Chapter 4: Both Sides Now pt. 3
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The 3 people ran down the street making their way to the bay and reach the train station before Alexander could leave the city. Evan took the lead, knowing his way the best around the city with Aaryn and Julian following behind him. They rounded corners and snuck through alleyways to shave off even a couple of seconds on their trip to the station. Eventually, Evan stopped them and recalled Crazy You. Aaryn felt the pain return almost immediately but at this point was recovered enough to move on his own. "Crazy you! Use that light post to scout for Alexander! Let's enter the station meanwhile!" Evan said before running towards the station entrance. Crazy You shake its maracas and leaped into the streetlight. The streetlight shoke a bit before growing two eyes and looking around the road with a muffled "aha!" It would now be able to alert Evan if Alexander was a bit behind them.

The 3 of them entered the train station and took a quick breath. Looking around there were people moving every which way to and from the trains to somewhere else in the city. They were about to split up and look around but it seems luck was on their side as no sooner did they make a search plan than Crazy You returned with a triumphant, "Aha! Master! Alexander has just entered the station! We just beat him here aha! He is nearing the 4th gate!" The 3 of them all sighed in relief as they went to pursue their foe...

They found Alexander calmly walking away from the main terminal and into an area of the station typically reserved for trips or the holidays. They all decided to ambush him before he got on whatever train he was going for. With no one in that area of the station at this time of year, it would be perfect to defeat him and not raise any suspicion by the authorities. They all crept up on the gate and saw Alexander standing at the edge of the walkway seemingly speaking with someone but from their angle, they couldn't identify who or what they looked like. What they did see though is Alexander hand off something to the was the trinket!! Aaryn quickly felt his pockets, damn! How did he get it during that fight? No one else saw him reach for it. Nonetheless, it was gone now as the train started to leave the station. This was their chance!

The 3 of them burst forth from the gate catching Alexander completely by surprise, his surprised demeanor quickly turned smug though as he adjusted his glasses, "Ha! I thought people like you would be stubborn enough to not let well enough is no matter though! I got the arrow back and now its leaving on that train! There is nothing you can do!" He summons Lounge Act and prepares for an impending attack, but instead of charging Julian walks forth, "Money for Nothing!" and suddenly the train stops dead in its tracks and Alexander gets sent flying at high speeds across the station. Shaking his head he slowly gets up and chuckles, "Hehe...didn't realize you could swap such large objects...would've come in handy. Your attack though is irrelevant! It cannot change what has already been done!" Lounge Act punches some of the rubble around Alexander before standing up and this time, moving around towards Evan. "Sorry mates. Nothing is moving right now and I don't have anything in my pockets that would be worthwhile!" Julian says as he looks the room for anything useful. Evan simply nodded his understanding as he gazed around, "Crazy You! The gate!" he shouts, Crazy You jumps out from a hiding space and shakes his maracas once before leaping into the gate. The Gates bars suddenly started moving around from their positions and starting to form a humanoid-like structure. Its two arms hitting each other with a "keshaw!" before charging Alexander, "You fool. Lounge Act has already touched that Gate!" Alexander just stands there as Crazy You takes a swing at him and simply phases through Alexander and Lounge Act, instead of hitting the wall though Crazy You continues falling through the wall! Kolby simply adjusts his glasses and snaps his fingers. As he does so the wall and Crazy You materialize into each other! Evan cries out in agony as his waist suddenly becomes entirely deformed and he collapses to the ground, "C-crazy You! Exit!" he says between gasps of pain.

"Fascinating!" Alexander says as Crazy You confusingly exits the gates and aimlessly wanders shaking its maracas, "What an interesting Stand you are the owner of!" He begins to furiously mumble to himself about the possible uses and the ability of Crazy You. "Evan!" Aaryn and Julian cry out running to their injured friend. "I'm fine." he says with laboured breath, "We still got a fighting chance!" He wearily stands back up. His waist still injured but with Crazy You not controlling the gate it appears the wound more or less has subsided. Gazing at Alexander though Julian thought of an idea, "Evan! I have a plan. I need Crazy You to take another form. Go and find something I will hold off Alexander!" And he surges forth with Money for Nothing to engage Lounge Act. Evan nods and begins looking around the station for anything usable, "Aaryn gazed at his 2 friends and back at Lounge Act deftly blocking Money for Nothings blows, he saw the moves were a bit slower than he was used to feeling with Lounge Act but also Alexander took the moving force of an entire train just a couple of minutes earlier. Either way, even he could tell Lounge Act was the superior stand in a close range punch-off to Money for Nothing and felt terrible he allowed his Stand to be stolen by this man to use to hurt his friends. He had to find a way to help. Looking around he noticed a rock that seemed light enough to throw a good distance, running over to it he also noticed Evan had found a new item for Crazy You a small boulder that has since taken the shape of a humanoid. "Evan throw this!" he shouts and tosses it towards Crazy You who catches it with one hand. Inspecting it Crazy You runs to a different spot of the station opposite Lounge Act and Money for Nothing. The latter now noticeably bloody as earlier, Lounge Act managed to get 2 good punches in. Not having much more time Crazy You winds up and throws the rock as hard as it can "Uuahh!!" "Julian now!!" Evan shouts. Julian looks over to who shouted at him and Alexander smirks, "Ha! You lowered your guard!" and punches Money for Nothing right in the face. But it was too late, with a wave of its hand Money for nothing swapped the velocities of the rock, and Alexander sending the man flying towards the animated rock of Crazy You. Crazy You simply holds out its stoney hand and Alexander collides with it in a loud crunch! Alexander falls to the ground with a thud and doesn't move. Lounge Act then melts away from Money for Nothing leaving the harmless silvery good that is Both Sides Now in its place.

"The bitch is still conscious!" Evan cries out and slaps Alexander in the face with Crazy You. Alexander leaps awake but is to weak to much other than gaze at the 3 very angry, and now all bearing stands walking towards him. "You know," Aaryn says walking right up to Alexander, "You are one son of a bitch. You believe you have a right to everything? You believe that you can just take what you want and expect no repercussions?" He summons a very angry Lounge Act, "Well I reject your belief!" and Lounge Act begins to furiously punch away at Alexander, "YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA!!...YA!" with that final punch Lounge Act sends Alexander careening towards the ticket booth which goes up and covers the now unconscious individual in papers and equipment. This time, he really does not get up.

Julian moves to inspect the body, "Just unconscious." he says relieved at not having taken a life. The 3 individuals recall their stands and decide a hasty exit from the scene is necessary before someone comes to see what happened. The see the train managed to leave amidst the chaos of battle and so decide to count their victories and not try to pursue it. And so, the group run off away from the station back to their rooms and take a load off. Maybe pizza can be had another day.