Chapter 39: How to Reject Someone Across Worlds
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One more chapter of lovey-dovey stuff, then back to the main plot.

It was absolute bliss, being here. I’m an adult woman, I shouldn’t be acting this childish, this vulnerable… but simple moments like this, resting here, being pampered, it’s like it’s filling a hole in my heart I never knew was there. It reminded me of that weird sense of nostalgia you get sometimes, yearning for a home you not only can never return to, but that you were fairly certain never even existed. Sort of like...wait, am I in heaven? That must be what that is. I’m so sorry to disappoint you, every organized religion out there, but true heaven is having a cute, antisocial witch give you a lap pillow while stroking your hair.


The reassuring feeling of her hands running gently through my hair blended with the softness under my cheek. The warmth smelled like wool, linen and lavender. Even if she was breathing a bit oddly, like she was nervous, it was still immensely comforting. I even asked about it, and gave her the benefit of the doubt when she said she was fine. I’m going to trust her, of course. I’ve already admitted my feelings, voiced them out loud to her, and she was able to accept that much from me so it’s be odd if I didn’t have the capacity to trust her.


All my nervousness from earlier seemed to flee, my thoughts turning to mindless self-indulgence. It’s like, the dam holding back all my insecurities and emotions had been blown up, with the initial torrent of floodwaters giving way to a healthier, freer stream. Would that make Mary some sort of ecological extremist? I suppose it is a fitting role for a forest-dwelling witch living in nature. I must confess though, just the sheer joy over something as simple has having Mary stroking my hair caused my mind to go blank. Understandable, if a bit pathetic that I’m so touch-starved that even this little can cause such an extreme reaction.


And...I think she’s playing with my ears now. This feeling is, well, something dangerous. Very dangerous. A funny fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach making me want more. I felt myself letting out a throaty sigh. If this goes on I really don’t know what I’ll end up doing. Mary always did give off a feeling of assertiveness, even if she does get flustered at times, but her pinpointing my weaknesses like this is something else. Bravo. I’d expect nothing less of a witch feared and renowned throughout the land, able to narrow in on just the right spot to hit.


I felt the words leak out of my mouth like water dripping from a faucet. “Nngh, the base of my neck, too...” Slowly, Mary’s hand complied, stroking my neck gently. Damn you, brain, betraying me like this.


The fluttery feeling was getting stronger, and my body began to act on its own. Grabbing on to her shoulder, I pulled myself up to face her. Mary’s face was flushed, her eyes filled not with the confidence I had expected, but a yearning look, underpinned by nervousness. Like a hunter, surprised that one of her hunting dogs was a wolf in disguise. Still the puppy she had gotten to know, but one that had grown fangs. The image of her remained burned in my retinas even as I closed my eyes and brought my face up to meet hers.


Her arm reached around to cradle my head, as I could feel the softness of her lips against mine. My heart was racing, a cacophony of thoughts exploding in my mind as I pulled her closer to me. As my thoughts ran miles per minute, a hand found the small of her back, cradling it as we pressed up against each other. Our lips parted, we both gasped for breath, then we kissed again, mouths parted slightly. I wanted more, my body was screaming at me to get closer, to close what gaps remained between the two of us.


My tongue bumped into Mary’s, then continued past it as I began to go along with what part of me deep down wanted, no, demanded of me. That ever-burning desire to become one with Mary, the woman I loved. I continued to kiss her, savoring the feeling of her hand going down





Mary was giving me a concerned look as we sat on the couch facing each other.


“Are you okay? You kind of just...stopped.”


“Sorry, I zoned out a bit.” I explained, blushing. “I guess I was acting a bit too...” More warmth spread up my cheeks at the memory of what we had been doing. From confession of love to making out in like, how long? I really hope she doesn’t think I’m overly forward.


Mary pulled me in for a hug. “You know, it kind of worries me when you do that.” she muttered.


“I don’t think it’s anything too bad. I just got distracted.” I do tend to get lost in thought at the worst of times. “So, before we got distracted, what had we been talking about again?”


“...the person trying to summon you back to the mundane world...”


“Yeah… I really don’t want to go back. Among other things, if I’ve been missing for this long they’ve probably already looked in my apartment… I may have possibly had a few items in there that are questionably legal? I’m too pretty to got to prison.”


“Rose… Actually, I can’t say I’m surprised.”


“Like you have room to talk. Tax evasion is a basic human instinct, at the base of the pyramid for Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.”




“Oh, it’s like, a model on things that motivate humanity. Naturally humans have needs that need to be met, and only once certain needs are met can they start focusing on the next ‘tier’ up. The goal, naturally, is self-actualization and transcendence, but you really can’t work on that much if the base needs aren’t met. But the bottom tier includes basic things, food, shelter, tax evasion, water, just, basic stuff your body needs. Above that is basic safety stuff, security, which I guess was the level I was at in my old world because the next one up is emotional companionship. And then...” I paused. Mary was staring at me. She’d often stare when I would go off on some random topic, but I never considered the deeper meaning behind it until now. “What?”


“It’s just… so fucking adorable. You’re usually so taciturn, so whenever you get excited about explaining something from your world, like this, it’s just like, the contrast is so cute!”




“ You have no idea how much I’ve been holding back on saying this all this. The gap between how you usually are with a cool, reserved demeanor, and how your face just brightens up when you’re talking about something you like, it’s perfection! Going back and fourth between being the ‘strong silent’ type and all happy and puppy like is just, I can’t even put it in words! I could spend all day watching you! I...” She trailed off. “You think I’m weird, don’t you.”


“I’ve thought that from the start.”




“You introduced yourself with a Wizard of Oz reference. That’s pretty weird. And have I ever seen you without that hat? That’s fucking weird.”





“It’s fine. I’m used to it. Do you really think I haven’t noticed how weird you are? I’m okay with it, clearly. If I were to flee in terror at that, I would have done so long ago. Certainly long before falling in love with you.”


Mary looked abashed, muttering under her breath. “Pot, meet kettle...”


“What was that?”


“I love you too. Weirdo.”


“I guess that would make us the Weird sisters then?” I asked.


“In spirit, if nothing else. I haven’t had any kings knocking on my door for advice recently.”


“Wait, recently?” I exclaimed.


“My name does come up in certain circles in high society.” She seemed proud of this. “I’m known for being skilled with potions and divination in this kingdom. Even the court mage, an elderly otherworlder from some place called Virginia, can’t hold a candle to me.”


“Huh, so the court mage is an American?”


“I don’t think so? He always describes himself as a Virginian.”


“Hm, weird.”


“He actually published his journal a while back, it’s a pretty interesting read.”


“I’ll have to check it out… So we were talking about dealing with the person trying to summon me back?”


“Yes. You’ve said you don’t want to go back, and I wont let them take you. So the question is, how are we going to deal with them when they do try again? And I know they’ll try again. This person’s just too obsessed with you. You had said earlier you think you know who they are?” She asked, concern and jealousy swimming in her eyes.


“I guess I did? I kind of got a bit distracted earlier. For some reason.” I answered, blushing. “Whoever they are, I’m going to assume you’re right about them not stopping with trying to summon me back to the mundane world. Just to err on the side of caution. But...”


“But what?”


“Whoever this person is, I must have done the same thing I usually do. I must have ignored their feelings, putting it out of mind, acting like there was nothing there. That’s, well, it’s probably something I should put right."




“They’re going through all this effort to get in touch with me, right? And this is likely caused by me not facing up to their feelings properly previously. I know it’s asking a lot, but if they try summoning me again I probably should find some way to talk to them. Is there any way you could help me do so, Mary?”


Mary sighed. “I don’t want to...but that’s just my jealousy talking. You’re right. It’s probably best to talk this out with them, give them a straight answer. I’ll see what I can do.”


“Look at it this way. It’s getting closure, one final step to put my past life behind you and start anew here, in a new world, with you. I just need to reject whoever this is, and I’ll be finished with the mundane world.”


“It sounds much better when you put it that way.”


I hugged Mary tightly. “Thank you. This means a lot to me.”


“Of course. Anything for my beloved student”