them and aiding you to the best of his abilities.” She advised as she pointed towards the office’s door.

"Thank you," the knight responded softly, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Mirai then slightly bowed in respect before walking away. However, if someone would look closely at her face, they could clearly tell how sweaty and worried she actually looked.

‘I really hope that the guildmaster figures something out about this problem….’ 

She prayed in her mind as she went back to the main front desk. However, despite the pile of paperwork she had on her desk, her mind was still wondering about the mess that Aya was caught in. 

As a receptionist and a dear friend of Aya, she felt responsible that she had ended up in this situation. 

She could have stopped the girl from taking the adventurer’s job in the first place, but her plea and courage to help her parents in the first place were something that she simply couldn't turn a blind eye to. 

Supporting her in this way was the best she could do at the moment, despite how guilty she feels.


As Mirai was thinking deeply to herself, she suddenly heard the small voice of a man calling out in front of her desk. She was so distracted by her worrisome thoughts that she didn't notice the man standing there for a few seconds.

However, the moment she rested her eyes on him, she noticed that it was a man in his twenties wearing farmer's clothes. He was the same man who had entered with Aya inside the guild. However, at that moment, she was too worried to ask him what was going on.

“You were the one who entered with Miss Aya? How can I help you?” 


The villager softly said after quietly witnessing all of the ruckus that just happened in front of him in just a span of two minutes. 

“Is something wrong?” The receptionist worriedly asked.

“...Ah, yes, I’m here to give the full report about the investigation in our village.”

And as the villager began giving a detailed explanation of what had happened, Mirai could only look in disbelief at the sudden discovery of yet another hidden goblin nest. 

And what's more, it was completely conquered by a single girl who saved the whole village. This was not only good news, but also a new chance to use it in Aya's defense that she was actually a good person.


Several minutes earlier...

Inside the guild's main office, Aya sat patiently on a couch near the desk, while the guildmaster rested on the side, holding a note in his hand. Silence hung in the air, each person in the room keenly aware of the impending discussion about Aya's distinctive white hair.

The room was quiet, and Aya wasn't saying anything yet due to the suggestion that Hiroki had made to her.

Even the guild master, who was also informed of this expected situation, kept a stern expression while waiting for the knight to inform him of his intentions. 

Of course, the guildmaster wasn't going to make the knight keep standing up, which is why he offered to let him sit on the third couch that was in front of him.

"Ahem..." The knight cleared his throat, a small disruption in the otherwise heavy atmosphere. "I truly didn't intend to cause such a disturbance in your guild. I apologize for this."

"No need for apologies. In fact, we were prepared for an event like this. I made sure to inform my staff members in advance, just in case." The guildmaster's response was measured and calm, his fingers intertwining as he fixed his gaze on the knight.

“I'm surprised to see how much you care about this girl despite having the characteristics of a demon….” 

The knight found himself surprised by the level of care and attention the guild was affording to a single girl, especially one who bore characteristics that might be associated with a demon. He was taken aback by the extent to which the guild was willing to protect her, even in the presence of a knight such as himself. It was unexpected, to say the least.

"Well, it's only natural. Different characteristics shouldn't deter us from extending our support and understanding," 

The guildmaster softly closed his eyes for a moment before staring at the knight’s yellow eyes. 

“Isn't that right…. Ryosaki Sun Barlowe?”

Ryosaki Sun Barlowe, the knight, was momentarily taken aback by the use of his full name. However, a soft smile graced his features as he inclined his head in acknowledgement. 

“I'm surprised you're familiar with my name.” he replied, his voice laced with genuine surprise.

“My job as a guildmaster is not only managing the adventurers guild, but also knowing the potential and influence many fighters hold in this kingdom. Knowing the strongest knight in our kingdom is only part of my duty.” The guildmaster confidently responded.

As this exchange unfolded, Aya, observing from the couch, contemplated the dynamics between these two individuals, each holding significant positions in their own right. However, that wasn't because of her own interest, but because someone inside her was enthralled to know of this powerful knight who seemed interested in Aya.

~Have you heard of this knight before?~ Hiroki asked.

“...I think I have heard of him once….” 

Aya whispered to herself with her hand over her mouth while the knight and guildmaster were having a conversation. 

“He is known as the simbol of protection and the strongest person in the whole kingdom.”

~So he must be quite famous?~ 

“Yes, but no one has seen his face before, which is why no one would recognize him based on just his looks. Some would even say that he is nothing but a myth that the church has made up to reassure people that this country is safe. I'm surprised to know that he is real…” 

As Aya expressed, her gaze focused on the knight’s figure.

‘ the church must have sent him here….’ He reasoned in his mind, piecing together the bits of information he had gleaned from his research.

In this world, religion seemed to have a straightforward and uncomplicated nature.

They state in their beliefs that humans either simply disappear after death or are given a chance to experience eternal happiness— dreams given by the god who has given light to this world. 

The church is also a sacred place, where it holds great authority with the king of this country. While they cannot defy the king, the archbishop can work on his own without permission to eliminate evil and assure protection against it.

They have proven their influence in the past, which is why the king also holds a great deal of trust in this organization that is trying to direct its people according to its own beliefs.

However, Hiroki knew that something wasn't right the moment it was mentioned that not many people believed in it. And what's more, the archbishop wasn't that interested in spreading this religion to the whole world compared to his world.

After Hiroki rethought the whole deal with the church in this world, his attention returned to the knight.

“...that is indeed correct. The color of my hair has also brought quite the misfortune while traveling around the kingdom.” 

The knight with gray hair continued, his smile still on his face at what the guildmaster was trying to say. 

“But that hasn't stopped me from pursuing what I think is right.”

“Then may I know the motive behind your arrival in this town?” The guildmaster inquired, his eyes narrowing.

“Saying that I came here for my own benefits would be half the truth. I came here as a request from the holy church in order to verify whether there is a demon with the face of a human lurking around the town and manipulating the townspeople.”

The guildmaster’s eyes twitched for a moment after hearing the true reason for his arrival.

“And may I know what conclusion you’ve reached after meeting this demon with a human face?”

There was a slight gap of silence as the knight seemed to think for a moment before his eyes glanced over at the white-haired girl who was silently watching.


The knight, however, only showed a soft smile as a first response. 

"There is no such thing as a demon with a human face, and that's why I believe that no further action from me must be taken. I already confirmed it the first time I met her on my way here."

"And how can you be sure of that? Or are you able to tell what a demon dating back hundreds of years looks like?"

“While I’ve never seen a demon before, I have a special blessing that can identify anyone who poses a threat or has malicious intentions.” The knight explained.

"If you already confirmed that she is no demon, then how come you still intend to get in contact with her? Even if she is a random adventurer, she still holds potential that could be considered valuable within our guild."

The guildmaster's stern voice inquired, his eyes not flinching away from the knight’s.

"That is…. because I believe she is the descendant of the first Sun Barlowe. Her white hair is already proof of that, which is why I want to confirm the theory I have." The knight spoke with narrowed eyes and a confident look on his face. 

Aya's eyes widened in surprise at the knight's revelation. She had not expected this turn of events, and the weight of his words settled upon her. She knew that it was impossible for her to be related to a noble, not to mention the shield of hope in this kingdom.

“Descendant….?” She suddenly spoke for the first time.

The room became quiet again as the white-haired girl fell into her own thoughts. But after a few more seconds passed, the guildmaster coughed in his own fist to grab everyone’s attention once again.

"This may not be related to me directly, but I must ask. How will you prove your claim that Aya is a descendant of your family, and if so, what do you plan on doing?"

"Ah, no. It's only conspicuous that you would ask. If Miss Aya is truly a descendant of my family, I plan on taking her back to the main capital, Pixi, so she can take back her title and honor as part of my family. Of course, she will be free to do anything and even serve the country as one of the specially ranked knights." The knight's positive smile remained in place as he responded.

On the other hand, Aya didn't seem that happy or stressed about this kind of situation because she was sure that she was not a descendant of any important family.

Despite the knight's assurances, Aya couldn't shake the feeling that this was a misunderstanding or some sort of coincidence. She had no memories or connections that tied her to the noble family he spoke of. Her parents were villagers, and her life had been a far cry from the glamorous world he described.

I’m sorry, but I can’t be a descendant of the Sun Barlowe family. I already know where my family comes from, and I remember clearly how I was raised. None of my parents had white hair, and none mentioned anything of the sort. My hair became like this due to a near-death experience. And I can reassure everyone that this condition hasn't affected me or anyone else." Aya clarified, her eyes not showing any sign of emotion. 

While the guildmaster looked on with a blank expression on his face, the knight had his mouth slightly open at the explanation that Aya gave. 

It was the kind of revelation that he couldn't believe or match with his side of the story. However, after a few moments of thought, the smile returned to his face once again.

“If I may ask, Miss Aya. May I know your age?” 

Aya was a bit hesitant about this sudden question, however, as she closed her eyes as if thinking about it, she looked up once again in confidence.

“I recently turned 15 years old.”

“Is that so…..” The knight responded with the same kind of expression as he softly closed his eyes in notion. 

After a few more seconds of silence, the guildmaster coughed on his fist once more to break the silence.

“Aya, can you wait outside? I would like to ask a few more questions to Sir Ryosaki — alone if possible?” 

The guildmaster requested, getting a nod as a response from the white-haired girl.

Upon walking outside, Aya sat down in the chair that was very close to the office. With a blank look on her face, she kept thinking of what the knight was saying and how she could be a descendant.

~Are you worried his assumption is just a misunderstanding?~ 

Hiroki's voice broke through her thoughts, earning a nod of agreement from Aya.

~I understand your worries…. However, even if you are not a descendant, that guy is somehow convinced that you are related. Additionally, getting a connection to someone as big as him could be very helpful. Still, becoming part of a family that you clearly know you do not belong to is something that even I can feel is wrong. Not to mention that he could become a trouble for both of our goals~ 

Hiroki explained before narrowing his eyes in a bit of annoyance. 

‘....after all… he might be able to get in my way…’

As time passed, the same receptionist reappeared, noticing Aya waiting with a slightly troubled expression. Seeing how she was waiting in the hallway, she assumed that the guildmaster must have asked her to wait outside. That's why, until the guildmaster finished talking with the knight, she decided to talk with Aya about everything that had happened until now. 

She also tried getting more information about the goblin nest, which she had conquered today, something that was very significant for all the villagers that were outside the protection of the town. 

‘Is this the true potential that the guildmaster saw in Aya?’ Mirai thought to herself as she was recalling how fast and suddenly this young girl was stepping up into higher ranks.

Upon waiting a few more minutes, the knight was soon seen walking outside the office with a satisfied look on his face before directing his eyes towards Aya one last time.

“We’ll meet again,” the knight said as a smile appeared on his face, “and hopefully next time there won't be any misunderstandings between us.”

The receptionist gave a suspicious stare at the knight, while Aya was simply looking with an expressionless face, confused about the meaning of his words. Hiroki did mention that getting involved with him was going to be inconvenient.

“Wait here. I’ll inform the guildmaster about your quest as well.” Mirai advised before entering the office.

“....okay…” Aya remained in the same seat for several more minutes with a single thought in her mind. 

What was going to happen to her now that she had attracted the attention of many new people? Not to mention that they were not ordinary individuals. They were people of high importance, meaning that a lie or two wasn't going to make her life any easier….

~Aya…You don’t need to be so nervous about this small matter.~ Hiroki voiced out once again inside the girl's head. ~Whatever the outcome of this situation, I will be with you. No matter what.~

“...I'm sorry….” She lowered her head as she responded.

She was beginning to see how different the world was now that she was getting what she wanted.

Strength that would prevent her loathsome past from repeating itself ever again. But the strength that she was gaining also had its own consequences. And she was experiencing them right now, where she was getting known as a demon that was supposed to have gone extinct for hundreds of years.

Several minutes later, the receptionist emerged from the office, wearing a forced smile on her face to conceal her stress.

“The guildmaster wants to speak to you.”

Aya wanted to ask the receptionist whether she was feeling okay, but after seeing her hasten back to her own work, she softly closed her eyes. Then, without making the guildmaster wait, she entered the office.

The guildmaster was still looking through some documents that Mirai had given him before he noticed Aya walking back inside the office. 

He put the documentation on his desk before letting out a relaxed sigh after holding back all of the tension.

“Aya… First of all, you can rest assured because no word is coming out about your situation.”

“....I already figured that out, but that won't stop people from spreading rumors.” Aya, who now had a serious expression on her face, looked at the man in front of her.

“That is indeed true. That's why I have found a solution to stop the rumors from spreading, and second, convince the knight, Ryosaki, whether you are related or not.”

Aya waited with the same emotionless expression, but deep inside, she was actually very stressed to know what the solution was. She somehow guessed that that knight wasn't going to give up that easily, and the townsman wasn't going to stop spreading rumors about her white hair.

“Aya…. I want you to join the tournament that is going to be held in two months. The arena where this tournament will be held is in the town next to us, Holl Town.” 

Aya was a lot more confused by this kind of unexpected solution, which is why she didn’t give any sort of response yet.

How was this tournament going to help her avoid that knight and stop the rumors? Is this going to make her situation more significant in this tournament?

~hm….~ Even Hiroki, who hummed inside Aya’s mind, seemed interested in this tournament.

“I understand… Thank you very much for your help. Without your aid, I wouldn't have been able to stand where I am right now.” 

Aya bowed slightly in front of the guild master to express her gratitude for his willingness to assist her despite the fact that she had given him nothing of value.

The guildmaster only showed a slight smile as his tired, relaxed eyes looked at her. 

“You’re very welcome.”

* * *

In the hidden backstreets near the adventurers' guild, a solitary figure in a red uniform moved with quiet purpose

However, his legs suddenly stopped as his eyes narrowed to a slit.

“What is it—”

The moment he tried to inquire about something, a shadow passed by the corner of his eye before a blade reached his neck. The metal was so close to cutting down his neck that he could actually feel the cold temperature of it.


Whoever had restrained him from even bending a finger from his position was someone in a white uniform similar to his. 

However, their size comparisons were rather significant. The female captor, who wasn't saying anything yet, kept calm yet smooth composure as she was facing someone whose body and muscles were more noticeable.

“You already know why I’m here.” The stern voice of the female captor responded, not moving away from the restrained knight.

“She is no demon. There is nothing else that I can do about it.” The calm voice of the knight in a red uniform responded.

“That is no excuse! Your order was to exterminate, not investigate!” 

The female’s stern voice grew harsher as she noticed the unbothered and failed response from the strongest knight in this kingdom.

“This is my final decision.”

Upon hearing his decision, something inside the female knight snapped as if it had reached its limits from hanging in there. However, she did not show it on her face, as her shadow was cast over her facial features.

“Then I will finish what you couldn't.” 

She removed her blade from his neck in annoyance before turning around and carrying off what seemed right to her.

“Hold on—”

However, the knight didn't seem to be done with her, calling out to her with a rather deep voice that immediately grabbed her attention. 

But that wasn't the only reason behind her sudden, unseen flinch. A cold, murderous aura was being released, and no matter how hard she tried to withstand it, she couldn't shake it off.

“—if you try to do anything to the girl, there won’t be any place where you and the church can hide from me.” he warned, his voice carrying the same icy edge that seemed to penetrate to her core.

Despite the impulse to turn and face him, she resisted, her face contorted by the effort of suppressing the potent aura that assailed her senses. A battle raged within her, but she stood her ground, refusing to let her composure waver.

However, if she did look back, she would meet two glowing, narrowed eyes that would immediately scream that he was someone not to mess with. However, the female knight wasn't going to allow herself to show how upset she actually felt at the moment.

“....if you’re that brave to make an enemy out of the church… then suit yourself. I won’t be helping you anymore.” 

She forced herself to respond before walking away without ever looking back. But if seen closely, she was clenching her own fist to the point where her knuckles turned white from the pressure.


Additional plot: Aya has a child-like appearance due to malnutrition during her childhood. In this fantasy world, girls her age typically have developed bodies resembling those of 19-23-year-olds.

A special thanks to all of my Patreons for your support. Your generosity keeps me going!

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