Chapter 10: Lounge Act vs. Sports Man
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~~Meanwhile, up on the rooftop of The Carnation Club~~

Aaryn spotted the enemies stand rear up for a punch, it did not move forward though so Aaryn stayed back with Lounge Act to see what tricks it would try to play. The stand threw its arm out in a wide arc, stretching it out to such a great length Aaryn that Aaryn would get swept up in its punch. Quickly ducking underneath the swing Aaryn was surprised by the speed it managed to wield such a long arm but was quickly punched in the face by a follow-up punch from the Left arm. Aaryn felt his cheek and could feel the blood falling from it. Getting back up he quickly dashed forward with Lounge Act to take a punch to avoid the stands superior range over him, "Ssshhhports Mmaaaan!" The enemy stand exclaimed, stretching its arms out into a sort of wall, Aaryn punched the wall with Lounge Act hoping to just bust through it, but instead, his punch was absorbed by the wall and it stretched inward to take in the entire force fo the punch. Tiny little hands then stretched out from the wall and began punching Lounge Act. They were small and individually weak but getting punch multiple times simultaneously will cause some injuries and Lounge Act backed away. In response, the stand, invariably named 「Sports Man」 from its own words, retracted the wall and from its chest, another part of its body stretched out towards Lounge Act. Lounge Punched himself then quickly uppercut the approaching appendage. 

With Sports Man now dephased its follow-up attack went right through Lounge Act as Aaryn smiled, having no fear of being hit he once more dashes forward to attack Sports Man. Sports Man responds by stretching out a similar wall from last time which Aaryn was able to go right through. He was just about to dephase himself but then noticed that around the stand he had strectched out more of his body to form a sort of lattice around his wall. Making dephasing inside it impossible. Aaryn attempted to punch the lattice but since they were both dephased it simply went through again, "Sssshhhports Maaaann!" the stand hissed out. Simply content to force Aaryn back outside his wall to dephase, Aaryn groaned and lept out of Sports Mans wall. Dephasing himself, almost immediately Sports man reached out to attack but Lounge Act deflected the blows with well time uppercuts, this time Sports Man continued to stretch out more appendages from its arms it flung out forcing Lounge Act to focus on his time deflecting them. Aaryn had to think of something quickly, the more these appendages would reach the more his defenses would simply be overwhelmed, he couldn't afford to force a stalemate as well by just dephasing himself again as Lucy was down below fighting the stand user, he couldn't just leave her to both user and stand. 

Quickly looking around he noticed a small bird house atop the roof, Aaryn quickly thought of an idea. Dephasing himself forced Sports Man to retract all his many appendages reaching out towards them and waited to see what Lounge Act did. Aaryn responding by move forward once more, the slender shape seemed  to almost smile, This time instead of moving into a shield it spread its body out all along the roof, intersecting every point. Aaryn now couldn't dephase and it appeard Sports man forced a stalemate. He heard a feminine yell from below the roof, Lucy! She must've been defeated and now Sports Man was simply buying time till the Stand User could arrive! Aaryn had to think quickly then before it was too late! Looking back to the bird house, Aaryn could see through Lounge Act how Sports Man didn't have any appendages stuck in there. This gave him an idea. Quickly running over to it he dephased the house and jumped in, then dephased himself to stay inside. Just as he had hoped Sports Man took the bait, believing him vulnerable in the enclosed space it lunged forward and moved through the bird house to get at Aaryn. But that was just what Aaryn wanted, with a snap of his fingers Sports Man rephased right into the bird house! Its body parts rematerializing into the wood and various objects resting inside, stuck inside it, Sports Man gave a shriek of pain as Aaryn walked up to its, the only part that never stretched or contorted and punched it as hard as it could. Unable to even be flown backward the stand took the entire force of the blow stationary and it screamed in pain. "Heh." Aaryn chuckled, "Guess I was right..." and Lounge Act began his finisher, "YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA!! YA!" the stationary stand, unable to defend itself took the full brunt of every single hit, when Lounge Act completed its last punch Sports Man was but a pancake still stuck to the bird house before it dissipated leaving small holes in the walls.

Sighing in exhaustion, he got hit more than a few times and was quite weary of it he ran to the edge of the balcony hoping he wasn't too late. What greeted him was what appeared to be a man crumpled along a trashcan and Lucy on the ground looking around. Quickly waving to get her attention he hollered out, "Are you okay!!" Lucy looked up at him and he could see her chuckling, "Yes! Yes! I am fine now! Wait just a minute! Let me open up the roof door and get you down from there!"

Aaryn patiently waited for Lucy to open up the roof door and let him down. When she arrived she looked at the scene and saw the holes in the bird house. Dismissing it she ran up to Aaryn, "That was exilerating! I have never been in a fight before but to show how I can even learn such skills under such pressure-" she is breathing heavily while saying it and Aaryn attempts to calm her down, "It was a difficult fight indeed. I am glad though you managed to make it out of it alright, seems you held your own down there just fine, you must have a good stand." Lucy grinned and instincvely touched her ring. "Thank you, but I must say he did manage to defeat me. If it wasn't for your timely defeat of his stand I would've been a goner."

Aaryn gave an awkward laugh, "Ah well it was nothing..." a brief moment of silence ensued before Lucy seemed to snap back to herself and point towards the door, "Guess we should head down then. After such a fight I am sooo hungry!" Following Lucy down the stairs Aaryn decides to follow up, "I am hungry too after that. If you want we could grab a bite to eat real quick. I know the best place in town for a grea slice of pizza if your interested!" Lucy smiled, "I would love some pizza right now Aaryn thank you!" and the two of them exited the Carnation Club for Lorenzo's.

To be continued...